University Magna Græcia of Catanzaro

The full text is available on Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana, n. 67 - August 29th,2008

Deadline: September 29th 2008

D.R. n. 738

Ph.D. Program in Molecular oncology, experimental immunology and development of innovative therapies

Point 1

The University Magna Graecia at Catanzaro-Italy is offering 10 posts (7 of which with fellowship) for a 4-year Ph.D. Course in the field of Molecular oncology, experimental immunology and development of innovative therapies.

The post graduate research programme will be carried out in collaboration with the following universities:

1)Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg (Germany);

2)Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, New York (USA);

3)Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm (Sweden).

Point 2

Applications are open to (with no age or nationality restrictions) candidates who hold a degree, whose duration is not less than 4 years, in Biology; Medical, pharmaceutical, or veterinary biotechnology; Pharmacy; Biomedical engineering; Medicine or an equivalent 4-year degree from a foreign University that has been recognised by an appropriate academic authority. In the frame of agreements for inter-university cooperation and mobility this University is allowed to assess the equivalence of the candidates’ qualifications and titles (only for the specific purpose of admission and attendance of the Ph.D. Course) that have been issued abroad but that have not been recognised by an Italian University.

Applications should follow the indications outlined below, and should be addressed to the Rettore of University Magna Græcia of Catanzaro (Viale Europa, Località Germaneto - 88100 Catanzaro - Italy). Applications must be presented by September 29th 2008 on one of the following ways:

-by mail or by courier to the following address:

Università degli Studi Magna Græcia di Catanzaro - Ufficio Protocollo

Campus universitario- Edificio Direzionale

Viale Europa – Loc. Germaneto, 88100 Catanzaro – Italy

- Hand delivery to the above indicated address;

- electronically through the application form available on the website

For applications sent by mail or courier the date on the pick-up receipt will be considered valid.

Anyway, applications received after 13th October 2008 will not be considered valid.

Further information for applicants will be posted on the web site of the University of Catanzaro, (click on “dottorati di ricerca”).

The application should include (under the candidate’s legal responsibility):

-name, date and place of birth, place of residence, contact telephone numbers and e-mail address;


-indication of the degree awarded with the given grade, the date and the Institution where the title was awarded and the duration of the course (that cannot be less than 4 years);

-the acknowledgement that the position will be full-time and includes a mandatory attendance to formal teaching courses and seminars organized by the faculty members;

-indication of knowledge of foreign languages (English is compulsory);

-acknowledgement that any changes in place of residency or telephone numbers should be communicated to the University Magna Græcia at the e-mail address ;

-indication of holding/not holding a permanent position in any public Institution;

-indication of being/not being a recipient of other current fellowships.

If the application is sent by mail, the envelope should clearly indicate: “Domanda di ammissione al pubblico concorso per l'ammissione al corso di Dottorato di Ricerca internazionale in Molecular oncology, experimental immunology and development of innovative therapies”.

The envelope should contain two separate closed envelopes: on that one, containing the application form, will be indicated the name of the applicant and the inscription “domanda di partecipazione”; on the other one, containing the titles, will be indicated the inscription “titoli”.

The applicant should produce the following documents:

a) degree certificate, or equivalent awarded abroad, which indicates the duration, the date of issue and the name of the Institution, the marks (given grades) for the individual classes and for the final examination;

b)any documents that may be appropriate for the application, including publications, research projects carried out in Italy or abroad, reference letters;

c)a C.V. including the description of scientific and professional activities;

d)the list of enclosed documents.

Candidates with an academic title not declared as equivalent to the Italian laurea should include a detailed description of the undertaken studies as follows:

1)Full denomination of the degree;

2)full denomination of the Institution, including its public or private nature;

3)date of achievement;

4)final evaluation of the degree course with a brief description of the evaluation process;

5)denomination and a brief description of all the study classes with the final grades/evaluation;

6)any additional experience related to the Ph.D. program.

