email to marissa saftner:
Do you have a poster that you presented within the past year, but did not have a chance to share it locally? Are you looking for additional opportunities to present your research?
I am pleased to announce that the Duval County Medical Society is accepting submissions for its Annual Poster Presentation, to be held at the DCMS Inaugural Ball & Annual Meeting onDecember 2, 2016. The DCMS Poster Session was established in 2009 to allow physicians to showcase their abstracts and poster presentations on a local level in the Northeast Florida medical community. Original and previously presented posters are welcomed! Included is the application information for any physician interested in participating. Applications need to be submittedby November 11thfor inclusion.
Poster ABSTRACT Preparation:
The Poster Abstract Form should adhere to the following guidelines:
- Margins & Spacing: Do not type outside of the box. Single-space all text in the abstract. Use 10 or 12 font.
- Title: Type in bold. Do not underline. End title with a period.
- Authors: List authors (presenter underlined), affiliation, and institution. Do not include street addresses or zip codes. Include academic degree, but do not indicate other titles of authors. List sponsor if required.
- Structured Text: Organize the body of the abstract as follows:
Background: A statement of the purpose of, or reason for, the report.
Methods: A brief description of the design of the study.
Results: A summary of the results presented in sufficient detail to support the conclusions. Simple tables and graphs may be included but must fit within the boundary lines. Statements such as “the results will be presented” or “other data will be presented to support…” are discouraged. Data must be presented in the abstract.
Conclusion: A statement of the conclusion based on the data presented.
- Abbreviations: use only standard abbreviations. Special or unusual abbreviations should be placed in parentheses after the first appearance of the full word. Numerals rather that words may be used to indicate numbers.
Poster Submission:
1. Please submit a completed Poster AbstractForm for Poster Presentation to Marissa Saftner at by Friday, November 11th. Confirmation of acceptance will be sent out by the end of the week ofNovember 14th. You must be available to attend the meeting on Friday, December 2, 2016, atThe Museum & Gardens to set-up and present the poster at 5pm.
2.Easel and backboard (40”x 60”) will be provided, along with hanging materials for laminated posters.
Poster PRESENTATION -December 2, 2016 dcms annual meeting
Presenting AUTHOR’S NAME:
co-author list Please indicate each of the
co-authors as signified below:
* Resident** Fellow
*** Student
[ ] IRB Approval – Indicate IRB Approval obtained for study.
Do not type outside of the box. Single-space all text in the abstract. Use 10 or 12 font (no smaller).