Approved by Faculty Senate November 17, 2003.
University Studies Course Approval
Department or Program: Biology
Course Number: BIOL 310
Number of Credits: 3
Course Title: Genetics
Catalog Description: Genetics 3 S.H. A survey of the principles of Mendelian, molecular, cytological, quantitative genetics, population and human genetics. Lecture only. Prequisites: BIOL 241 and BIOL 242. Offered each semester.
This is an existing course that has previously been approved by A2C2: Yes
This is a new course proposal: No
(If this is a new course proposal, the WSU Curriculum Approval Form must also be completed as in the process prescribed by WSU Regulation 3-4).
Department contact Person for this course: Kimberly J. Evenson
A2C2 requires 55 copies of the proposal
The proposed course is designed to satisfy the requirements in (select one area only):
Course Requirements:
A. Basic Skills:
1. College Reading and Writing ____
2. Oral Communication ____
3. Mathematics ____
4. Physical Development and Wellness ____
B. Arts &Sciences Core:
1. Humanities ____
2. Natural Sciences ____
3. Social Science ____
4. Performing Arts ____
C. Unity and Diversity:
1. Critical Analysis ____
2. Science and Social Policy ____
3.a. Global Perspectives ____
b. Multicultural Perspectives ____
4.a. Contemporary Citizenship ____
b. Democratic Institutions ____
D. Flagged Courses
1. Writing____
2. Oral ____
3.a. Mathematics/Statistics ____
b. Critical analysis __X__
Approval/Disapproval Recommendations
Department Recommendation: Approved _____Disapproved ______Date ______
Dean's Recommendation: Approved _____Disapproved ______Date ______
USS Recommendation: Approved _____Disapproved ______Date ______
A2C2 Recommendation: Approved _____Disapproved ______Date ______
Approved Faculty Senate Recommendation: Approved ___Disapproved ____Date_____
Academic Vice President's Recommendation: Approved ___Disapproved __Date _____
President's Decision: Approved _____Disapproved ______Date ______
Material Submitted for Course Approval:
Critical Analysis courses are devoted to teaching critical thinking or analytic problem solving skills. These skills are essential to scientists and are a key part of any Genetics course. (A key aspect of a critical thinking course is one that allows the student to apply the material to new situations rather than repeating or rephrasing learned material, or choosing from a list of alternatives).
Overview of BIOL 310 Genetics: BIOL 310 is required for all biology majors. The course is taught each semester with typical enrollments of 45-50 students. In every topic area of Genetics (Mendelian Genetics, Cytogenetics, Molecular Genetics, Quantitative Genetics, Population Genetics), real data is provided, analyzed, and discussed by the class. The focus is less on details then on thinking skills that can be applied to a variety of circumstances beyond this course. Genetics 310 students are exposed to a variety of critical thinking skills, i.e. problem-solving, in-class discussions, evaluation of readings and methodology, class projects, and communicating course material.
This course includes learning activities that require students to:
a) Recognize and evaluate appropriate evidence to advance a claim.
Through in-class exercises and exams, real genetic data or pedigrees are evaluated. An example of this type of exercise is to determine whether the data fits a particular model or inheritance pattern. Analyzing the validity of data sets requires the use of statistics and probability - skills that are learned in this course, and which also apply to situations beyond genetics.
b) Apply critical analytical skills in making decisions or in advancing a theoretical position.
There are often multiple approaches to solving a problem. In some cases, students are asked to provide the steps used in solving a problem, then, in groups, the steps are evaluated. Often, exploring wrong or alternate answers is helpful. Students work out a problem, and then discuss why certain approaches will (or will not) work. In other problems, students are i) given genotypes and expected to determine phenotypes, ii) given phenotypes and expected to determine genotypes, or iii) given progeny ratios, and expected to determine genotypes and phenotypes. Another problem-solving situation used in this course: Students are sometimes divided into teams to design interesting or difficult problems (related to the current topic). The teams are then challenged to solve the others' problems. The discussion about the problems, and the struggle to solve the difficult ones, all contribute to 'doing genetics' as opposed to passively learning facts and formulas.
c) Evaluate alternative arguments, decision strategies, or theories within a systematic framework.
