The University appeared in the following publications in the month of June 2005. Please note that web and broadcast coverage is logged separately- see University in the Media:
ABC&D - Architect, Builder, Contractor & Developer
Aberdeen Press & Journal
ACR Today
Alton Herald
BBC News Web
BBC Sky At Night
Belper News
Birmingham Evening Mail
Birmingham Express and Star
Birmingham Post
BMA Student News
Bouremouth Advertsier
Bridgwater Mercury
Bristol Evening Post
Building & Facilities Management
Burnham & Highbridge Weekly News
Burton Daily Mail
Buxton Advertiser
Christchurch Advertiser
Community Care
Construction News
Contract Journal
Countryside La Vie
Coventry Evening Telegraph
Derby Evening Telegraph
East Anglian Daily Times
Electronics Weekly
Facilities Management UK
Farnham Herald
Garstang Courier
Grimsby Evening Telegraph
High Peak Courier
Holderness Gazette
Insurance Times
Irish Independent
Irish News
Journal of Community Nursing
Kettering Evening Telegraph
Kettering Evening Telegraph
Lancashire Evening Telegraph
Leicester Mercury
Library & Information Update
London Evening Standard
Monmouthshire Beacon
Northampton Chronicle & Echo
Northants Herald & Post
Nuneaton Evening Telegraph
Oldham Evening Chronicle
Poole Advertiser
Professional Engineering
Professional Security
Regeneration & Renewal
Retail Week
Scunthorpe Evening Telegraph
Somerset County Gazette
Southern Housing
Spectroscopy Europe
Sunderland Echo
Swindon Evening Telegraph
Taunton & Wellington Star
The Bath Chronicle
The Blackpool Gazette
The Clitheroe Advertiser and Times
The Daily Mail
The Daily Telegraph
The Engineer
The Guardian
The Independent
The Jewish Chronicle
The Northern Echo
The Redditch Standard
The Stoke on Trent Sentinel Series
The Times
The Western Mail Series
Training Journal
West Somerset Free Press
Wolverhampton West Mid Express & Star
Young People Now
Summary of Media Coverage:
A new ‘house of the future’ whose occupants will be monitored by management experts from Leicester was one of the key stories for the month. The media also followed up research by Dr Rodrigo Quiroga about whether the brain has a ‘Jennifer Aniston’ cell. His research is focusing on activity patterns of single neurons in memory-linked areas of the brain. Notices about the University’s Homecoming proliferated in the local press.
1 / Leicester Mercury / University supports new medical training scheme / Dr Liz Anderson
1 / Leicester Mercury / Professor elected president of British Botanical Society / Dr Richard Gornall, biology
1 / Leicester Mercury / Article mentioning university support in project monitoring the lives of a family / Management Centre
2 / Oldham Evening Chronicle / Article mentioning university support in project monitoring the lives of a family / Management Centre
2 / Leicester Mercury / Professor suggests small firms should be allowed to bend accounting rules / Professor Colin Williams, management
2 / Birmingham Post / Article about talk given at University of Leicester
3 / Somerset County Gazette / University research suggests men are dominating engineering industry / Professor Sarah Spurgeon, control and instrumentation research, Engineering
6 / Leicester Mercury / Article about University of Leicester moving up five places in Times league tables
6 / Bristol Evening Post / Article on Museum advert aimed at ethnic minorities / Successful candidates will carry out post graduate course at Leicester University
7 / Bridgwater Mercury / University claims men are dominating engineering industry / Professor Sarah Spurgeon, control and instrumentation research
7 / Leicester Mercury / University awards to presented by mystery sporting celebrity
7 / Leicester Mercury / Students raise £50,000 for charity
8 / The Western Mail Series / Article mentioning talk by financial adviser Caroline Anstee at Leicester
8 / Leicester Mercury / Chinese student granted prize by Chinese government on work on banking and finance / Jun Du, economics
8 / Leicester Mercury / University of Leicester academics to be involved in study of Jupiter / Professor Stan Cowley, physics
8 / Taunton & Wellington Star / University research suggests men are dominating engineering industry / Professor Sarah Spurgeon, control and instrumentation research
9 / Leicester Mercury / University to rent out space to firms during Freshers' fair / Students' Union
9 / Leicester Mercury / Genetics department to take place in "Race for Life" to raise money for cancer research / Genetics
9 / Buxton Advertiser / Feature on two students who scored well on Physics challenge set by Leicester
9 / Burnham & Highbridge Weekly News / University research suggests men are dominating engineering industry / Professor Sarah Spurgeon, control and instrumentation research
10 / High Peak Courier / Feature on two students who scored well on Physics challenge set by University
10 / West Somerset Free Press / Local council critic, Jessica Griffith, hopes to become new councillor / Jessica Griffith is researching Russian studies at Leicester
13 / Leicester Mercury / Article on new portable laboratory
13 / Leicester Mercury / Article on new mission planned for Beagle 2 / University of Leicester still to play part of building probe
