University Policy Committee

May 21, 2010June 24, 2010

Present: C. Locklear, P. Rogers, J. Durham, A. Bunch, J. ChinnJ. Chinn, G. Vanderpool, R. Newton, J. Toller, D. Payne, S. Tronto, N. Floyd, G. Vanderpool, P. P. Hulsey, J. Eastwood, T. Smith, B. Clark, N. MizeL. Lee (for, M. Walker) and Yolanda Newsome, ex-officio (PRR technician). Also present was Eric Alexander, Jo Lynn Daughtry, and Brian Hall.

Call to Order

The meeting began with C. Locklear calling the meeting to order. C. Locklear called for a motion to approve the minutes of the March 19, 2010May 21, 2010 meeting. John ChinnJohn Durham moved approval; Gary Vanderpool seconded the motion. There was a suggestion to add a link to the website to include minutes from all the University Policy Committee Meetings.The minutes were approved with no negative votes.

C. Locklear introduced new members to the University Policy Committee. Mr. Phil Hulsey is the new chair of Staff Senate, replacing outgoing chair, J. Eastwood. Mr. Tremayne Smith is the new SGA President, replacing B. Congleton. Ms. Lori Lee is sitting in today for M. Walker.

University Policy Manual Demo

D. Payne gave an update on the meeting with ITCS (Brian Hall) in regards to the computer interface and how to logistically load a policy. The next step is the linkage to the Faculty Manual. In addition, D. Payne reported that the PRR Review Form is targeted for final demo in June. From there, Dr. Ballard will announce the launch to the entire campus. One issue discussed was how to make the website ( easier to locate on the main ECU website. This issue will be taken to the Web Oversight Committeeintroduced the University Policy Manual Demo Sight and informed the UPC of changes. D. Payne asked each member to review the Policy Sources and Handbook and decided if the links are still appropriate in their respective divisions.

D. Payne and Y. Newsome demonstrated how to load a PRR onto the PRR Website. Y. Newsome will bring updates to the committee at each meeting concerning new PRRs that have been added.

P. Rogers discussed the actual launching of the website. The Executive Council will get a demo of the site first and then it will be launched to the entire campus.

E. Alexander reviewed the PRR Sharepoint Site.

Training and Awareness – AA SamplePRR Divisional Updates

The PRR training / awareness packet includes:

·  Link to the UPM and the specific reference to REG 01.15.01 (aka policy on policies)

·  PRR Definition: policy, regulation, rule, SOP, issuing authority

·  Specific language from the governing regulation (REG 01.15.01)

·  The Division Process (relative to the informal vetting) – a key focus is how to involve / inform the PRR Rep.

·  Key Reminders: concise, relationship to other printed materials, etc.

·  Formal Approval Process & Resources: flowchart, PRR Review Form and Template.

This packet was reviewed by the Provost’s Executive Group. Leaders within the division of Academic Affairs are not now responsible for sharing this information to with the appropriate personnel in their areas. There is a top-down approach to training and awareness and it is expected to coincide with the development of the divisional inventory. The next steps include converting the packet to a useful PPT for future reference and sharing the same information with Academic Deans.

M. Walker - Copyright / Patenting Issues –The committee needs to meet with Faculty Governance to determine if a policy, rule or regulation will be formed.

J. Toller - “Holiday” definition – D. Payne states that she doesn’t see the need to create at PRR to define “holiday” because it is a Standard Operating Procedure.

C. Locklear - The training packet for Academic Affairs has gone through the Academic Affairs Executive Committee.

C. Locklear - Update on the Faculty Spousal and Domestic Partner Hiring Regulation, the Faculty Scholarly Reassignment, and the Faculty Workload Regulation.

J. Chinn - Conflict of Interest Policy will soon be submitted.

P. Rogers (& Dr. Hardy) - Conceptual Framework presented to Executive Council surrounding how meeting space gets reserved campus-wide. The Executive Council supported the idea; it has now been given to the University Space Committee to review and draft a response to Chancellor Ballard. D. Payne mentioned that the Solicitation Policy needs to be included and referenced in that discussion.

D. Payne – Auto Allowance Policy

Update on ECU homepage request – J. Durham reported that the Web Oversight Committee has reviewed the request to add the PRR link on the homepage. They will not do it at this time, but will revisit this request in a year or so. They will provide PRR quick links and add it in the search features.

Divisional Inventories

The August meeting will be the deadline for Divisional Inventories.

Divisional and Implementation Updates

Faculty Serious Illness and Parental Leave – there is a version of this policy currently in the Faculty Manual. Leave the current policy in the Faculty Manual and link to new one in the University Policy Manual with the date that it goes into affect (which is July 1, 2011). Policy Manual will have an explanatory statement as well.

Executive Council Update – P. Rogers. The EC has created an inventory from the past 10 years of policies approved by the EC. Now they need to go through the most recent minutes. Currently, they are in the developmental process of a regulation for scheduling events on campus.

Board of Trustee Policies – J. Durham. Process is still ongoing with BOT Robert Brinkley.

Academic Affairs – A. Bunch. Updates on 7 Regulations:

·  Gifts Affecting the Curriculum Regulation – now posted in the UPM

·  Consequences for Failure to Submit Grades Regulation – review by the OUA is complete; Academic Council will review the current draft this summer and will determine if they are ready to proceed through the process.

·  Faculty Workload Regulation – the study group submitted draft #16 to the OUA for review; awaiting feedback from the OUA.

·  Institutional Survey Administration Regulation (development led by IPAR) – ready for publication in the UPM.

·  Faculty Scholarly Reassignment Regulation – OUA review is complete; the study group will now submit a recommendation to the Academic Council.

·  Faculty Spousal or Domestic Partner Hiring Regulation – study group submitted a draft to OUA for review; we are waiting on feedback from OUA.

·  Home Office Regulation – Dr. Fiona Baxter (IPAR) has been asked to lead a group in the development of this regulation.

Administration & Finance – R. Newton. Two items are at the Divisional level: Non State Employee Reimbursement for Expenses; and Automobile Allowances.

Student Affairs – C. Locklear. Reported that Dr. Virginia Hardy is working with Joe Norris on a Social Networking Regulation.

Faculty Governance – D. Payne. Reported that they are reviewing Faculty Manual Appendices D, C and L.

New Business

S. Tronto gave a report on the Audit Report for the Policy Manual and reported that satisfactory progress has been made. A timeline needs to be developed for 2010 – 2011 to gauge progress accordingly. Send in the C. Locklear and/or P. Rogers what you hope to see accomplished.Establishing 2010-2011 Transition Goals – P. Rogers, C. Locklear met to discuss. The consensus was to move through the summer doing inventories. After doing inventory, C. Locklear and P. Rogers will draft Transition Goal Plan for the committee to review.

Role of UPC –Policy Review - Tabled until June 2010

New Standing Item – UPM Updates – Tabled until 2010

Meeting Schedule – UPC will continue to meet throughout the summer, however, the June meeting will be moved. Please check your email for a meeting request. In August, the meetings will resume being the 3rd Friday of every month.The July University Policy Meeting is cancelled. The next meeting will be on August 31, 2010 at 11:00 in 221 MSC.

The meeting adjourned at 12:00 pm.