University of Massachusetts Lowell
School of Health and Environment
Department of Nursing
Spring 2010
I. Course Number and Title: 33:322:710 Independent Study: Examination of Depression Screening Tools for use with Minority Older Adults
II. Placement in Curriculum: Senior year, Spring semester.
A. Pre/Co-requisites: All previous general and nursing courses.
B. Credits: 2 credit
C. Time allotment: 30 hours
III. Faculty: Juliette Shellman, Ph.D., APHN-BC
O’Leary 540G, ext. 4742
Office Hours: Mondays 2-4 pm, Tuesdays 9-10 am
IV. Course Description: The student works independently on her selected topic : Examination of Depression Screening Tools for use with Minority Older Adults with guidance from faculty member. The student becomes increasingly self-directed in identifying best practices, developing an annotated bibliography and developing a poster presentation.
V. Course Objectives: In conducting the independent study, the student will:
A. Conduct a literature review (5 years) regarding older adults depression screening tools.
B. Develop an annotated bibliography for 5 articles describing the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale or Geriatric Depression Scale.
C. Identify the best practice assessment tool that is culturally appropriate for use with older minority populations in consultation with faculty advisor.
D. Screen at least 5 older adults> 65 using the selected best practice depression screening tool.
E. Develop one poster presentation describing the results of the depression screening.
VI. General Information:
A. Teaching Methodology: The student is assigned a faculty member who will guide the independent study. The student’s learning experience will be facilitated by meeting with the faculty member at scheduled appointments throughout the semester to advance the development of a scholarly poster presentation.
B. Attendance: Mandatory attendance for a minimum of three scheduled appointments to discuss progress toward course objectives.
C. Clinical Requirements: None
D. Evaluation Methodology: The student will:
1. Submit an annotated bibliography for 5 articles related to the CES-D or GDS.
2. Meet with faculty on a regular basis to discuss progress and to identify the best practices
depression scale to use with minority older adult populations.
3. Collect data using the selected best practice depression screening tool.
4. Produce a scholarly poster presentation by May 10, 2010.
E. Grading Scale:
A = 100-94 A- = 93-90 B+ = 89-87 B = 86-84
B- = 83-80 C+ = 79-77 C = 76-74 C- = 73-70
D+ = 69-67 D = 66-64 D - = 63-60 F = below 60
VII. Course References: Journal articles, textbooks, and websites which focus on depression screening tools for older adults. Please sign up for Reminiscence Wiki Page when invited by faculty. The web page will serve as a communication tool and provide you with resources to conduct this work.
VIII. Topical Outline: Meetings between student and faculty member will be arranged at their discretion. There will be at least three scheduled meetings during the semester.
IX. University Policies Regarding Dishonesty and Cheating: All students are advised that there are University policies regarding dishonesty and cheating, which may be found in the University of Massachusetts Lowell Undergraduate Catalogue. You are responsible to familiarize yourself with these policies. If necessary, contact your advisor or instructors for clarification of these policies.
Please remember that Plagiarism (i.e., presenting substantial portions or elements of another’s work as your own, even if the other work is cited occasionally) is not acceptable from any source (including internet sites). According to the University policy, plagiarism may result in a failing grade on the paper/presentation, failing grade in the course, and/or academic suspension.