`University of Maine at Fort Kent

Strengths, Challenges, Opportunities, Threats Analysis


Factors considered both advantages and limitations:

The historical, cultural, and geographic setting

Advantages due to the historical, cultural, and geographic setting

§  Unique identity and potential

§  The Acadian Archives

Limitations due to the historical, cultural, and geographic setting

§  Historical underutilization of uniqueness i.e. the French program, Elderhostel, Bi-Athalon

§  Weak ties to Quebec, France, and New Brunswick

The rural setting of UMFK

Advantages due to the rural setting of UMFK

§  Safe learning and working environment

§  Early adoption and implementation of technology advancements

§  High quality of life:

o  High quality air index

o  Clean water

o  Natural Beauty

Limitations due to the rural setting of UMFK

o  Geographical isolation

o  Travel challenges

o  Rural can connote “poor”; especially within the state of Maine

The small size of the campus has both advantages and limitations

Advantages due to the small size of the campus

§  Family atmosphere

§  Students have close ties with faculty, staff, and the community

§  Faculty and staff can easily cross disciplines and job boundaries

§  Institution flexibility

o  Close ties to community

o  Safe learning, working environment

o  Convenient, attractive, well-maintained facilities

Limitations due to the small size of the campus

§  Limited fiscal flexibility for faculty and staff development

§  Limited state appropriations and need to update funding formula

§  Program limitations—number of programs and we cannot be everything to everyone

§  Salary limitations

§  Limited staff for special projects

Faculty and staff challenges pose advantages and limitations

Advantages for the faculty and staff

§  Quality and flexibility of faculty and staff

§  Highly skilled faculty and staff

§  Committed to high quality education

§  Freedom to create and develop courses and programs

Limitations for the faculty and staff

§  Limited numbers of both faculty and staff

§  Limited professional development opportunities for both faculty and staff

Strengths, Challenges, Opportunities, and Threats

The University of Maine at Fort Kent (UMFK) has principal strengths which include:

1.  UMFK’s rural nature lends itself to:

a.  A safe learning/working environment

b.  A high quality of life

i.  High quality air index

ii. Clean water

iii.  Natural beauty

2.  UMFK faculty and staff are committed to high quality undergraduate education and student success

3.  Technologic resources at UMFK are plentiful and state-of-the-art to include a wide array of Web-based resources and SMART technology in many classrooms

4.  Excellent relationships with stakeholders to include the community, public school systems, and health care agencies

5.  UMFK faculty and staff have demonstrated their flexibility in being able to offer a wide array of educational opportunities and services.

UMFK faces several challenges which include:

1.  Recruiting students for specific programs and retaining highly qualified students

2.  Meeting the unique learning needs of the millennial generation

3.  Recruiting highly qualified faculty that fit with our unique institutions

4.  History of not properly assessing and vetting new courses and programs and the necessary allocation of funding sources

UMFK must embrace its opportunities which include:

1.  The Center for Rural Sustainable Development (CRSD) can develop external funding sources

2.  UMFK has demonstrated a commitment to upgrading technology in the classroom and has outstanding distance education staff. UMFK offers two degree programs on-line and is willing to explore expanding these programs and adding more.

3.  The most recent study from the Maine Department of Labor (DOL) shows that the needs of society in Maine are in line with our professional programs. Specifically the Maine DOL states that the fastest growing professions in Maine are in education, healthcare, business, and professional services

There are threats to UMFK’s success which include:

1.  Increasing competition from Northern Maine Community College (NMCC), the University of Maine at Presque Isle (UMPI), and the Husson College satellite site at NMCC.

2.  The Maine DOL study shows that there is declining population in Maine among those people aged 16 to 54.

3.  The Maine Legislature is facing budgetary constraints. The University of Maine System has asked for increased funding from the Legislature but the percent allocated to UMFK has not and may not increase.

4.  UMFK currently relies heavily on tuition and enrollment numbers for financial sustainability.