For some controversial genetics topics (i.e. plant genetic engineering, animal cloning, DNA fingerprinting), a variety of viewpoints are available. These are effectively incorporated into a course that emphasizes critical analysis. One example is where students evaluate safety considerations, anti-corporate arguments, ethical, sustainability, and philosophical concerns through discussion, debate, or writing.
Students also get practice analyzing science-related writing. An article's biases, arguments, or conclusions are evaluated and discussed in writing and/or during class. Readings from scientific journals allow students to evaluate the following: 1) Are there alternate ways to solve a problem or deal with an issue that the author failed to consider? 2) Does the paper have major applications for society or is it relatively unimportant? Why does the student think so? 3) How well did the author use the scientific method? 4) Does the research paper suggest possible new research for other scientists?
Genetics 310 - Spring 2002
Course Meets: TR 11:00 - 12:20 PM, Pasteur Hall 220
Instructor: Dr. Kimberly Evenson Phone: 457-5287
Office: 215A Pasteur Hall E-mail:
Office Hours: MWF 9:00-11:00 & 3:00-4:00
T 1:30-3:30 (or by appointment)
Text/Supplies Fundamentals of Genetics, (2nd edition) by Peter J. Russell
Updated class
schedule, handouts WEB site:
& review problems
Course Preview:
This course is an introduction to the study of both classical and molecular genetics. (Additional topics in genetics are covered in Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Molecular Biology Lab, and Developmental Biology). The topics in this course require that you have taken introductory courses in biology, chemistry, and mathematics. While attendance will not be taken, it is expected that you will come prepared to participate in discussion, problem solving, and other class activities. Evaluation will be based on some of these in-class activities, along with exams and periodic quizzes. In addition, pairs of students will be responsible for providing the class with a 10-15 minute presentation, demonstration, or activity that is related to a topic in genetics. These are informal presentations that are meant to get you involved with the content of genetics in a more meaningful way. Class participation is expected and will be used in the end to adjust borderline grades.
This course satisfies the critical analysis flag requirement for University Studies
University Studies critical analysis flag has 3 goals. These goals are encompassed in requirements or learning activities that promote students’ abilities to:
a) Recognize and evaluate evidence to advance a claim
b) Apply critical analytical skills in making decisions or in advancing a theoretical position
c) Evaluate alternative arguments, decision strategies, or theories within a systematic framework
These goals will be fulfilled in the following ways:
Through in-class exercises, take-home exercises, exams, and quizzes, a) the validity of real genetic data or pedigrees is evaluated; b) multiple approaches are taken to solve or evaluate genetics problems, c) controversial topics are discussed, in which a variety of viewpoints are available, and through the analysis of readings in Genetics, an article’s biases, arguments, or conclusions are evaluated and discussed in writing and/or during class.
Outcomes of each of the above goals are presented on the following Outcomes Grid:
Topics: Outcomes
Recognize and evaluate appropriate evidence to advance a claim / Apply clinical analytical skills in making decisions or in advancing a theoretical position / Evaluate alternative arguments, decision strategies, or theories within a systematic frameworkIn class exercises / X / X / X
Lecture exams / X / X
In class quizzes / X / X
Take-home exercises / X / X / X
Exams and quizzes: will include short answer, problems, or essay-type questions. The exam/quiz material will come from class activities, problem sets, and assigned reading. Quizzes will be announced, however, additional points will come through participation in class exercises.
