Spring, 2015


Course Number: CISC/ENGR 3361

Course Title: System Programming: Robotics

Number of Credits: 3

Location of Class: Davidson Building, Room 101

Meeting Time: 9:00 – 9:50 AM MWF

Professor: Dr. William G. Tanner

Office: Room 119 Davidson Building

Office Hours: See Professor’s schedule posted in Davidson

Office Phone: (254) 295-4645


Class web-page:


The course examines various components of supervisory systems: assembler, linker, loader, monitors, interrupts, processors, I/O routines, etc. Particular emphasis will be given to applying the concepts of computer architecture to robotics. Prerequisites: CISC 3360. Lab fee.


This course will study the methods used to construct a Robotic System from sub-systems. The course is a seminar-style, hands-on survey of mobile robotics. We will build and modify our own robots while studying current approaches to mobile robot motion, issues in real-time control, active sensing and robot learning. This course provides exposure to digital logic, computer architecture at an application level. The first course CISC 3360 is highly recommended. Assignments will be given out in class and posted on the CISC 3361 web-page, and help; Web-link:


In CISC 3360 we studied sub-systems and individual system components. This course uses some of those sub-systems and components to build an autonomous robotic system. Some of the topics covered will be:

·  The PIC processor

·  Basic Integrated Circuits

·  Embedded design

·  Robot motion and control

·  Sensor and Actuator use and integration

·  Real-time control

·  Assembly language programming and low-level devices.

·  Some basic Electronics and Logic theory.

·  General Robot construction and practices.


·  An ability to apply knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to the discipline

·  An ability to analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution

·  An ability to design, to implement, and to evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs

·  An ability to function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal

·  An ability to use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice.

Credit Hour(s): This is a traditional, 3-credit hour course. Each credit hour earned in this course requires at least fifteen (15) contact hours, as well as a minimum of thirty (30) hours of student homework.



Niku, Saeed B., 2011, Introduction to Robotics: Analysis, Control, Applications, (2nd Edition). New York: Wiley, ISBN 978-0-470-60446-5.

Other items:

A flash drive is required for this class (at least a 16 Gigabyte drive).

Computer Laboratory: The computers in the lab will have appropriate software installed to allow you to program your Robot board. You are responsible for maintaining backup copies of all your programs. Our web-page at: will be used to provide software and a BBS for class interaction. One or more contests will occur during the term, facilities will be provided. These count as part of your class participation.

Academic Honesty: The University of Mary Hardin-Baylor policy on academic integrity applies to all courses. UMHB expects the highest standards of academic integrity among all members of the campus community. All acts of plagiarism or violations of academic honesty are considered serious offenses and may result in failure of the assignment or the course.

Special Accommodations: If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, you are encouraged to contact both your professor and the Accommodation & Student Assistance Program office in the Robert & Linda Black Center for Counseling, Testing & Health Services, Mabee Student Center, Suite 310, as early as possible in the term.

Class Participation: Each student is expected to fully participate in class discussions and to submit assignments by the time designated. It is the individual student’s responsibility to arrange ahead of time and obtain approval for late submission of assignments or makeup examinations. Class participation and timely completion of all assignments will be fully considered in determining a student’s overall grade.

Attendance: Students are strongly encouraged to attend each class. Attendance and participation are considered in the final grade; failure to attend at least 67% of scheduled classes (2 out of 3 per week) for any reason will lead to an unsatisfactory grade for the course. Communicate with the professor in advance if you expect to be absent. In case of an emergency, it is expected that appropriate arrangements will be made by the student immediately upon return to campus.

Academic Decorum: The learning process involves an exchange of ideas and an exploration of concepts between faculty and students and a certain level of decorum facilitates this process.

Supportive actions include:

(1) Coming to class prepared including reading all assignments.

(2) Being attentive and responsive in class.

(3) Respecting the course instructor and fellow students (opinions and ideas).

(4) Contributing to the class by making topic-specific comments.

(5) Offering critiques and alternative ideas in a non-condescending manner.

(6) Providing a fair share of work to group projects and team activities.

Examples of disruptive behaviors to avoid include:

(1) Talking, sleeping, or otherwise distracting members of the class.

(2) Using electronic devices for personal use.

(3) Exhibiting argumentative or attention-seeking behavior.

(4) Failing to show respect or act with civility.

Written Assignments: Reading and study assignments are indicated in the attached schedule. Quizzes may be administered periodically to determine comprehension of reading assignments and class discussion. Written (homework) assignments will be assigned periodically to reinforce the reading assignments. These exercises will be less involved than the Laboratory Projects, usually involving answering questions from the text or assignment sheet. Classes will be conducted on the assumption that students have read the material in the text so that the focus can be on class discussion of the topics.

Late Work Policy: Some assignments may be eligible to be turned in late at a discounted grade. Late assignments will be discounted at the rate of one letter grade per day. After four days, the assignment will not be accepted. All assignments are due at the beginning of the class session. If they are turned in after the beginning of the class session, the score will be discounted by one letter grade. Assignments related to class presentations, projects, guided discussions, or similar activities, may not be eligible for late submission. Lesson plans (or other materials that require instructor/mentor pre-approval) that are to be used in field based classes may not be eligible for late submission. Assignments missed due to university approved absences or specific individually documented instances (note from a doctor in the case of illness or absences due to legal or civil proceedings) are eligible for late submission. Professors/instructors should be notified prior to a university approved absence.

Examinations: Three examinations (plus a comprehensive Final) will be administered during the semester as indicated in the class schedule. The examinations will include practical exercises and may require use of the Computer Laboratory. The material to be covered on each examination will be as indicated in the schedule. There will be no make-ups for the Final Exam.

Projects: Students will be assigned specific projects to test knowledge and acquire building skills. Work on these in the Laboratory or at home as long as the software used is the same (including version) as that installed on CISC Computer Laboratory. Projects constitute perhaps the most important part of achieving the course objectives. Projects will consist of programming assignments and other activities deemed appropriate to course objectives; each will be assigned a specific due date.

Guidelines for Submissions: The quality of your submissions reflects upon your professionalism and pride in your work. The individual projects will be submitted as indicated in the assignment sheet. Students are responsible for insuring their projects have, in fact, been turned in on time and should maintain a copy of computer based projects on a portable media (‘flash” drive). Students are encouraged to discuss their work with each other; however, projects and assignments to be submitted must be the individual student’s effort. Any obvious duplication of work will result in a grade of zero for all students involved; additional occurrences will result in disciplinary action at the departmental level.

Grade Computation: Successful completion of this course requires taking the three examinations, and completion of the assigned individual projects. Failure to take an examination or to complete any of the assignments (in accordance with guidelines in item “Attendance” above) will result in a grade of “0” for that assignment or exam.

Examinations (3 + Final) 60

Projects & assignments 30

Attendance, Participation 10

Total 100

A= 91-100%, B= 81-90%, C= 71-80%, D = 61-70%, F = 60% or less. The final grade will be computed to one decimal place and then rounded.