Mary K. Van Ullen

University Libraries LI 328

University at Albany

1400 Washington Avenue

Albany, NY12222

(518) 442-3559


University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI

Master of Library and Information Science, May 1994

Beta Phi Mu

NicholsCollege, Dudley, MA

Graduate-level courses in Management, Finance, Accounting and Business Administration, 1990-1992

University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (Magna Cum Laude), May 1981


University Libraries

University at Albany

State University of New York, Albany, NY

Associate Director for Collections2011-

Rank of Associate Librarian (Tenure and promotion effective October 16, 2004)

Manage the Libraries’ Collections Division, including all Collection Development Activities and the Libraries’ Preservation Department. Administer the acquisitions budget, including state and special funds. Supervise six full-time bibliographers and coordinate the collection-related activities of additional library faculty with part-time bibliographer responsibilities. Supervise the Gift Books program. Administer the NYS Department of Education Coordinated Collection Development Grant. Participate in the management of the University Libraries and in the implementation of library policy through membership in the Library Policy Group.

Business and Economics Bibliographer 1997-2011

Responsible for collection development and evaluation activities to support University curricula in the areas of economics, geography, urban planning, law and business, including the study of accounting, management, management science and information systems, finance and marketing. Served as primary faculty and student liaison to the corresponding academic departments. Taught user education classes in business and economics research, database searching, and the use of print and electronic resources. Team taught GOG 160, “China: People and Places,” with faculty in the Geography Department. This course met the University’s General Education Requirement for Information Literacy. Created and maintained subject-related pages and research guides for Library Web site.

Library Supervisor

Norton Company, Troy, NY1995-1997

Managed corporate library for a manufacturing company. Supervised all aspects of library operations, including reference, collection development, interlibrary loan, technical services and database development. Served as Research & Development liaison with in-house patent counsel. Taught technical writing seminars for Research & Development engineers and technicians.

Patent Agent/Library Supervisor

CytoTherapeutics, Inc., Providence, RI1992-1995

Established a special library for a start-up biotechnology/biomedical company. Provided reference services and complex biomedical, business and regulatory literature searches for company employees. Managed company's patent portfolio and served as liaison between company scientists and outside patent counsel.

Technical Specialist

Rogers Corporation, Rogers, CT1988-1992

Performed literature and patent searches for business and research staff, and provided reference service for headquarters staff. Supervised department clerical staff. Wrote monthly library marketing newsletter.

Laboratory Scientist

Perkin-Elmer Corporation, Edison, NJ1983-1988

Performed paid instrumental analysis in surface analysis contract laboratory. Extensive experience with polymer surface modification. Techniques included X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Auger Electron Spectroscopy.

Chemistry and Radiological Controls Instructor

Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, West Milton, NY1982-1983

Trained Navy and civilian personnel in fundamentals of nuclear propulsion plant reactor chemistry and health physics in classroom, laboratory, and submarine prototype settings. Qualified as Navy Engineering Laboratory Technician.

Scholarly Activity:

Refereed Articles

Van Ullen, M.K. (2014). Analysis for Science Librarians of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Work of Martin Karplus, Michael Levitt, and Arieh Warshel, Science & Technology Libraries, 33(1), 33-46.

Van Ullen, M. & Kessler, J. (2012). Citation help in databases: The more things change, the more they stay the same. Public Services Quarterly, 8(1), 1-17. (Research and writing was shared equally.)

Chen, Y. & Van Ullen, M.K. (2011). Helping international students succeed academically through research process and plagiarismworkshops.College & Research Libraries,72(3), 209-235.(Research and writing was shared equally.)

Alonso-Regalado, J. Van Ullen, M.K. (2009). Librarian for Latin American and Caribbean Studies in U.S. academic and research libraries: A content analysis of position announcements, 1970-2007. Library Resources & Technical Services, 53(3),139-158. (Research and writing was shared equally.)

Kessler, J.& Van Ullen, M.K. (2006).Citation help in databases: Helpful or harmful? Public Services Quarterly, 2(1), 21-42. (Research and writing was shared equally.)

Kessler, J.& Van Ullen, M.K. (2005). Citation generators: Generating bibliographies for the next

generation. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 31(4), 310-316. (Research and writing was shared equally.)

Burke, G., Germain, C.A., Van Ullen, M.K. (2003).URLs in the OPAC: Integrating or disintegrating research libraries catalogs. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 29(5), 290-297. (Research and writing was shared equally.)

Van Ullen, M. K. Germain, C.A. (2002). Business as usual: and the academic library.Journal of Academic Librarianship, 28(5), 319-324. (Research and writing was shared equally.)

LaFond, D. M., Van Ullen, M.K. & Irving, R.D. (2000). Diversity in collection development: Comparing access strategies to alternative press periodicals. College & Research Libraries, 61(4), 136-144. (Research and writing was shared equally.)

