Deadlines: 19 February Applications to reach the Faculty Equipment Committee Representative by this date
18 March Faculty Equipment Committees to submit ranked applications to the Research Office for UEC review (please send via email to )
Outcome date: 3 May Research Office advises outcomes to Faculty Equipment Committee Representatives by this date
The University Equipment Committee (UEC) considers applications from Faculties for strategic research equipment items (with a minimum value of R150,000) that are not covered in the conventional way by Faculty Equipment Committees. Applicants must provide a 10% contribution. Applications must be ranked by Faculty Equipment Committees.
At this time, the UEC will consider applications only where these are expressly driven by the needs of RESEARCH (UEC funds received from the URC are restricted to equipment for research purposes) – applications driven principally by teaching needs are to be directed to Faculty Capital Expenditure budgets.
Research-driven computational facilities (computer mini-clusters and the like) are not considered by the UEC but rather by ICTS via the Advanced Computing Committee and enquiries/applications are to be directed to the committee’s servicing officer, Ms Penny Thompson at or on ext. 3012.
No late or retrospective applications will be accepted.
Surname & initials:Title:
Department/ Institute/ Centre:
Email address:
Staff number:
Name of equipment:Cost of equipment (incl VAT):
** If this value is above R1 million please complete the section below.
Available funding (minimum of 10% contribution required)
Amount applied for from UEC:
New/replacement equipment?
Will this equipment be available for use by other interested users in the Western Cape?
** Detailed Budget
(Please complete this section ONLY if your cost of equipment amount exceeds R1 million.)
1. For equipment over R1 million, a formal tender process must be followed. For more information about this easy and efficient process, please contact either Ms Carol Paulse (mailto: / 650-3751) or Mr John Pretorius (mailto: / 650-2484) and for further information please visit http://www.uct.ac.za/services/pps/services/.
2. For equipment directed to the NRF NEP or NNEP application mechanism, please contact Tamlyn Mawa () at the UCT Research Office to obtain the NRF guidelines which will apply to the application and ensure that this application to the UEC deals explicitly with NRF requirements in respect of budget, maintenance, preparation etc, also as captured in the table below.
Quoted price (incl VAT) frompreferred supplier(s):
3 year Maintenance / Service contract:
Cost for developing equipment:
Total cost of equipment:
Available funding:
Applied for from UEC:
1. Provide a brief description of the equipment applied for, including the scientific and research rationale for acquiring such equipment at UCT (expand space below as necessary – max two pages):
2. Describe the infrastructural support, space implications and management model for operating the equipment, i.e. how routine running expenses, maintenance costs and staffing costs are to be met. Indicate the costing structure that will be applied to various categories of users. Please make specific reference to how the issue of unreliable power is to be dealt with (expand space below as necessary – max two pages):
3. For equipment >R500,000, outline present situation in the Western Cape with respect to equipment equivalent to that applied for in this application. Indicate with whom you have consulted at other institutions to ensure that there is no unnecessary duplication of such equipment and for soliciting support for this application. If there is equipment of a similar nature at another institution in the Western Cape provide a rationale why further equipment of this nature needs to be acquired (expand as necessary – max one page):
4. Describe the relevant experience of the applicant (or academic staff member who will be in charge of the equipment) on this or similar types of equipment (expand space below as necessary – max one page).
5. Provide details of past usage (replacement equipment) or envisaged usage (new equipment), including numbers of past or likely research students to be trained, publication outputs, etc. Statements of support from other UCT/Western Cape users will strengthen the case for equipment >R500,000 (expand space below as necessary – max two pages)
6. Collaborators/Users (provide a list of departmental, interdepartmental, interfaculty, and inter-institutional users).
7. Provide two written quotes with indication of preference (with reasons).
(Quotations should be valid for 3 months.)
Signature of Applicant:
(If he/she is not the Applicant)
Comment:Recommendation: / [ ] strongly supported / [ ] supported / [ ] not supported
TO BE COMPLETED BY DEAN (or designated authority e.g. Research Director)
(If he/she is not the Applicant)
** Please note that the applicant should not obtain the signature from the Dean, as this will be managed by the Chair of the Faculty Equipment Committee.
Comment:Recommendation: / [ ] strongly supported / [ ] supported / [ ] not supported
27 November 2015 Page 1 of 5 R&I118