Unraveling the Underground Railroad Rubric

4 / Qualified
3 / Developing
2 / Beginning
Journals / Student maintained focus on prompt throughout
Student wrote from the point of view of given character
Information stemmed from research of the Underground Railroad
4 / Student mostly maintained focus
Student mostly wrote from the point of view of the given character
Most information stemmed from research of Underground Railroad
3 / Student often lacked focus
Student mostly did not write from the point of view of the given character
Some information stemmed from research of Underground Railroad
2 / Student had no focus
Student did not write from the point of view of the given character
No information stemmed from research of Underground Railroad
Preparation for Talk Show (Brainstorm Worksheet) / Group brainstormed a list of 10 questions, including a mix of some general Underground Railroad questions and some questions specific to each role
4 / Group brainstormed a list of 7-9 questions, including mostly general Underground Railroad questions and only a few questions specific to each role
3 / Group brainstormed a list of 4-6 questions, and only wrote general Underground Railroad questions OR only wrote questions specific to each role
2 / Group brainstormed fewer than 4 questions and were not relevant to topic
Preparation for Talk Show (Question Worksheet) / Group answered all preparation questions on worksheet intelligently
4 / Group answered most preparations questions on worksheet intelligently
3 / Group answered some preparations questions on worksheet intelligently
2 / Group answered no preparations questions on worksheet intelligently
Presentation of Talk Show / Student answered questions from point of view of character with confidence
4 / Student mostly answered questions from point of view of character with some confidence
3 / Student sometimes answered questions from point of view of character with little confidence
2 / Student never answered questions from point of view of character
Computer Lab Manners / Student explored only websites that were part of the Web Quest and worked only on Web Quest material
2 / Student sometimes explored other websites OR worked on other assignments
1.5 / Student often explored other websites OR worked on other assignments
1 / Student did not attempt to work on Web Quest while in computer lab
Collaboration with Group Members / Student worked well with others and made excellent use of time
2 / Student mostly worked well with others and made good use of time
1.5 / Student sometimes worked well with others and sometimes made good use of time
1 / Student did not work well with others and made poor use of time

20 15 10 5

Total: ____/20


*The maximum amount of points is 20. To get a final grade, multiply the total number of points by 5 to get a score divisible by 100.