University of Nevada Las Vegas – Department of MIS

MIS 766 Database Management

Spring 2007

Course Information

Course Title: Database Management

Course No.: MIS 766

Lecture: in BEH 218

Tuesdays 7pm – 9:45pm

Course URL:

or and follow the link to MIS766

Instructor Information

Professor: Dr. Marcus Rothenberger

Office: BEH 335

Phone: 702-895-2890 (office), 702-372-4185 (cell)


Office Hours: Tuesdays: 5:30pm – 6:45pm
Wednesdays: 5:30pm – 6:45pm

and by appointment.

Course Content

Databases are fundamental to the successful operation of almost all businesses. The course introduces students to database theory and applications, including business data modeling using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model, logical database design using the relational data model, and query languages using SQL. You will also learn advanced database management concepts, including Data Warehousing, Distributed Databases, Object-Oriented Databases, and Object-Relational Databases.

Upon successful completion of the course, you should be able to:

·  Know the difference between various types of database management systems

·  Design a relational database system using the Entity-Relationship Model

·  Implement a relational database system using Access and Oracle

·  Query databases using the Structure Query Language (SQL)

·  Understand Data Warehousing, Object-Oriented Database Design, and Distributed Database Systems

·  Identify organizational issues related to database development and operations


·  Required Textbook: Modern Database Management, seventh edition, Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Mary Prescott, and Fred McFadden, © 2005 by Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0-13-145320-3

·  Optional Reading: Fundamentals of Database Systems, fourth edition, Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant Navathe, © 2003 by Addison-Wesley,
ISBN: 0-32-112226-7 (this book is a great technical reference, however, you do not need to buy it to pass this class)

·  Class Notes handed out in class and available on course web site

·  Database Software

We will use Oracle in this course. You don’t need to buy the software; instead you can access Oracle at UNLV.

Grading Policy

The course grade will be based on the overall weighted average as follows:

1.  Midterm Exam 25%

2.  Final Exam 25%

3.  Semester Project 25%

4.  Database Manager Interview 15%

5.  Homework Assignments 10%

A weighted score of 93+ is an A grade, 92 to 90 is an A- grade,

87 to 89 is a B+ grade, 83 to 86 is a B grade, 80 to 82 is a B- grade,

77 to 79 is a C+ grade, 73 to 76 is a C grade, 70 to 72 is a C- grade

Contingent on the overall class performance, the instructor maintains the right to adjust the scale.

Examination Information

Mid-term: Tuesday, February 27 at 7:00pm in BEH 218

Final Exam: Tuesday, May 8 at 8:10pm in BEH 218

Office Hours

Office hours are scheduled on a regular basis (see the top of this syllabus). You may stop by during these office hours or you may ask questions by email. You can also approach me after each class period in the classroom. If you would like to see me during other times, please make an appointment by email.

Learning or other Disabilities

If you have a documented disability that may require assistance, you will need to contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) to coordinate academic accommodations. The Disability Resource Center is located in the Reynolds Student Services complex in room 137. The DRC phone number is 895-0866 or TDD 895-0652. The instructor will make reasonable accommodations for students who have registered with the DRC if they are requested by the last day of late registration.

Assignment Schedule

Below is a schedule of topics and assignments. You are expected to read the material prior to class to gain familiarity with the topic. The instructor reserves the option to make deviations from the schedule as and when necessary. Keep up to date on the course schedule. Don't get behind and don't miss class.

Week / Date / Topic / Chapter / Scheduled Due Dates
Week 1 / 1/16 / Introduction
The Database Environment / 1
Week 2 / 1/23 / The Database Development Process / 2
Week 3 / 1/30 / Data Modeling, / 3 / Group Assignments Due
(Project & Interview)
Week 4 / 2/6 / Enhanced E-R Model
/ 4
Week 5 / 2/13 / Relational Algebra, Logical Database Design, Normalization Theory / 5 / Project Milestone 1 Due
Week 6 / 2/20 / SQL
/ 7
Week 7 / 2/27 / Mid-Term Exam
Week 8 / 3/6 / SQL (cont.)
Query by Example (QBE) / 8
Week 9 / 3/13 / Spring Break. No Class!!!
Week 10 / 3/20 / Physical Database Design
/ 6 / Project Milestone 2 Due
Week 11 / 3/27 / Client/Server DB, Concurrency Control, Distributed Databases / 9, 13
Week 12 / 4/3 /

