Unity Through Partnerships Grants Program 2014-15
Accountability Report Template
This Accountability Report is required of all grant recipients to ensure that their project adhered to the funding agreement with the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship(OMAC), and to evaluate to what extent the project aligned with the Unity Through Partnerships (UTP)Grants Program objectives.
Instructions for completion:
- All fields are mandatory and require a response.
- You may make additions to the list of questions, if there is anything else you would like to tell us.
- You must complete the statement of income and expenditure, in relation to the grant money awarded.
- You are encouraged to attach photographs, promotional material, examples of media coverage or other relevant information relating to your event.
- Please return this report and any supporting documentation to the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship (OMAC) no more than 60 days after your project is completed.
Email to:
Post to: Community Grants Team, Level 3, 3 Treasury Place, Melbourne VIC 3002
1. Project Details
OrganisationTitle of Project
Grant Awarded / Amount Spent / Payment Year
Project Start Date / Project End Date / Date of final festival/event
Please describe the project (maximum 100 words)
In which Local Government Area (LGA) was the project based?
Did your project involve any other LGAs?
2. Alignment with UTP Grants Program Objectives
Please describe how working on your project in partnership with community organisations from different cultural, religious and linguistic backgrounds fostered cross-cultural connections.For example, what and how did you and your partners learn about each other’s cultures?Please describe how your final festival or event showcased the vibrancy and benefits of multiculturalism to the whole community.
Please describe how your project provided opportunities for people outside your community and your partner organisation/s’ communities to participate.
3. People Involved
In the table below, please list all of your partner organisations and describe how they were involved in the project (i.e. how did they contribute to the delivery of the project?) – add or delete rows if needed.
Partner Organisation Name / Organisation’s involvement
How many people attended the final event? / How many paid staff were involved in delivering the project?
How many volunteers were involved in delivering the project? / How many other people (paid performers, stall holders etc.) were involved in the project?
Please describe how you will maintain contact and continue to work with your Partner Organisations into the future.
4. Capacity Building
Please describe in detail how this project built the capacity and experience of participating organisations.
For example, this could include mutual support, skills development, training for staff members or volunteers, knowledge sharing or mentoring between partnering organisations.
Were resources developed as part of your project? If yes, please describe the types of resources developed and attach if relevant.
For example, this couldinclude teaching materials, reports, brochures, guidelines, art work etc.
5. Communications
How did you promote your event to get people involved?
Please describe which communities you targeted and the types of media used (print, radio, television, internet etc.).
Please list any media coverage that the project received, including source and date. You may attach relevant media coverage.
6. Other evaluation information
What feedback did you receive on your project (from Partners, participants, participants, attendees, etc.)?
How did you receive this feedback? For examplethrough surveys, focus groups, feedback sessions,informal conversations, etc.
What key themes or lessons learnt emerged through the feedback received?
Stories about individual people and communities are often the best way of learning what a project achieved.
Please tell us a story that best shows the impact of your project and/or why it was important to do.
Is there anything else you would like to share?
Every project experiences challenges. Please describe some of the barriers you faced with the implementation of your project.
What lessons have you learnt through the delivery of this project?
What would you do differently if you ran this project again?
Do you have any feedback regarding the UTP Grants Program?
Do you feel there are any ways in which the UTP Grants Program and related processes (including application) could be improved?
7. Expenditure Details
In the budget table below, please detail income and expenditure for the grant received. Please attach third party invoices and/or bank statements as proof of expenditure for items over $2000.
Income / ExpenditureAmount received from the UTP Grants Program / Administration Overheads
Other State Government funding (please specify which Department/s and/or programs) / Staff wages
Local Government funding (please specify which Council/s) / Advertising
Federal Government funding (please specify which Department/s and/or programs) / Catering
Funds from your organisation / In-Kind Labour
Funds from other community organisations / Travel & Accommodation
Funds from business contributions / Venue/Meeting Room Hire
Funds from philanthropic contributions / Equipment
In-kind support from your organisation / Other (please specify)
In-kind support from other sources / Other (please specify)
Other (please specify) / Other (please specify)
Other (please specify) / Other (please specify)
Total income / Total expenditure
Your financial officer or treasurer must sign this statement of income and expenditure.
Signature: / Date:
Print name: / Position:
8. Declaration
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that funds have been used for the purposes for which they were awarded and hereby acquit the grant.
Signature: / Date:
Print Name: / Position:
/ Please attach any promotional material, photographs, examples of media coverage, attendee comments or any other relevant information in relation to your event that you would like to share.
Please return this report to OMAC via post or email. / Email:
Post: Community Grants Team, Level 3, 3 Treasury Place, Melbourne VIC 3002
Please attach any promotional material, photographs, examples of media coverage, attendee comments or any other relevant information in relation to your event that you would like to share.