14 / Leicester Mercury / Advertisement for a university open event in business enterprise / Institute of lifelong learning
14 / Northampton Chronicle & Echo / University graduate returns home
14 / East Anglican Daily Times / Graduate appointed to employment team at solicitors / Lottie Hammond
14 / Kettering Evening Telegraph / Feature on Leicester University graduate returning home
14 / Derby Evening Telegraph / Feature on hypnotherapy mentions University of Leicester graduate / Anil Anora
15 / Leicester Mercury / Professor comments on the auctioning off of a historical coin / Dr Richard Jones, English Local History
15 / Leicester Mercury / Graduate Sue Frost receives award for improving human communications
16 / Leicester Mercury / University of Leicester team have found a way of detecting cancerous cells which would be suspect to radiation / Dr Don Jones
16 / Leicester Mercury / University professor rewarded for help with rape investigation / Professor Ray Bull, psychology
17 / The Redditch Standard / Law graduate becomes youngest partner in solicitor's firm / Stuart Bailey, law
17 / Northampton Chronicle & Echo / Art exhibition at University of Leicester Northampton site to end
17 / Grimsby Evening Telegraph / District Astronomical Society to host talk by University professor / Dr Nigel Bannister, physics and astronomy
17 / Kettering Evening Telegraph / Art exhibition at University of Leicester Northampton site to end
18 / Birmingham Post / Photograph of University of Leicester design engineer in article about photography programme / John Holt, Space Research Centre
20 / The Northern Echo / Invitation for university homecoming
20 / Birmingham Evening Mail / Invitation for university homecoming
20 / Leicester Mercury / University gains praise in getting young people interested in difficult subjects
20 / Burton Daily Mail / Invitation for university homecoming
21 / Northampton Chronicle & Echo / Invitation for university homecoming
21 / Irish News / Invitation for university homecoming
21 / Northampton Chronicle & Echo / Article on university library extension
21 / Kettering Evening Telegraph / Article on university library extension
21 / Kettering Evening Telegraph / University course highlighted / Institute of lifelong learning
21 / Lancashire Evening Telegraph / Invitation for university homecoming
21 / The Blackpool Gazette / Invitation for university homecoming
21 / Swindon Evening Telegraph / Invitation for university homecoming
21 / Scunthorpe Evening Telegraph / Feature on top medical tutor who graduated from Leicester / Keith Moore
21 / The Bath Chronicle / Invitation for university homecoming
21 / Leicester Mercury / University of Leicester comes fifth in league for friendly universities
22 / Belper News / Invitation for university homecoming
22 / Irish Independent / University research suggests myths surrounding late motherhood are false / Julia Berryman, parenting research
22 / Nuneaton Evening Telegraph / Invitation for university homecoming
22 / Coventry Evening Telegraph / Invitation for university homecoming
22 / Leicester Mercury / Feature on Philip Larkin, who worked as a librarian for University
22 / Leicester Mercury / University of Leicester comes fifth in league for friendly universities
22 / Leicester Mercury / Article on high pollen levels, comments by Leicester professor / Dr John Bailey, biology
22 / Leicester Mercury / University Islamic prayer room has been extended in size
23 / The Clitheroe Advertiser and Times / Invitation for university homecoming
23 / Northants Herald & Post / Twenty university students granted accommodation in Northampton General Hospital
23 / Monmouthshire Beacon / Invitation for university homecoming
23 / Birmingham Express and Star / Invitation for university homecoming
23 / Christchurch Advertiser / Invitation for university homecoming
23 / Poole Advertiser / Invitation for university homecoming
23 / Bournemouth Advertiser / Invitation for university homecoming
23 / Leicester Mercury / Survey shows University graduates living in Leicester are among most satisfied
23 / Leicester Mercury / Artists to create sculptures in public at Botanic Gardens
23 / Leicester Mercury / PHD Graduate from Leicester comments on social integration of refugees / Kulvinder Sidki
23 / Northampton Chronicle & Echo / New student block at Northampton General hospital unveiled / Student from Leicester Medical School to live in new block as part of course
24 / Farnham Herald / Invitation for university homecoming
24 / Garstang Courier / Invitation for university homecoming
24 / Alton Herald / Invitation for university homecoming
24 / Leicester Mercury / Artists to create sculptures in public at Botanic Gardens
24 / Leicester Mercury / University of Leicester academic calls for more women to become involved in physics / Dr Gillian Butcher, physics
25 / Leicester Mercury / University of Leicester prayer room has opened for Islamic students
27 / Leicester Mercury / Conference to be held at Leicester University after 50th anniversary book / Book, " The Making of the English Landscape, by University teacher W G Hoskins
27 / Leicester Mercury / Students' Union Islamic Society to host national Student Islamic Societies event.