Internet Database

Data Warehousing

/ 10
11 / Database Manager
Interview Paper Due
Week 13 / 4/10 / Object-Oriented Data Modeling and Database Development / 14, 15 /
Week 14 / 4/17 /

Hierarchical, Network,

Object-Relational Databases

/ App. D
Week 15 / 4/24 /

Advanced Topics

Week 16 / 5/1 /

Presentations, Review

/ Project Milestone 3 Due
Week 17 / Tue.
5/8 /

8:10pm Final Exam

in BEH 218

Database Manager Interview

This is a group project for a two student team. Identify the individual in an organization who is in charge of database operations or development. Try to schedule an interview with this individual and inquire about the following issues:

·  Technologies currently employed and considered for adoption

·  Challenges the individual currently faces with regards to meeting database performance, load, security, etc.

·  Organizational opportunities the individual sees in the use of database technology

You should prepare a structured interview outline before you meet with the database manager (we will discuss this in class). You can take notes during the interview or tape and transcribe the session if the interviewee does not mind (ask the interviewee before you record the conversation).

Write up a summary of what you learned from the interview. You can structure this paper by the issues identified. Feel free to include quotes from the interview to support your statements. Relate your findings to the theoretical materials covered in the course (textbook, class discussion, etc.). Do you find contradictions or can you confirm the theory? Please also prepare a short presentation on your findings for class discussion.

Semester Project

The primary purpose of the project is to provide an opportunity for each student to apply the techniques learned in class in an actual database development project. Three-person teams will be formed by the third week of the semester. Students are encouraged to find "compatible" partner to work with (e.g., skills, personality and work ethic/style). Specific learning objectives include:

·  Relational Data Modeling

·  Database Design (Logical and Physical Design, Normalization)

·  Database Implementation (Oracle)

·  Query Design (SQL)

Groups will select their own projects. The instructor must approve the project selected. You may choose a real world problem (e.g., from the workplace of one of the group members), or you may come up with your own project.


Milestone 1: Project Proposal (1/3 of project grade)
A written proposal including background information and objectives. It will be evaluated on content, completeness, and the use of appropriate business writing style and good grammar.

The proposal will serve as a “contract” between you and the instructor and should include the following:

·  Description of company

·  Problem definition and analysis

·  Supporting documents if applicable (e.g., prior designs if this is a continuation of an earlier project)

·  Logical database design draft (Enhanced Entity-Relationship Model)

Milestone 2: Design (1/3 of project grade)

A formal, written presentation of the initial project design.

·  Revision of Milestone 1

·  Logical database design (Enhanced Entity-Relationship Model)

·  Physical database design (Enhanced Entity-Relationship Model)

Milestone 3: Implementation (1/3 of project grade)

A formal, written presentation of the completed project design

·  Revision of Milestone 2

·  Query Design (SQL)

·  Database Implementation with Oracle

·  Project Presentation

Graded Homework Assignments:

There will be a series of Graded Homework Assignments on design and implementation issues. The purpose of these assignments is to enable you to acquire hands-on experience with design methods, as well as database systems (Access and Oracle) and languages. The Homework Assignments must be done individually. Details will be provided during the course. Homework must be turned in at the beginning of the class on the due date.

Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty refers to copying someone else’s work, claiming intellectual ownership of someone else’s work or cheating during exams. The policy at UNLV is that academic dishonesty is a serious offence. It is serious because the purpose of a University education is to acquire the intellectual skills that can lead you to develop your full potential both here at UNLV and during your life. To present someone else’s work (your fellow student’s or from other sources) as your own means you fail to show what you can do. Any act of academic dishonesty will result in an immediate "F" for the entire course. Students so charged will be subject to further disciplinary action by the COB Academic Standards Committee. College and university sanctions may include suspension, academic probation, or expulsion from the university. Appeals to such grading may be made through the appropriate university process.


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