Module Guide
Systems Analysis and Design
Module Leader Contact Details
Module Leader: Mansha Nawaz
Location: G0.32
Telephone Number: 01642-343710
e-mail Address:
This module introduces the student to the basic techniques required to undertake Systems Analysis and Design. Students will be provided with an insight of the systems development life cycle. The module will concentrate on the use of Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools and techniques for modeling current and proposed systems. Students will develop an understanding of documentation requirements, conceptual modeling and proposed system modeling. Knowledge and skills developed in this module can be exercised and further developed in project work.
Module Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, the student will
1. Demonstrate use of CASE tools and techniques for Systems Modeling via Dataflow Diagrams (DFD) in particular Context Diagram, Event List, Top & Low Level Dataflow Diagrams
2. Demonstrate use of CASE tools and techniques for systems modeling via Normalisation.
3. Describe participation in system development.
4. Illustrate analysis decomposition and task identification.
5. Produce relevant system documentation to a defined
6. Appraise a critical review of system elements.
Module Delivery and Teaching Schedule
The module lasts for 13 weeks. There will be three hour class contact time split as one-hour lecture and a two-hour practical.
There follows an intended schedule provided on the SAD Website on the Schools Intranet site under Mansha Nawaz staff page.
Fig 1 – SAD Website
Learning and Teaching Strategies
Students will have access to a SAD Website which contains all resources for the module. A SAD booklet will also be supplied to students. This module is organized into weekly sections of Lecture, Worked Example, Seminar, Practical, Solutions and Samples & Online Videos.
This is a practical module focusing on the systems development activity of analysis and design. We are concerned with the modeling of proposed computer systems. The best way to learn is by doing. Don’t be put off if you find it difficult at first, very few people achieve a good solution at a first attempt. Students should preview the week’s material in advance of the classes.
The lecture predominately focuses on worked examples essentially the walkthrough of problem statements & case studies. This consisting mainly of working through a systems development activity on a complex problem. The scenarios for this are detailed under the example section. Follow the lecture and see how a solution is arrived at.
The practical consist of exercises relating to the analysis & design of system from a case study which need to be attempted by you. Reviewing the worked examples should enable you to confidently develop solutions. The series of practical exercises require you to produce paper based model solutions to proposed systems. Then to model the solution(s) derived using the CASE Tool software package called Ascent. You will be expected to consolidate and check with the model answer points provided under solutions. You will also review any additional resources provided under samples and online videos.
In addition to the three hours of class contact each week you are expected to spend another five hours a week working on the module. In those non-contact hours, you should:
· Do the guided reading and review online resources indicated in the practical;
· Complete any problems that you did not finish during that week’s practical;
The seminar and practical period will enable you to get immediate feedback on your work. The tutor is there to respond to the questions of individual students about whether they are solving problems correctly and to help them if they can’t solve the problems. If you need help, ask the tutor.
There are also sample ICAs on the SAD Website which will help you prepare for the modules ICA (which will take place in week 7 and 14).
Academic Support and Guidance
The SAD web site contains additional support, guidance and model solutions material. It is anticipated that the SAD web site will provide you with all the material and help you need. It is important you try and undertake all the exercise in the practical session and if need be to finish off as home study. For additional support you may also work on solutions in small peer groups. If you are struggling consult the model solution provided, talk to fellow students or consult your tutor. It is important that you do not fall behind with the practical work as the systems you model are refined and developed week by week.
Assessment Strategy/Assessment Criteria
All of the learning outcomes will be assessed by an individual in-course assessment (ICA) and involves producing a report on the analysis and design of a proposed system.
The ICA will be criteria referenced. That means you will told what has to be done for you to achieve a Pass, Merit or Distinction grade in each assessment. Students who marginally fail either assessment will be given a resubmission opportunity.
Your overall module grade will be determined by considering your performance in the two assessments. If you get a Distinction for both assessments, then you will certainly be awarded an overall Distinction. If you get a Distinction in one assessment and a Pass in the other assessment, then your overall grade may be any of Pass, Merit or Distinction depending on whether the Distinction was marginal and whether the Pass was almost a fail or almost a Merit.
Indicative Resources
The main learning materials on the SAD Website will be supplied to all students in the form of a booklet. Additional material and student version of the modeling software Ascent is provided on the SAD Website.
There are also additional online resources concerned with this module and again these are provided on the SAD Website.