21 February 07


Ms Janet Jones - Chair Human Resources

Dr Gwendolen Bradshaw School of Health Studies

Prof Uduak Archibong School of Health Studies

Mr Patrick Allen School of Informatics

Dr Peter Morgan School of Management

Dr Iqbal Mujtaba School of Engineering Design and Technology

Ms Anne Copley Human Resources

Ms Angela Ackroyd Finance

Prof Donna Pankhurst School of Social and International Studies

Ms Helena Jones Disability Office

Ms Sue Robinson Estates and Facilities

Ms Nadra Mirza SLED

In attendance:

Ms Helen Murdoch Equality Unit


Dr Roger Ash Academic Administration

Ms Helen Dennett Research and Knowledge Transfer Services

Mr Adrian Pearce Student Engagement

Prof David Coates School of Life Sciences


Matters Arising

Section 4 of the last minutes stated that 6 impact assessments would need to be completed by each School and Directorate by 31 July 07. At the EDC of 9 Feb 07 this was reduced to four to be completed by 31 July 07.

Report on Training

A document was circulated showing the areas trained and which are still outstanding. Some areas have had two sessions or are requesting a further session.

A request was made to circulate the impact assessments already done by the School of Engineering Design and Technology, however, it was decided not to circulate any thing beyond the training materials at present. Good practice will be shared once a number of areas have produced assessments however at the moment there is no ‘benchmark’ material to be circulated.

Balanced Scorecard – Targets

The Balanced Scorecard will be amended to show reduced requirement to four assessments as agreed at the February Equality and Diversity Committee. The inclusion of impact assessment targets in the Balanced Scorecard will help mainstream the work with other key aspects of University business.

Mapping Out – required impact assessments

A document showing a first draft of key areas to be assessed was circulated. All areas were requested to review the list and send any suggested amendments through to the Equality Unit.