University Undergraduate Programs Committee (UUPC)Minutes –November 13, 2017
Members present: Mark Harvey, AL; Ethlyn Williams, BA; Angela Rhone, ED; Dan Meeroff, EG; Miguel Ángel Vázquez, HC; Sunghae Ress, Library; Katherine Chadwell, NU; Jerry Haky, SC; Edward Pratt, Undergraduate Studies; Brian Hodge, Maria Jennings and Elissa Rudolph, Registrar’s Office.
Guests:Donna Chamely-Wiik, Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry; Mary Ann Gosser, University Honors Council; Rebecca Lautar, Music.
Absent: Bruce Arneklev, CDSI.
The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Chair Jerry Haky.
- Minutes and Announcements/Discussion
The minutes from the October 16, 2017, meeting were discussed, and the UUPC approved the minutes as written.
Chair Haky mentioned that the UFS would be meeting that afternoon. Because there are UUPC items on the UFS agenda, representatives should appear at the meeting to answer questions, if any.
Chair Haky announced that the meeting’s order of business would be the University-wide item first, followed by those colleges with guests at the meeting—Arts & Letters, Science.
Civic Literacy Recommendation
Dean Ed Pratt introduceda new Civic Literacy recommendation based on Florida Statutes and approved by a state-appointed Faculty Committee. The recommendationwould requirethat two existing courses be modified to include course competencies for civic literacy. Those courses are AMH 2020 and POS 2041. In addition, the recommendation proposes development of a new course to be available statewide. The new course would not be a General Education course, but would contain the course competencies for civic literacy. A student would have to take only one of the three options to meet the requirement.
Chair Haky asked if these courses would be required of all FAU students. Dean Pratt answered in the affirmative but reiterated that the discussion is still informational for now. If the proposal is approved, say for fall 2018, it would only affect new students in fall 2018 and going forward. NU Rep Katherine Chadwell said that since the two existing courses are in the College of Arts and Letters and currently do not appear in her college’s course requirements, she would have to switch out a social studies course for one of the Arts and Letters courses. Colleges other than Arts and Letters may have to make similar switches. Dean Pratt added that the Faculty Committee reviewing this proposal is hoping this recommendation could evolve into an exam, rather than a course requirement, but he believed the state would not follow that direction. Registrar’s Office Rep Maria Jennings asked if the two existing courses would have to undergo description changes. Dean Pratt said yes, but that is not an immediate change. He will follow up with this committee as the state requirement filters through FAU.
Informational Item / Civic Literacy Recommendation- NEW BUSINESS FROM THE COLLEGES
- College of Arts and Letters
Music Department Chair Rebecca Lautar addressed the course changes, piano proficiency requirement and three new courses. She said that the four Class Piano courses never had a number designation in the title and so were slightly confusing to students. Adding sequential numbers removes that problem.
The courses are also undergoing a grade mode change, going from satisfactory/unsatisfactory grading to a letter grade, now that they are part of the department’s piano proficiency requirement. Once regular grading is added, she statedthe department will alter its degree requirements to show where the four credits will fall. The piano proficiency change is required by Music’s accrediting body, the National Association of Schools of Music. After a program review, the accrediting body suggested that piano proficiency be met by completion of the Class Piano courses. This method also makes it easier to see that piano proficiency is fulfilled since the courses will appear on the transcript. The course changes and piano proficiency requirement change were approved by the UUPC.
Moving on, Ms. Lautar discussed the three new courses in Music, drawing attention to MUM 4642. The title for this course seems to cover more than music, but FAU’s School of Communication and Multimedia Studies was contacted and expressed its support for this new course because it does not address animation or graphics. She also mentioned that the Alexander Technique course received support from the Department of Theatre and Dance. The new courses were approved by the UUPC.
AL Rep Mark Harvey introduced a course change to add the Research Intensive component to ENG 4910. This course is taken by students who are not producing a thesis for their degree. With the increased research element in the course, students gain an important addition to their education, and the English department may be able to track students more efficiently. The course change was approved by the UUPC.