Van Ullen, M.K. LaFond, D.M. (2000). Promoting European Union depository collections in the United States through bibliographic instruction.Journal of Government Information, 27(3), 325-343. (Research and writing was shared equally.)

(This article was cited in “LIRT's Top Twenty for 2000,” LIRT News. v.23, n.4 (2001). Available

Editorial Review

Member of the Editorial Review Board for:

Knapp, S.D. (Ed.). (2000). The contemporary thesaurus of search terms and synonyms: A guide for natural language computer searching. Phoenix: Oryx Press.

Book Reviews

von Recum, A.F.,(Ed.).(1999). Handbook of biomaterials evaluation: Scientific, technical, and clinical testing of implant materials. Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis. E-STREAMS(2000), 3(5). Retrieved from

Greenberg,B. R. Patterson, D. (1998) Art in chemistry; Chemistry in art. Englewood, CO: Teacher Ideas Press/Libraries Unlimited, 1998. E-STREAMS,(1999) 2(11). Retrieved from

Murphy, J. (1999). Reinforced Plastics Handbook. New York: Elsevier Science. E-STREAMS, (1999) 2(10). Retrieved from

Olson, K.C. (1999). Legal information: How to find It how to use it. Phoenix: Oryx Press. Business Information Alert, (1999), 11(5), 8.

Oka, Y. (Ed.). (1998). China marketing data and statistics. Chicago: Euromonitor International. Business Information Alert (1998), 10(10), 7-8.


“Citations: There’s an App for That,” with Jane Kessler. Presented at SUNYLA Annual Conference, June 12, 2014.

“Citation Management Apps,” Panel Discussion on Serving Our Mobile Users, Capital District Business Librarians, June 19, 2013. (I)

"Staying Out of Trouble:Helping International Students Navigate the Research Process and Avoid Plagiarism," with Yu-Hui Chen. Presented at the 2009 ALA EBSS Research Forum, July 11, 2009. (R)

"Academic Integrity: Coaching International Students to Avoid Plagiarism," with Yu-Hui Chen. Poster Presentation: ACRL 14th National Conference in Seattle, Washington, March 13, 2009. (R)

“Collaborating with the Teaching Faculty: Getting and Giving the Most Out of Instruction,” Panel Discussion at Teaching 101 and Beyond: Library Instruction and Student Learning, SUNYLA Working Group on Information Literacy (WGIL), University at Albany, June 1, 2009. (I)

“Publish, Publish, Publish: A Brown Bag Discussion,” with Carol Anne Germain and Trudi Jacobson, a panel discussion on publishing refereed articles and books, sponsored by the Professional Activities Committee, University at Albany, May 26, 2009. (I)

“Using Survey Monkey” with Yu-Hui Chen for The New York State Writers Institute. University Library, University at Albany, December 3, 2008. (I)

“Getting Started With Survey Monkey,” with Yu-Hui Chen, Capital District Business Librarians, University at Albany, July 22, 2008 (I)

"Teaching with Style: A Comparison of Electronic Citation Generators," with Jane Kessler. Presented at SUNYLA Annual Conference, May 26, 2004.

“Electronic Library: Implications for Accessing Alternative Press Periodicals,” Eastern New York Chapter of the Association of College & Research Libraries Fall 2001 Conference, October 22, 2001.

“Pig in a Poke or the Real Deal: Evaluating Full-text Databases,” Capital District Library Council’s Coordinated Collection Development Autumn 2000 Program, November 20, 2000.

Co-presenter, “Who Wants to be a Librarianaire?” SUNYLA Annual Conference, June 23, 2000.

“Mining Securities and Exchange Commission Documents for Business Information,” Capital District Business Librarians, February 18, 1999.

“Careers in Business, Technical and Special Librarianship.” Special Libraries Association, University at Albany Student Group, March 24, 1998.


“What is the News?”Moderated panel discussion of local news media reporters and editors speaking on the role of the news media in creating news, and various ethical and legal issues regarding news and the business community. Capital District Business Librarians, February 26, 1998.


“Chinese Handicrafts,” Science Libraries, Fall 2007.

“Chinese Cuisine and Tea Culture,” University Library, Fall 2007.

“The European Union: a Global Information Source,”University Library, Spring 2000.

Research Grants

Professional Development Grant of $484, from the SUNY Librarians Association, 2013. The award was in support of on ongoing research project, “There’s an App for That: Comparison of Citation Apps for iOS and Android Devices,” with Jane Kessler.

Janice Graham Newkirk Research Award of $500, from the Eastern New York Chapter of the Association of College & Research Libraries, Fall, 2002. The award was in support of an ongoing research project, “Comparison of Software for Generating Bibliographic Information,” with Jane Kessler and Linda Loeser.

Individual Development Award of $1,848, from the State of New York/United University Professional Development Committee, Fall, 2000. The award was in support of the research project, “Business as Usual: and the Academic Library.”

Professional Development Quality of Working Life (PDQWL) Grant of $1,868, Spring, 1999. The grant was in support of the research project “Approaches to Bibliographic Instruction in United States European Union Depository Libraries”.


“China in the Post-Utopian Age,” GOG 160M/EAC 160M, with Dr. Christopher Smith, Fall, 2002, 2003 and Spring 2006. Taught with Dr. Youqin Huang Fall 2004, 2007, 2009. This course met the Information Literacy component of the University’s General Education Requirements. Covered locating, evaluating and citing information resources for class assignments. Taught some special topics including “China’s Family Planning Policy” and “China’s Women: Still Reaching for Half the Sky.”

“Introduction to the Research Process” and “Avoiding Plagiarism” Workshops for International Students, with Yu-Hui Chen. 2007-. Teach multiple sessions of a series of hands-on, interactive workshops designed to help international students understand how to conduct library research and achieve academic integrity by proper use and attribution of source materials.



American Library Association

  • Member, 1993-
  • Program Planning Committee, 2010-2011
  • Morningstar Support Award Committee, 2011-
  • Esther J. Piercy Award Jury Member, 2013-2014

Association of College and Research Libraries

  • Member, 2008-
  • Professional Development Scholarships Committee, 2010-2011

Capital District Business Librarians, a membership committee of the Capital District Library Council.

  • President, 1999-2005
  • Member of the Planning Board, 1995-1999, 2005-

Special Libraries Association, 1993-2007

Upstate NY Chapter, member 1995-

  • Faculty Liaison to the Student Group, 2005-
  • Advisor to the Student Group, 2000-2004
  • International Relations Committee Chair, 1997-1999
  • Local Arrangements Committee, “I Told You I’m Worth It: ROI and the Information Professional,” SLA Distance Learning Videoconference, March 29, 2001.

SUNY Librarians Association, 1997-2004

  • Local Arrangements Subcommittee, 1998-1999, 2014

Eastern New York Chapter of the Association of College and Research Libraries, 1997-2003, 2010-

  • Local Arrangements Committee for the Fall 2001 Conference

Admitted to practice as a Registered Patent Agent with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, 1994

Library Service

Library Policy Committee, 2011-

Personnel Review Committee Co-Chair, 2007-2008





Steering Committee



Mentoring Committee, Co-Chair, 2004-2006

Mentor 2005-2010

Nominations and Elections Committee, Fall 2001-2003

Personnel Policies Committee, Co-Chair, Fall 1999-Spring 2001

Search Committees:

  • Associate Director for Technical Services and Library Systems, Chair, January-September, 2012
  • Senior Programmer Analyst, Chair, January-May 2008
  • Latin American Studies Bibliographer/Reference Librarian, Chair, 2004
  • Dewey Reference Librarian/Bibliographer, June 2000-Spring 2001
  • Head of Acquisitions, January-December 1999

SUNY Collections and Access Council, University at Albany,

  • Chair 2013-2014,
  • Member 2011-2013

Web Development Committee, 2009-

ExLibris Team, 2011-

Serials Solutions Group, 2011-2013

Graduate Education Planning Task Force, Co-Chair, 2010

Purchase on Demand Working Group, Member, 2010-

Winter Palooza Planning Committee, Member, 2006

Task Force on Brittle and Irreparable Books, Member, 2004

Convener of Bibliographer Meetings, August 2000-February 2001

Task Force to Revise Library Search Procedures, Fall 1999

Maps and GIS Task Force, Fall 1998-Spring 2000

Library Strategic Planning Innovation Through Technology Subcommittee, Fall 1998

Planning Group for the Faculty Forum on Full-Text Issues, 1998

University Service

Graduate Academic Council, 2011-

Committee on Admission & Academic Standing, 2011-2013

Committee on Curriculum and Instruction, 2013-

Fulbright Campus Committee, 2010

China Theme Semester Planning Committee, Member, 2007

Interdisciplinary Studies Committee, 2004-2006

D.A. in Humanistic Studies Program Advisory Committee, 2000-2002

Examination Proctor/Reader, Disabled Student Services, Fall 1998-2006

Community Service

Homeward Bound Dog Rescue of New York, Volunteer, 2009-2013

International Adoptive Families

  • “Adopting from China,” panel discussion presenter, at International Adoptive Families’ “International Adoption How To’s,” February 25, 2001 and March 5, 2002.
  • Liaison to Sigma Psi Zeta, Inc., an Asian/Asian-American Sorority, University at Albany, 2000-2005
  • Web master and electronic discussion list moderator, May, 2001-2005

Families With Children From Asia, Member, 1997-2005

ChineseCommunity Center, Member, 1999-

US-China Peoples Friendship Association, Member, 1999-2006

Religious Society of Friends, Schenectady Monthly Meeting Newsletter, Editor, 1996-2000