Central Animal House
University College Of Medical Sciences, Delhi–110 095
A. While ordering, Please specify the followings:
(c). Gender/Sex(d).Age or Weight Range
(e).No. of Animals required(f).Date on which Animals required
(g).Fax/Telephone No.(h) E-mail ID:
B. Documents to be Provided:
1. Covering Letter from HOD or Principal Investigator (PI) to the Incharge, Central Animal House, UCMS,specifying theabove mentioned details and an undertaking that the animals will be properly maintained as per the CPCSEA guidelines(2 copies). (Specimen Copy)*
2. Photocopy of the CPCSEA Registration Letter of your establishment(2 copies).
- Clearance/Approval Letter of ‘Institutional Animal Ethics Committee’ (IAEC) (Number, Date of approval, expiry etc) for the intended use of laboratory animals(2 copies).
- Although orders can be executed at short notice for small numbers of animals, it is desirable to give advance notice of 1-2 months regarding requirement for large number of animals. This will ensure better planning of the breeding programme and supply of animals according to the specifications and on the date required. Animals are generally supplied against the advance payment preferably by cash, deposited in the Accounts Department at UCMS Delhi.
- The animals can be collected from our Central Animal Facility on any working days (except Saturday and Sundays) between 10 A.M. to 3.00 P.M after prior confirmation over the animal availability. The party has to make their own arrangement for the collection, packaging and transportation of the animals as per the national guidelines. Those who come to collect animals from our facility, please ensure to bring appropriate size and adequate number of cages and come as early as in the morning hours to finish off the formalities associated with sale of animals.
- As soon as the animals are received please transfer them to clean cages and feed clean water ad-lib. Transportation is a stress on animals. Therefore it is advisable to use the animals for experimentation or breeding only after a quarantine/acclimatization period of 7 to 15 days in the new environment.
- Institute will not be responsible for any death, injury or escape of animals once they leave our facility. Requests for free replacement of animals or refund of cost will not be entertained.
- Feed-back on the quality of animals supplied by us in terms of experimental results will be appreciated. It will enable us to monitor the quality of animals.
Officer Incharge
Central Animal House
UniversityCollege of Medical Sciences & GTBH
Dilshad Garden, Delhi – 110 095 (INDIA)
Telephone: +91-11-22582972- 74 (Extn: 2401/5701);Fax: +91-11-22582105/22590495
Email: (Dr. S.K. Bhattacharya, Professor & Incharge, CAH)
(Dr. Vikas Galav, Veterinary Officer, CAH)
(Mobile: +91- 9717705445)
Price list of Laboratory Animals (In Indian Rupees)
(Will be available shortly)
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