28 / Leicester Mercury / University lecture theatre named after local benefactors, Frank and Katherine May
28 / Leicester Mercury / Feature on the anniversary of Nelson's victory over Napoleon / Views given by David Johnson, historical studies
28 / Wolverhampton West Mid Express & Star / Talk to be given by University of Leicester academic at Wolverhampton History and Heritage Society / Dr John Smith, centre for urban history
28 / Leicester Mercury / University of Leicester student to study at Nasa / Daniel Thompson, space research centre
28 / Leicester Mercury / University Lecturer is carrying out research on neural reactions to celebrity photos / Rodrigo Quian Quiroga, bioengineering
28 / Leicester Mercury / Student Islamic society to hold annual conference at University
28 / Leicester Mercury / University excavation finds evidence of 2000 year old self-sufficient farming community
29 / Young People Now / Study led by university find gaps in arson prevention
29 / Leicester Mercury / University students' union awards for hard working employees / Graham Bonner, maths; Mike Uquhart, english; Ray Atkin, geology
29 / Leicester Mercury / Postgraduate researcher, Jeanette Atkinson, to find ways to make museums less boring / Project backed by University of Leicester
29 / The Stoke on Trent Sentinel Series / Article on what is entailed by following forensic science / Leicester graduate Rosemary Eynon-Colon given as example
29 / Leicester Mercury / Article on the awarding of honorary degrees by University of Leicester
30 / Holderness Gazette / Invitation for university homecoming
30 / London Evening Standard / Article about successful businessman Jeremy Herman / His father is an art professor at Leicester
30 / Sunderland Echo / Invitation for university homecoming
30 / Leicester Mercury / Article about the linking up of AstraZeneca with the University of Leicester to boost popularity of chemistry with students
30 / Leicester Mercury / University Graduates to encourage primary school students through Harry Potter role play / Dr Jonny Woodward
30 / Leicester Mercury / Feature on performance by Gurkhas band at University of Leicester's Oadby campus
Leicester Mercury / New exhibit at National Space Centre to give an idea of life on the moon / Dr Mark Sims, space research centre
national / national / national / national
1 / THES / University lecturer cited as part of the Higher Education Academy's national teaching fellows of 2005 / Christopher Willmott, Biochemistry
1 / Regeneration & Renewal / University of Leicester highlighted for courses in regeneration
2 / The Independent / Article about postgraduate business qualifications being seen as a key to success / Dr Mathew Higgins, management centre; explains why graduates are attracted to marketing
2 / The Independent / Feature on Harold Bridger, a founding member of Tavistock Institute / Tavistock institute worked with the University of Leicester to develop an experimental learning technique
2 / Contract Journal / Notice about student accommodation
2 / The Guardian / Graduate gains advice from a partner in ad agency LIDA / Graduate Brad Morris
3 / The Jewish Chronicle / University lecture theatre named after local benefactors, Frank and Katherine May
3 / The Jewish Chronicle / Feature on annual university memorial lecture
3 / THES / Feature on the change in American Identity / Article by Professor Nicholas J. Cull, American studies
7 / The Guardian / Feature on development of new University of Leicester library
8 / The Daily Telegraph / Leicester University featured as one of top 50 universities
9 / Insurance Times / Survey run in conjunction with University of Leicester question efficiency of rehabilitation referrals
10 / Retail Week / Professor Gill answers question about ban on "hoodies" in shopping centres / Professor Martin Gill
10 / The Times / Job advertisements for new Leicester University lecturers
10 / The Times / Job advertisement for new research assistant
11 / The Times / Birthday notice / Sir Peter Bell, medicine
13 / The Engineer / Article on plans to fire spacecraft into comet in Deep Impact project / University of Leicester involved in project
15 / The Daily Telegraph / University of Leicester professor has conducted research on the effects of certain chemical on male gametes / Professor Yuri Dubrova, Genetics