Univ. Doz. Prim. Dr. A. Hobisch
10.1993 1. Posterpreis der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Urologie (DGU)
„Androgenrezeptormutation in einem fortgeschrittenen Prostatakarzinom: Charakterisierung des Rezeptors“
12.1993 Award of the Society for Basic Urological Research (SBUR) in recognition of the outstanding abstract „Mutant androgen receptor detected in an advanced stage prostatic carcinoma is activated by adrenal androgens and progesterone“
10.1993Smith Kline Beecham Ecucational Grant of the European Society for Urological Oncology and Endocrinology (ESUOE)
„Products of Dihydrotestosterone Metabolism Activate a Mutant Androgen Receptor Detected in a Late Stage Prostatic Carcinoma“
10.1993Grosshaderner Innovationspreis
„Androgen Receptor Alterations in Patients with Disturbances of Male Sexual Development and in Prostatic Carcinoma“
11.1994Heinrich Warner Preis für die Jahre 1993/94
„Activation of the Androgen Receptor in Prostatic Cancer Cells by Insulin Like Growth Factor I, Keratinocyte Growth Factor and Epidermal Growth Factor“
06.1995Smith Kline Beecham Educational Grant of the EuropeanSocietyfor Urological Oncology andEndocrinology (ESUOE) and theSociety for BasicUrological Research (SBUR)
„Induction of Androgen-receptor Mediated Gene Transcription in Response to Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone“
04.1996Posterpreis der American Association of Cancer Research (AACR)
„Dendritic Cells from the Peripheral Blood for the Active Immunotherapy of Renal Cell Carcinoma“
01.1997Reinhold – Witzel – Preis 1996
„Distant Metastases from Prostatic Carcinoma Express Androgen Receptor Protein“
03.1997Preis vergeben von der Association pour la Recherche sur les Tumeurs de la Prostate (ARTP)
„Androgen Receptor Deletion Mutants in the Cross-talk between Androgen and Polypeptide Signaling Pathways“
03.1998National Institue of Health (NIH) Posterpreis
„Agonistic Action of Bicalutamide (Casodex) in a New LNCaP Subline Obtained after Long-term Androgen Ablation“
05.1998Günther E. Voges Preis der Bayerischen Urologenvereinigung und der Östrreichischen Gesellschaft für Urologie
„Androgenlangzeitablation in LNCaP Zellen führt zur Steigerung der Androgenrezeptoraktivität und Verlust der Transforming Wachstums Faktor-ß Sensitivität“ und „Up-Regulation der Androgenrezeptor-Aktivität durch Interleukin-6 in Prostatakarzinomzellen“
12.1998CaP CURE Forschungspreis
„Function of Androgen Receptor Coactivators and Corepressors in Advanced Carcinoma of the Prostate“
01.1999Dr. Otto Seibert – Wissenschafts – Förderungs – Preis
„Synergistic Activation of Androgen Receptor by Androgen and Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone in Prostatic Carcinoma Cells“
03.1999Qualitätspreis der Tiroler Landeskrankenanstalten Ges.m.b.H. (TILAK) für das ANTI-WARTE-PROGRAMM an der Universitätsklinik für Urologie
04.1999American Urological Association (AUA), Best Abstract, Prostate Cancer Category
„Androgens, Protein Kinase A Activators, and Growth Factors use Different Mechanisms to Activate the Androgen Receptor“
01.2000Grosshaderner Innovationspreis 1999
„Wechsel zwischen antagonistischer und agonistischer Aktivität des nichtsteroidalen Antiandrogens Bikalutamid (Casodex) in einem neuen Prostatakarzinommodell“
04.2000Society for Basic Urological Research/Merck(SBUR) Young Investigator Preis
(wurde 25 x in den Vereinigten Staaten verliehen, erstmals an einen Europäer)
04.2001European Association for Urology (EAU)Best Posterprize in Urological Oncology
„Alterations in androgen receptor activity and growth factor production during intermittent androgen withdrawal in vitro“
04.2001European Association for Urology (EAU) Best Video Prize
„Laparoscopic retroperitoneal lymph node dissection for testicular cancer“
12.2001Award of the Society for Basic Urological Research (SBUR/ESUR)
“Oncostatin M-iduced androgen receptor activation cannot be blocked by antiandrogens in prostate cancer cells”
10.2002Scientific Award – University of Iowa
“2nd international conference on prostate cancer research”
06.2003CaPCure ResearchAward
Inhibition of expressin o fthe androgen-coactivator CBP in prostate cancere in vivo
03.2007EAU Best Paper Published in Urological Literature Award 2006
Suppressor of cytokine signaling-3 antgonizes cAMP effets on proliferation and apoptosis and is expressed in human prostate cancer