Kyungdoo Ted Nam1
Kyungdoo Ted Nam
Department of International Trade
College of Economics and Commerce
KonKuk University, Seoul, Korea 143-701
Director of Center for Continuing Education
KonKuk University, Seoul, Korea 143-701
Phone:(822) 450-3649 (Office)
Mobile:(822) 10-7633-8982
1989 - 1993
University of North Texas, Denton, TX
Ph.D. in BusinessComputer Information Systems
Dissertation: A Heuristic Procedure for Specifying Parameters In Neural Network Models for Shewhart X-Bar Control Chart Applications (1993). (Advisor, Dr. Victor Prybutok)
1986 - 1988
University of Memphis, Memphis, TN
M.B.A. with Management Information Systemconcentration
1982 - 1986
KonKuk University, Seoul, Korea
B.A. in International Trade
1995 - Present
KonKuk University, Seoul, Korea
Full Professor (2004 ~ Present) : has been teaching Internet Marketing, Marketing Research, BCIS, and Business Communication
Associate Professor (1999~2004) : taught E-Commerce, Business Statistics, and BCIS
Assistant Professor (1995~1999) : taught E-Commerce, Business Statistics, and BCIS
Director of KonKuk Continuing Education Center (2014~Present)
Head of KonKuk Global Frontier Program (2011~2013)
Director of Center for Electronic Commerce Strategy Research (1999~2001)
Head of International Trade Department (1996~1998, 2001, 2006)
2003 - 2004
University of North Texas, Denton, TX
Visiting Professor at College of BusinessAdministration
2000 - 2002, Seoul, Korea
CEO of a venture business for E-Book publishing, KonKuk University, Seoul, Korea
2000 - 2001
Yanbian University of Science & Technology, Yanbian, China
Summer Instructor : taught E-Business
1993 - 1995
University of Texas of the Permian Basin, Odessa, TX
Assistant Professor at Division of Business Administration : taught Management Science and Business Statistics
1989 - 1992
University of North Texas, Denton, TX
Teaching Assistant at College of BusinessAdministration: Business Statistics and BCIS
Research interests
Current Primary Interests
Electronic commerce and electronic marketing
IT and value chain model
Global IT issues
Cross-cultural comparison of IT and Internet practices
B2B and B2C Cross Border Trade
Journal Articles
Dong-Suk Chuna and Kyungdoo Nam, A Study on Comparing Factors Affecting Participationand Public Shows, Journal of International Trade & Commerce, Vol. 12, No. 2, April 2016 (pp.89-105)
Kyungdoo Nam, Jin-CheolLeeb and Hong-Kyun Lee, The Influence of Entrepreneurship, Market Orientation, andEnvironmental Change on International Marketing Capabilityof Export Companies in Korea, Journal of International Trade & Commerce,Vol. 12, No. 1, February 2016
Kyungdoo, Hyun-Jung Kim, and Ji-Hye Kim, The Relationship Between English Learning Motivation and EnglishLearning Strategy: The Case of the GTEP Program, Journal of International Trade & Commerce, Vol. 11, No. 2, April 2015
Hong-Kyun Lee and Kyungdoo Nam, The Influence of Market Orientation and Entrepreneurship by EnvironmentalChange on Export Outcomes, The Journal of Korea Research Society for Customs, Volume 15, Number 3, August 2014, pp.175~194
Hong-Kyun Lee and Kyungdoo Nam, The Influence of Overseas Marketing Capabilities on ExportOutcomes in Korean Small-Medium Size Firms, , Journal of International Trade & Commerce, Vol. 10, No.4, August 2014
Jong-Hwan Kim, Kyungdoo Nam, and Jin-Woo Lee, Empirical Analysis on Small and Medium Sized Exporting Company`s Utilization Motivationand performance of SNS Marketing, International Commerce and Information Review, Volume 15, Number 3, September, 2013: pp. 111~133
Kyungdoo Nam, Mobile Data Services in Business: A Strategic Value Model, Journal of International Trade & Commerce, Vol. 9, No.22, May 2013
KwongSo Park and Kyungdoo Nam, Adoption model of mobile-enabled systems in supply chain, International Management & Data Systems, Vol 113, No 2, 171-189
Young-Wook, Kyungdoo Nam, and Chon-Suk Im, An Empirical Study on the Utilization and performance in Japan Export Marketing of SMEs’ Using the Internet, The Journal of Korea Research Society for Customs, Fall 2011 (12:1), pp 377-400
Young-Wook, Kyungdoo Nam, and Chon-Suk Im, Study on Korean SME’s Effective Marketing Development Methods in Japan, The Journal of Northeast Asian Economic Studies, December 2010 (22:3), pp 199-230
HongKyun Lee, Kyungdoo Nam, and KwangHyun Yoo. An Empirical Study on Foreign Direct Investors’ Business Environment Satisfaction and Additional Investment, The Journal of Korea Research Society for Customs, December 2010 (11:4), pp 383-406
Kwang So Park, Chang E. Koh and Kyungdoo “Ted” Nam, Perception of RFID technology: A Cross-national study, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2010 (110:5), pp. 682-700.