The documents may be produced in originals or in copies of the originals certified by the candidates under their own responsibility.

If the application form is filled in on line, all the above mentioned documents (a, b, c, d) should be sent, within the deadline of September 29th 2008, to the following e-mail address: .

The University administration reserves the right to verify the documents submitted.

The University administration declines any responsibility for the loss of communications, in case of inexact indication of residence or address of the applicant, in case of no communication, or late communication, of any change of contact address, or for possible mail delivery problems not caused by the administration itself.

Point 3

In accordance to the regulations of the University Magna Græcia, the selection procedure will consist of an evaluation of the candidates’ C.V. and qualifications and – if necessary – an interview.

The candidates must be fluent in English.

Point 4

The evaluation committee will be composed of three professors and, may include up to two experts in the field of immunology or molecular oncology.

Point 5

The candidates will be admitted to the Ph.D. program according to the rating established by the committee and the number of the available positions. In case of refusal by one candidate prior to the beginning of the course, the next candidate in the list will be contacted and offered the position.

The Ph.D Course will be activated only if, at the end of the selection procedures, at least three candidates will have enrolled in the Course itself.

Point 6

The successful applicants should contact the office of Dottorato di Ricerca of Università degli Studi Magna Græcia di Catanzaro (e-mail: ) within 8 days of the notification that will be sent exclusively by e-mail, and should send to the fax number + 39 0961 3694161 the following documents:

-a request (or a renounce) to be admitted to the first year of the Ph.D. Program;

-a copy of an identity document duly signed.

The successful applicants should afterwards submit the following documents to “Ufficio Dottorato di ricerca” Università degli Studi Magna Græcia di Catanzaro - Campus universitario- Edificio Direzionale - Viale Europa –Loc. Germaneto, 88100 Catanzaro –(Italy);

1.a xerox copy of a valid passport;

2.two photos ID (for personal identification document);

3.a statement that he/she has not been previously granted of a fellowship for a different Ph.D. Program (or in this case a declaration of the candidate’s awareness not to be entitled to the fellowship for this programme);

4.certification of nationality (self-certified);

5.self-certification for degrees relative to middle and high schools;

6.candidate’s statement that he/she is not currently enrolled in other post-graduate Program or that he/she undertakes to suspend the activity of that program;

7 a.For successful applicants who hold academic titles equivalent to an Italian Degree:

-Academic title: ______;

date and Institution ______

declared as equivalent to the Italian laurea by the University rule n. ______date ______,

Institution ______.

7 b. For successful applicants who hold academic titles that have not been declared equivalent to an Italian Degree:

-a copy of your graduate Degree with a list of teaching courses and a certification, issued by the Italian Embassy or Consulate, that your Degree, whose duration is not less than 4 years, is equivalent to the corresponding Italian Degree and the indication of the correspondence with the Italian grading system.

For other informations please contact

Point 7

- The annual amount of the fellowship will be 13.638,47 Euro. (Only for Italian successful applicants: the amount of the fellowship will be paid according to the conditions indicated in point 10 of the Bando published on the Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana, n. 67 –August 29th 2008).

- The fellowship will be paid every two months.

- The fellowship will be increased by 50% for periods spent abroad for research activities related to the PhD course.

- The fellowship cannot be cumulated with a different fellowship.

- The Ph.D. students with fellowship are exempted from payment of admission and tuition fees of the PH.D program. The Ph.D. students without fellowship will pay annual tuition fees of the amount of 520,16 Euro.

- The University of Catanzaro could provide a further financial contribution.

Point 8

Enrolled students are expected to attend to the doctorate courses actively and to participate in the research activities of the faculty members.

Enrolled students may be excluded from the research doctorate in case of:

a)negative judgement by the teaching faculty at the end of each year;

b)scientific misconduct.

c)unjustified and prolonged absence.

Catanzaro, August 1st, 2008

The Rector

Prof. Francesco Saverio Costanzo