Grading: Three mid-semester exams @ 100 pts each) 300 pts
Quizzes and exercises 100 pts
Paired presentation, demonstration, or class activity 50 pts
Comprehensive final exam 100 pts
550 pts
90% is sufficient for an A 80% for a B 70% for a C 60% for a D
*You can (and should) keep track of your points, as your final grade will be based on the percentage of points offered. Grades will be updated regularly and posted in the glass display cases next to the lab (204 Pasteur Hall). If you miss an exam due to illness or family emergency, prior notice must be given. Makeup exams for excused absences will only be offered after the schedule exam. Examples of unexcused absences include, but are not limited to: attendance at weddings, convenient rides home, oversleeping, or unprepared ness. If you are in doubt about the status of a pending absence, discuss the matter with me prior to the test date.
Date Proposed Topic Assigned Reading
Jan 8 Introduction, philosophy of course Ch 1 (pp 1-14)
Chromosomes, mitosis, cell cycle
Jan 10 Meiosis-plants, animals, sub stages
prophase I Ch 1 (pp 15-21)
Jan 15 Mendelian Genetics - monohybrid crosses Ch 2 (pp 26-36)
testcrosses, branch diagrams
Jan 17 Mendelian Genetics - dihybrid, trihybrid Ch 2 (pp 37-40 + packet)
Jan 22 Chi Square Analysis Ch 2 (pp 40-43 packet)
Probability Ch 2 (pp 34 + packet)
Jan 24 *Pedigree Analysis Ch 2 (pp 43-46 + packet)
Jan 29 *Sex Chromosomes, nondisjunction, Ch 3 (pp 54-60)
Genetic symbolism
Jan 31 Exam I
Feb 5 Sex determination systems Ch 3 (pp 60-69)
Sex-linked inheritance
Feb 7 *Multiple alleles, codominance, incomplete dominance, epistasis, lethal alleles Ch 4 (pp 76-92)
Feb 12 No Class - Assessment Day
Feb 14 Genetic mapping (eukaryotes) Ch 5 (pp 99-106 + packet)
2-point test crosses
Feb 19 3-point test crosses, interference Ch 5 (pp 107-113)
*(Mapping the human genome = optional)
Feb 21 *Polytene chromosomes Ch 7 (pp 156)
*Drosophila as a Model Organism
Feb 26 *Chromosomal Mutations: Deletions Ch 7 (pp 156-164)
Inversions, Duplications,Translocations
Feb 28 Exam II
Mar 4 - 8 Spring Break
Date Proposed Topic Assigned Reading
Mar 12 *Fragile X & Triple Repeat Syndromes Ch 7 (pp 164-165)
*Variation in Chromosome number Ch 7 (pp 165-173)
Mar 14 DNA/RNA structure Ch 9 (204-211)
Begin DNA replication Ch 11 (pp 234-244)
Mar 19 DNA Replication/ Telomerase Ch 11 (pp 246-248)
Cell Cycle Control (video) (pp 244-246)
Mar 21 DNA Cloning Ch 14 (pp 298-302 &305)
Mar 26 Restriction Analysis, DNA Sequencing Ch 14 (pp 311-319)
*PCR analysis (optional)
Mar 28 Exam III
Apr 2 RFLPs, Diagnosis of disease Ch 14 (pp 320-321; 325-326)
*Forensics - DNA fingerprinting
*Transgenic Plants (optional) Ch 14 (pp 328-329)
Apr 4 *Transposable Elements Ch 19 (pp 434-438)
*Extranuclear Inheritance Ch 20 (pp 447-453)
Apr 9 Extranuclear Inheritance vs Maternal Effect Ch 20 (pp 453-456; 459-460;
*Molecular Evolution & 463-464)
Apr 11 *Genomic Imprinting Ch 20 (pp 463-464)
*The Mouse as a Model Organism
(Fri. Apr. 12 - Attend St. Mary's Undergraduate
Research Symposium)
Apr 16 Quantitative Genetics Ch 22 (pp 508-517)
*Behavioral Genetics
Apr 19 Heritability Ch 22 (pp 517-520)
*Twin Studies
Apr 23 Exam IV
Apr 25 Review for Final
May 2 (Thurs) Final Exam (1:00-3:00 PM)
* Star indicates topics that may be very suitable for student-presented material. Topics chosen will be first-