Chang E. Koh, Kyungdoo “Ted” Nam, Victor R. Prybutok, and Seogjun Lee, A value chain perspective of Internet practices, e-readiness and organizational performance: A comparison of U.S. and South Korean firms, Industrial Management and Data Systems, 2007 (107:4), pp. 519-536
Chang E. Koh & Kyungdoo “Ted” Nam, Business Use of the Internet: A Longitudinal Study from a Value Chain Perspective, Industrial Management and Data Systems, 2005 (105:1) pp. 82-95.
Lubecke, Thomas H., Nam, Kyungdoo, Markland, Robert E., and Kwok, Chuck C.Y., "Combining Foreign Exchange Forecasts Using Neural Networks", Global Finance Journal, 1998
Nam, K., Yi, J., and Prybutok, V.R., “Predicting Airline Passenger Volume,” The Journal of Business Forecasting, Vol. 16, No. 1, Spring 1997, pp 14-16.
Nam, K., Prybutok, V. R., and Jayakumar, M. D., “Trained Neural Networks: An Alternative Paradigm for Least Squares Fitting,” International Journal of Computers and Engineering Management, Vol. 3, No. 3, September - December 1995, pp 18-30.
Nam, Kyungdoo and Schaefer, "Forecasting International Airline Passenger Traffic Using Neural Networks," The Logistics and Transportation Review, 1995.9.
Prybutok, V.R., and Nam K., “Application of Neural Networks to Statistical Production/Inventory Forecasting,”Midwestern Business and Economic Review, No. 21, Spring 1995, pp 33-39.
Prybutok, V.R., Sanford, C.C., and Nam K., “A Comparison of Neural Network To Shewhart X-BAR Control Chart Applications,” Economic Quality Control, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp 143-164, 1994
Conference Proceedings
Chang E. Koh & Kyungdoo Nam, Internet practices and business strategies from a value chain perspective: a comparison between US and South Korean firms, The 33rd International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Jeju, Korea, March 2004.
Nam, Kyungdoo, Yi,Junsub, and Prybutok, Victor R., "A Comparison of Neural Networks and Quantitative Forecasting Techniques with Time Series Data that Contains Seasonal Variation," Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute, 1996.11
Nam, Kyungdoo and Schaefer, Thomas, "Forecasting International Airline Passengers Between The United States and South Korea Using Neural Networks," Southwest Academy of International Business, 1995.3.
Nam, Kyungdoo and Schaefer, Thomas, "Neural Networks: A New Tool for International Marketing Analysis," Southwest Academy of International Business, 1995.3.
Tinney, Terry and Nam, Kyungdoo, "Forecasting Sales with Neural Networks," Proceedings of 11th Annual Southwest Business Symposium, April 1994.
Nam, Kyungdoo and Lubecke, Thomas., "An Application of Neural Networks for the Formation of Composite Foreign Exchange Rate Forecasts," Proceedings of the National Decision Sciences Institute (Topic Table), November 1992.