ENG 4910 FormSyllabus
RI approval / Honors Research
(New title: RI Honors Research) / 3 / Change title, description, registration controls
Requirement Change / Piano Proficiency
MVK 1111 Form
Syllabus / Class Piano
(New title: Class Piano 1) / 1 / Change title, description, prereq., grading, registration control
MVK 1112 Form
Syllabus / Class Piano
(New title: Class Piano 2) / 1 / Change title, description, prereq., grading, registration control
MVK 2121 Form
Syllabus / Class Piano
(New title: Class Piano 3) / 1 / Change title, description, prereq., grading, registration control
MVK 2122 Form
Syllabus / Class Piano
(New title: Class Piano 4) / 1 / Change title, description, prereq., grading, registration control
MVK 3173 Form
Syllabus / Commercial Class Piano / 1 / Change description, prereq., grading, registration control
MUM 4642 Form
Support / Audio Post Production for Picture / 3 / New
MUM 4665 Form
Syllabus / Sound Recording 3 / 3 / New
MUS 4812 Form
Support / Alexander Technique for the Musician / 1 / New
- College of Science
Chair Haky tabled most of items on the College of Science agenda: Changes in the BA/BS in Biology program; new and changed courses in Biology; Psychology program revisions; and changes to the BS in Neuroscience and Behavior program saying that the items were incomplete or not ready for this committee’s consideration.
The program change in the BS in Biological Sciences/MS in Environmental Science combined major related to a revision of the GRE score, which is in the purview of the Graduate College. The UUPC reviewed this change and, as it has no authority in this case, passed it on to the UGPC.
Donna Chamely-Wiik, Director of the Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry (OURI), spoke about the new CAP course. This course will be an elective for now, but it is being created with the intention of serving as a course in a future Data Science minor or certificate. She indicated the course will always carry the RI designation. The UUPC approved this new RI course.
Program Change / BS in Biological Sciences/MS in Environmental Science / GRE score revisedCAP 3321 Form
RI approval / RI: Introduction to
Data Science /
/ New- College of Business
BA Rep Ethlyn Williams explained that the two new courses are needed for the concentrations in the Management major. ENT 4930 will provide flexibility in the Entrepreneurship Concentration and MAN 4320 will help expand options in the Leadership Concentration. The Management major revisions correspond to the addition of the new courses to the major table and the title change for the Hospitality course pertains to updates in industry requirements. The UUPC approved the new courses, program change and course change.
Program Changes / Management MajorENT 4930 Form / Special Topics /
/ NewMAN 4320 Form
Syllabus / Human Resource Recruitment and Selection /
/ NewHFT 4453 Form
Syllabus / Performance Analysis for Hospitality Managers
(New title: Financial Analytics for Hospitality Managers /
/ Change title, description- College of Engineering and Computer Science
EG Rep Dan Meeroff discussed the one EG item on the agenda, which adds prerequisites to a course that is currently noted as requiring instructor permission only. The UUPC approved the course change.
ENV 4072 FormSyllabus / Introduction to Pollution Prevention and Sustainability /
/ Change prereqs.- Library
Library Rep Sunghae Ress provided the following update:
- International Open Access Week activities at the library, Oct 23-29, 2017. If you missed it here is more information
- “The Protestant Reformation: Impacts and Legacies” exhibit continues until Dec. 15, 2017
- Human Library @ Wimberly, 11/14 at 10 am to noon. 5th floor. Check out a person for a conversation: promote awareness and acceptance of the diversity of the human experience.
Education, Honors and Nursing had no reports.
1.UUPC meetings for academic year 2017-2018 will take place on Mondays from 10 am to noon on the following dates as approved by the Committee in the spring:
Dates for AY 17-18 (Mondays):
FALL: Dec. 11
SPRING: Jan. 29, Feb. 26, April 2, April 30
2.Program revisions approved at this meeting will be considered by the Steering Committee and the UFS on the dates below. Please have a college representative present at those meetings in case questions arise about the program changes.
Steering: Nov. 30, from 2 to 4 pm in AD 305UFS: Dec. 11, from 1 to 3 pm inEE 106
3.Chair Haky adjourned the meeting at 10:58 a.m.
UUPC Minutes November 13 17 1