Unpacking Ecology Chart Paper Poster
Chapter 7: Community Ecology
Creative Title: ______
· List the key terms: Define
· Include a illustration or picture that relates to the topic
Case Study: American AlligatorQuestion 1: The American alligator is seen as a keystone species because “it helps maintain the structure and function of the communities where it is found.” Research another organism that is a keystone species and describe its importance in a community. (Give a short presentation for the class.)
Facts related to the case study topic: / Include additional presentations, pictures, concept map or charts related to the topic.
7.1 The Ecological Niche (Define)
a) Species richness vs Species eveness (Explain) / Question 2 critical thinking: We have 2 national parks surrounded by urban development. One is a large park and the other is much smaller. Which park is likely to have the highest species richness? Why?
Grading Rubric
25 Pts: Terms/creativity 25pts: Facts/Research 25pts: Claim/Justification
25pts: Critical thinking Q2 Total: /100pts
Summarize the main idea of the topic
Poster Session
Chapter 7: Community Ecology
Field Station #: ______Date: ______
Field team members: ______
· Select a concept topic related to the topic being studied
· Prepare a visual display of the concept on a poster board
· The poster must include a title, the standards and objectives for the topic.
· Include all key vocabulary terms from the reading
· The poster can include words and pictures
· Write a short narrative to support your visual
· Summarize the reading from the paragraph
· Present the posters orally in class.
Field Team 1: #1 #2
Grading Rubric:
Each Case study is worth 50 pts.
Per Case study include (10pts each):
*Research of topic clearly evident.______
*Claim clearly stated.______
*Justification of findings.______
*Analyze results of research.______
*Cited source material.______
Total Points: /100