Nam, Kyungdoo and Prybutok, Victor R., "Using Neural Networks as an Alternative to Univariate Linear Regression Models in the Presence of an Outlier, " Proceedings of the Southwest Decision Sciences Institute, 1995.3
Nam, Kyungdoo and Prybutok, Victor R., "Applications of Neural Networks toStatistical Production/Inventory Forecasting," Proceedings of the Southwest Decision Sciences Institute, 1995.3
Nam, Kyungdoo and Prybutok, Victor R., "Analysis of Training Time, Learning Rate, and Momentum in Developing a Back Propagation Neural Network for Discriminant Analysis," Proceedings of the National Decision Sciences Institute (Topic Table), 1994.11
Nam, Kyungdoo and Prybutok, Victor R., "Using Neural Networks as an Alternative to Linear Regression Models in the Presence of an Outlier: Simulation Study," Proceedings of the National Decision Sciences Institute (Topic Table), 1994.11
Nam, kyungdoo, Yi, Junsub, and Prybutok, Victor R., "Application of Neural Networks to Time Series Forecasting Techniques in the Presence of Autocorrelation," Proceedings of the Southwest Decision Sciences Institute (Topic Table), 1994.3
Nam, Kyungdoo, Prybutok, Victor R., and Watts, William A., "Performance Comparison of Neural Network and Linear Regression Analysis in the Presence of an Outlier," Proceedings of the National Decision Institute, 1993.11
Nam, Kyungdoo and Prybutok, Victor R., "Comparison of Neural Network and Discriminant Analysis in the Two Group Problem with an Outlier in the Data," Proceedings of the National Decision Sciences Institute, 1993.11
Nam, Kyungdoo and Prybutok, Victor R., "Examination of the Uniqueness of the Neural Network Solution in Two Group Discriminant Analysis," Proceedings of the National Decision Sciences Institute (Topic Table), 1993.11
Nam, Kyungdoo and Richards, Thomas C., "Contrasting Neural Network with Traditional Regression Analysis Under Presence of Autocorrelation," Proceedings of the National Decision Sciences Institute (Topic Table), 1993.11
Nam, Kyungdoo and Prybutok, Victor R., "A Performance Analysis of Neural Network and Statistical Discriminant Approaches to the Three-Group Problem," Proceedings of the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute, 1993.3
Nam, Kyungdoo and Prybutok, Victor R., "Comparison of Neural Networks and Discriminant Analysis in the Two Group Case with Three Input Variables," Proceedinds of the Southwest Decision Sciences Institute, 1993.3
Nam, Kyungdoo and Prybutok, Victor R., "A Comparison of a Neural Network Approach to Linear and Quadratic Discriminant Analysis in the Two Group Problem," Proceedings of the National Decision Sciences Institute, 1992.11.
Prybutok, Victor R. and Nam, Kyungdoo, "Comparison of Neural Networks and OLS Regression in QC Applications," Proceedings of the National Decision Sciences Institute, 1993.11.
Nam, Kyungdoo, "Comparison of Neural Networks and Statistical Quality Control Techniques," OPSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting (Abstract), 1993.10-11.
Nam, Kyungdoo, "The Performance of Neural Networks in the Presence of Noisy Data," ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting (Abstract), 1993.10-11.
Grants & Contracts
KonKuk Faculty Research Grant (2011~2016), KonKukUniversity
$6,000 for publication
KonKuk Faculty Research Grant (2010), KonKuk University
$10,000 for publication in SSCI or SCI Journal
“The project” with the purpose saving energy in Mexico (2009), Inter American Development Bank (Washington, D.C.), $182,000 contracts
KonKuk Faculty Research Grant (2009), KonKuk University
$8,000 for publication in SSCI or SCI Journal
KonKuk Faculty Research Grant (2005), KonKuk University
$6,000 for publication in SSCI or SCI Journal
National Research Foundationof Korea (2001),
$6,000 for publication
Dr. Kyungdoo Ted Nam is a Professor in the Department of International Trade at KonKuk University, Seoul, Korea. He holds a Bachelor of International Trade from The Department of International Trade in KonKuk University, a MBA from University of Memphis, TN, USA, and Ph.D. degree from University of North Texas..Currently, he is a director of Center for Continuing Education at KonKuk University and an Editor-in-chief of Journal of International Trade and Commerce. Dr. Nam is teaching in IT and E-Commerce related areas such as B2C E-Commerce, International Marketing Research. He has been published a number of articles in professional journals, such as International Management & Data Systems, The Journal of Korea Research Society for Customs
Last updated on May 24, 2016