Employment Agency

1. Introduction

The University has used Employment Agency Staff for many years, with the contract being awarded on the basis of the competitive tendering process.

The contract is awarded on an exclusive basis, with the current suppliers beingAcorn. This means that only this agency should be approached for staff, and that they, in their turn, will approachsecondary suppliers on behalf of the University, if necessary.

2. Approval Process

Directorate approval, via an RD1, is required for all appointments. When the RD1 has been approved,the HR Department will contact the Line Manager and the Procurement Unit (Finance Department) to confirm. The Procurement Unit will then be able to provide the Line Manager with a Purchase Order number, enablingthe Line Manager to contact Acorn,direct.

For contact details, please see Section 4.

Please note: Acorn will not provide any agency staff until they receive the Purchase Order Number.

If an appointment is expected to last longer than 3 months then serious consideration should be given to following the standard Universityrecruitment and selection process, not least because of the cost implications (see below).This would mean the direct employment of a temporary member of staff.


The additional cost of employing staff from an Employment Agency will be met by the employing Corporate Department/Faculty from their Supplies and Services Budget.

The cost to the user for the convenience of utilising Employment Agency staff is currently in the range of10.0 – 13.8% of the sum of the hourly rate of the employee, plus the employers’ on-costs.

4. Contact Details

The current Employment Agency used by the University of Glamorgan is Acorn.

The Branch ManagerisMr Dave Matthews

Telephone: 01443 490585


The Recruitment Consultantis Ms Deborah Symons

Telephone: 01443 490580

Email: deborah.symons@acorn

The Line Managerwill need to inform Acorn of the anticipated length of the booking, in addition to a full job description/person specification. This will allow Acornto provide the most appropriate temporary staff.

Acorn will not confirm the booking until they receive a Purchase Order number.

5. Staff

It isimportant to remember that, while Employment Agency staff will not be on the University payroll, they are still members of the University community, and care should be taken with their Departmental Induction, introduction to Health and Safety, housekeeping, security and other issues.

6. Further Information

If you require any further information about any aspect of the process, please do not hesitate to contact your Human Resources Officer.

Revision / Issue Date / Revision Description / Author / HR Approval / Formal Approval
2.0 / 16 07 10 / New Agency / JFB

G:\John\Policies\Employment Agency Staff\Employment Agency Staff 2.0.doc