
University Cluster Hire Proposal Form

Title of Proposal

Names of Participating Schools/College


This form is to be used for cluster hires that are to be funded jointly by both the schools/College and the Provost’s Office.

Instructions for Deans: Please submit cluster proposals to the Provost’s Office by April 1, 2014. Deans will receive feedback on the proposals by May 1 so that cluster hires can be incorporated into the FY2015 hiring plans due in June. Note that availability of start-up funds may affect the timing of searches for provost-authorized clusters.

Overview: Give abrief description and rationale for the proposed cluster that articulate its relationship to one or more strategic initiative themes. Summarize the potential benefits of the cluster hires to the schools/college and the university, including how the cluster will leverage existing positions and research strengths.

Objectives: The overview section addresses the first of the five defining objectives of the strategic initiative themes. Describe the specific objectives of the cluster and how they meet each of the remaining four goals2–5.

  1. Build scholarly communities that challenge, engage, and inspire individuals from many disciplines around a common theme.
  2. Enhance KU’s national and international visibility and impact.
  3. Engage and motivate funding agencies, foundations, state government, community, alumni, and friends to provide much-needed resources.
  4. Provide our students with unique experiences that will position them as highly recruited and valued drivers and innovators of social and technological change.

Accountability Metrics: To ensure that the objectives mentioned above are actively pursued and ultimately met, specify the metricsthat you will use to measure the success of the cluster.

Leadership and Oversight: Identify a steering committee (which may be free-standing or may be part of an administrative center or unit) that will be responsible each year for overseeing the search processes and for reporting on the metrics.

Commitment of Participating Schools/College: Provide a brief narrative outlining the commitments provided by participating schools/college. School/college commitments should include additional funding (e.g., for renovations and start-up) and space.

Includethe following table (or three separate tables) withspecific information about thefaculty positions. “Position” refers to faculty rank (assistant, associate, full, distinguished, or Foundation Professor). If the cluster hire proposal includes requests for centrally-funded positions or a Foundation Professor, identify the Provost’s Office as the funding source in the third column.

Recent Appointments Related to the Cluster
Faculty Member, Position, Research Area / Unit / Funding Source
Person 1
Person 2
Person 3
Cluster-Related Searches in Progress
Research Area, Position / Unit / Funding Source, Start Date
Person 1
Person 2
Proposed Cluster Positions
Research Area, Position / Unit / Funding Sources, Projected Start Date, Estimated Start-Up Costs (and Funding Sources)
  1. Person 1

  1. Person 2

  1. Person 3

Person 4.

Concluding Comments: Outline any other factors that could affect or contribute to the proposal, such as special startup needs, special space requirements (e.g., contiguous space, a significant amount of space or renovations, dedicated laboratories, etc.), imminent fundraising possibilities, contingencies in the external environment, and potential joint appointments.

Deans, please submit cluster proposals to the Provost’s Office by April 1, 2014. Deans will receive feedback on the proposals by May 1 so that cluster hires can be incorporated into the FY2015 hiring plans due in June. Note that availability of start-up funds may affect the timing of searches for Provost-authorized clusters. We expect authorized clusters to hold a summit or workshop to engage the KU Community. Ideally, the summit or workshop will occur during the academic year following authorization.

Cluster Hire Template, Provost’s Office-1-2014–2015 Faculty Recruitment Cycle