Upcoming Activities

At short notice, from our associated partner at the Univ. of Oslo we have received the following two invitations for TBLR PhD-students to take part at a one-day research seminar ("Literature, Ethics and Aesthetics") and a two-days' research conference ("Narrative Ethics"), both to be held in Oslo in November 2010:

(1) 18th November 2010: One-day research seminar:

"LITERATURE, ETHICS AND AESTHETICS" (working language: English). Organised by prof. Jakob Lothe, ILOS, Univ. of Oslo, leader of the Univ. of Oslo's PhD-programme "Literature and Classical Subjects (LIK)".

Time: Thursday 18th November, 09:30–17:15

Venue: Lysebu konferansehotell, Lysebuvn. 12, 0712 Oslo

Lectures and papers byJakob Lothe, J. Hillis Miller, Peter Svare Valeur, Julie Kleiva,Liesbeth Korthals Altes, James Phelan, and plenary discussion on The ethical dimension of literary studies.

The seminar starts at 09:30 and ends at 17:15, ensued by dinner.

Luncheon and dinner are free of charge; travel costs must be borne by the individual PhD-student.

There is an opening for participation of up to 5 PhD-students stemming from the researcher training school TBLR.

For FULL PROGRAMME and terms of enlistment, click here, here (Norwegian) and here (English).

For immediate enrollment, turn asap to Kirsti Sellevold () and refer to this invitation.

(2) 19th and 20th November 2010: Two-days' research conference:

"NARRATIVE ETHICS" (working language: English).

Organised by prof. Jakob Lothe, ILOS, Univ. of Oslo and the research network "Nordic Network of Narrative Studies".

Time: Friday 19th and Saturday 20th November – 09:00 Friday–16:30 Saturday, ensued by dinner.

Venue: Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi / The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Drammensvn. 78, Oslo

Lectures, papers and sessions-chairing by Kjersti Bale, Jakob Lothe, J. Hillis Miller, Pekka Tammi, Anniken Greve, Greger Andersson, Jeremy Hawthorn, Liesbeth Korthals Altes, Mari Hatavara, Erik van Oiijen, Eila Rantonen, Sami Simola, Anna Victora Hallberg, Ane Päivärinta, James Phelan, Marina Grishakova, Markku Lehtimaki, Alexander Bareis, Henrik Skov Nielsen, Howard Sklar, Karin Kukkonen, Sanna Katariina Bruun, Nina von Dahlern, Lykke Guanio-Uluru, Klaus Brax and Mirja Kokko.

There are openings for TBLR’s PhD-students to sit in and participate at the conference. However, luncheons and dinners, overnight stay and travel costs must in this case be borne by the individual PhD-student.

For FULL PROGRAMME and terms of enlistment, click here, here (Norwegian) and here (English).

Forimmediateenrollment, turnasapto prof. Jakob Lothe () and refer to this invitation.



27th, 28th and 29th January 2011

Stay posted and check back into this webpage for announcement of and details for enrollment soon to come, regarding

TBLR/National's three-day national researcher training course in BERLIN, 27th-29th Jan. 2011:


TBLR National Researcher Training Course in the Aesthetic Disciplineswith scholarly topic, textual curriculum built around the keynote lectures to be held by invited international faculty, sessions for papers submitted by PhD-students, programme details, group compositions, and practical info.

Organiser: National Research School ”Text Image Sound Space (TBLR)”, Bergen Branch, Norway.

Venue:Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, 27th, 28th and 29th January 2011

Financing: The member Universities of Bergen, Trondheim (NTNU), Agder, and Tromsoe; The Research Council of Norway (NFR); and The Norwegian National Research Committee for the Humanities (NFU-H).

– Preliminary info already now availablehereandhere.

--> Check back on this webpage for detailed course description, announcement and enlistment.


COMPLETED 2010 Fall-term researcher training course 22nd and 23rd Oct. 2010 hosted by the TBLR/Bergen, with full programme, curriculum, PhD-student papers, group compositions, and evaluations:

Professor Stian Grøgaard (KHiO) and the TBLR/Bergen Coordinating Group: "Gilles Deleuze and Aesthetics: Along with Deleuze in Literary, Art and Cultural Studies, with a special focus on affect".Local TBLR/Bergen Researcher Training School course in Bergen onOctober 22-23,2010. First day: scholarly focus on Deleuze; second day: dissertation chapter seminar. Enrollment asap. – More info here andhere.


Other Previous TBLR-Seminars