Unni Krishna S R L Samavedam

Date of Birth: 30th July 1985

Present address: Kastanienalle 38, Lübeck,Germany, 23562

Permanent address: Lalitha Nagar, Road no 3, Kakinada, AP, India, 533005

Mobile: 0049-1625766844

E-Mail: ;


Postdoctoral research associate (08/2013-present ), Department of Dermatology, University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Lübeck, Germany


Doctorate (Dr.rer.nat) -“Contribution of cytokines to the pathogenesis of epidermolysis bullosa acquisita”- (2009-2013), University of Lübeck, Germany

Master in Research (MRes) - Biomedical Sciences(2008-2009) from University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland

Master of Science (MSc) – Microbiology (2005-2007) from Andhra University, India

Bachelor of Science (BSc) - Microbiology, Biochemistry & Chemistry (2002-2005) from Ideal College of Arts & Sciences, Affiliated to Andhra University, India


GM-CSF modulates autoantibody production and skin blistering in experimental epidermolysis bullosa acquisita. Samavedam UK, Iwata H, Müller S, Schulze FS, Recke A, Schmidt E, Zillikens D, Ludwig RJ. Journal of Immunology, 2014 Jan 15; 192(2):559-71. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1301556. Epub 2013 Dec 11.PMID: 24337383 (IMPACT FACTOR: 5.52)

Methylprednisolone blocks autoantibody-induced tissue damage in experimental models of bullous pemphigoid and epidermolysis bullosa acquisita through inhibition of neutrophil activation. Lars Hellberg, Samavedam UK, Karoline Holdorf, Martin Hänsel, Andreas Recke, Tina Beckmann, Katja Hardt, Wolf-Henning Boehncke, Tina Kirchner, Nicole Möckel, Werner Solbach, Detlef Zillikens, Enno Schmidt, Ralf J. Ludwig and Tamás Laskay, Journal of Investigative Dermatology, doi: 10.1038/jid.2013.91, PMID: 23448878 (IMPACT FACTOR: 6.193)

Recombinant IL-6 treatment protects mice from organ specific autoimmune disease by IL-6 classical signalling-dependent IL-1ra induction. Samavedam UK, Kalies K, Scheller J, Sadeghi H, Gupta Y, Jonkman MF, Schmidt E, Westermann J, Zillikens D, Rose-John S, Ludwig RJ. Journal of Autoimmunity, 2012 Sep 11, PMID: 22980031 (IMPACT FACTOR: 8.145)

Genetic identification and functional validation of FcγRIV as key molecule in autoantibody-induced tissue injury.Kasperkiewicz M, Nimmerjahn F, Wende S, Hirose M, Iwata H, Jonkman MF, Samavedam U, Gupta Y, Möller S, Rentz E, Hellberg L, Kalies K, Yu X, Schmidt E, Häsler R, Laskay T, Westermann J, Köhl J, Zillikens D, Ludwig RJ. Journal of Pathology, 2012 Sep;228(1):8-19, PMID: 22430937 (IMPACT FACTOR: 7.58)


Joseph-Kimmig- Foerderpreises 2013, University of Hamburg-Eppendorf and Alfred-Marchionini-Stiftung, 1st February 2014.

XI International Society of Dermatology Global Education Award, XI International Congress of Dermatology - New Delhi, 4th - 7th December, 2013

GRK-1727 publication award, “Recombinant IL-6 treatment protects mice from organ specific autoimmune disease by IL-6 classical signalling-dependent IL-1ra induction”, GRK winter retreat, Ahrensburg, 9th-10th November, 2012

Travel grant for 46th annual meeting of the European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR), Venice, Italy, 19-22nd September 2012


Role of cytokine receptors in bullous diseases and their inflammatory pathways
Cellular and molecular signalling mechanisms in EBA
Development and screening of monoclonal antibodies for bullous dermatoses