ESL Full-Time 2018
Application form
Please send the completed application form by email to:
Please use the tab key to move from one field to the next.
1. Student detailsYour name as it appears on your passport
Family name: / First name :
Gender: Male Female / Date of birth: // (day / month / year)
Nationality: / Passport number:
Your first language: / Please attach a scanned copy of your passport or ID card
Permanent address: / Tel:
Have you been a permanent resident in the EU for three years directly before the start of this programme?
Yes No. If no, what was your date of entry into the EU?
Do you need a visa to come to the UK and study on this course? Yes No
If Yes, please say which type of visa you will apply for (or already hold):
Emergency contact details: (the person we should contact if you have any problems while you are studying on this programme)
Relationship to you:
Address: / Tel:
2. Choose your course
Please check the course you would like to attend:
General English as a Second Language – full time course £185 per week
15 hours tuition per week
(course only available to students aged 16 years and over)
Would you like to study for:
1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks
Minimum enrolment period: 1 week
3. Course dates
Please check the dates you want to study. The courses all begin on Monday. The minimum period of study is 1 week.
Start date:
15/01/2018 22/01/2018 29/01/2018 05/02/2018
Finish date:
19/01/2018 26/01/2018 02/02/2018 09/02/2018
Refunds and CancellationsWe can only consider refunds in exceptional circumstances, but we may be able to give you a credit note for use against other courses at the College at a later date. The final decision on whether a refund is allowed will rest with the Finance Director of Bath College. If the course is cancelled, you will receive a full refund.
4. Special support
Do you have any health issues (eg asthma, allergies, etc.)? / Yes No / If yes, please give details:
Do you have a learning difficulty or disability which may need special support (eg dyslexia, etc)? / Yes No / If yes, please give details:
Please tell us any other information that would be useful for us to know:
5. Your education and level of English
Have you studied in the UK before? Yes No
If Yes, please give the start and end date of your study in the UK:
What is your level of English now?
Pre-intermediate (I know enough English to go shopping and have a simple conversation)
Intermediate (I am confident about my English, and I can join in conversations about familiar and unfamiliar topics)
Upper intermediate (I am very confident that I can understand most of the English around me, and on TV and in films)
Please give details of any English language exams you have passed:
/ Grade: / Date:
If you have an IELTS score, please enter it here: / Score: / Date:
6. Future courses
Would you want the College to arrange full-tme courses in the future?
Yes / No If Yes, please say which month you would prefer:
Would you be interested in attending some or all of our 8 week English Language Summer School in July/August 2018?
Yes / No If yes, how many weeks would you wish to attend for:
Would you like to receive information on our English Language courses in the future?
Yes No
7. How did you hear about Bath College?
Education fair
Internet / Agent (name):
Family, friend or past student / British Council
Other (please give details):
8. Declaration
Bath College needs to process personal information about applicants in order to make admissions decisions, to provide advice, guidance, education and training. In assessing applications, information may be released to relevant government departments or agencies and Local Authorities.
By writing my name below, I confirm that I am aged 16 or more, all the information provided in this application form is accurate and I understand that it will be used in order to make admissions decisions. Furthermore, I understand that I will be subject to the College regulations.
Name: Date: //
day / month / year
Parent / guardian consent (for students who are under 18)
As the parent/guardian of the applicant, I confirm that I agree to him/her participating in any course-related visit, trip or activity arranged by the College. I grant the College the authority to take practical and legal decisions including emergency medical treatment. This is to be undertaken if an urgent decision is required and the College is unable to contact me. I agree to the travel and accommodation arrangements which are organised by the College or its external agents. These include travel to and from the airport by coach or taxi, and daily travel to and from the applicant’s accommodation by the local bus service. I also confirm that the information given on this application form is accurate and I agree that the applicant will be subject to the College regulations.
Name of parent / guardian: / Date: //
day / month / year
Please send the completed application form by email to: