University Council on Teacher Education

October 23, 2008 Meeting at the Friday Institute, 4:00-5:30

PRESENT: Julie Dwyer (chair), Rich Nixon, Kevin Oliver, Eleanor Goettee, Gerald Ponder, Kay Moore, Grant Holley, Michael Maher, Jeffrey Reaser, Sam Snyder, John Griggs, Len Annetta, Ellen McIntyre, Erin Kershner, Beth Wilson, Anona Smith Williams, Norma Quiñones, Carolyn McKinney, John Ambrose, Paula Trantham, Joann Cohen, Meredith Adams (secretary).

The agenda, minutes, and new contact list were distributed before the meeting began. The meeting was called to order by Julie Dwyer by welcoming the members.

The minutes of our last meeting April 28, 2008 were distributed, and Eleanor Goettee’s name needs to be removed from the attendee list. Paula Trantham moved to accept the minutes with typos corrected and Jeffrey Reaser seconded. The meeting was turned over to Associate Dean Gerald Ponder who reminded the council of the last meeting and where we are to go from here. Dean Kay Moore also gave opening remarks about the future of the teaching profession and our revisioning process.

Associate Dean Gerald Ponder presented a PowerPoint on the State of the College, beginning with various graphs depicting comparisons within the Colleges of NCSU as well as the University of North Carolina constituent universities’ teacher education graduates. He then reiterated our task to revision our programs as mandated by the State Board of Education. Michael Maher presented the six revisioning parameters. Gerald Ponder also reminded the council of the accountability to NCATE, the State Board of Education, the Department of Public Instruction, and other state officials. Eleanor Goettee asked about where assessment parameter will be reflected in the course work, and Michael Maher discussed the possibility of new courses, experiences, or modules within existing courses. Michael Maher reiterated our preparation for NCATE review coming in fall 2009, as well as the General Education Program changes and other possible policy changes at the state level. The new Master’s of Arts in Teaching will start in January of 2009, which will have nine concentrations. Grant Holley thanked Ellen McIntyre, Len Annetta, and all those who have given their time to plan the MAT. The College of Education recruiter’s (Brian Johnson) new role was mentioned on a PowerPoint slide.

The presentation ended and questions were taken. Gerald Ponder especially wanted to know “Are we on the right path?”

Eleanor Goettee asked if the technology parameter still stood alone, and Michael Maher and Gerald Ponder explained that it will be more infused and woven throughout the programs. Julie Dwyer mentioned her concerns about current teachers and their level of technological knowledge. Grant Holley discussed professional development workshops through UNCTV, LearnNC, and NCSU. Gerald Ponder and Kay Moore mentioned initiatives like the 1-to-1 laptop initiatives and the new e-learning certificate through joint programs in the College of Education.

Eleanor Goettee wanted the principals’ input, and Paula Trantham said she agreed with the presentation, but wanted pre-service teachers in the field in the sophomore year. Michael Maher responded by saying that plans are to have them in a field experience in their first year. Paula said that would be great, as well as the technological. In further response to Eleanor Goettee, Erin Kershner wanted students to learn cultural diversity and differentiated learning techniques. Julie Dwyer mentioned that the junior level field experience is a tutoring experience addressing these issues, which Gerald Ponder said may be further developed to be “tutoring-plus”.

Joann Cohen discussed the new General Education Program and linked courses with people of different discipline teaching. She encouraged people to think about how interdisciplinary requirement work can be incorporated in the teacher education programs.

John Griggs mentioned more about technology and will send the information to Gerald Ponder to post in Poe Hall.

Carolyn McKinney stated that the NCSU team has come very far, and thanked everyone. Ellen McIntyre mentioned that Gerald Ponder has been the leader throughout these processes.

Julie Dwyer mentioned November 20th here at the Friday Institute as part of the American Education week. She thanked everyone for coming, the feedback from the council members, and concluded the meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 5:30, with refreshments.

Respectfully submitted,

Meredith J.D. Adams, Secretary