Uniting Church in Australia – NSW.ACT Synod - Hunter Presbytery
Presbytery Meeting
Tuesday 18th August 2015
at Charlestown Uniting Church
Those present :Rev. Haloti Kailahi, Mrs. Shirley Mitchell, Rev. Rex Graham ,
Mrs. Jenny Mathieson, Mr. Robert White, Rev. Gwen Graham,
Rev. Niall McKay, Rev. Rob Hanks, Mr. Michael Scowcroft,
Rev. Ray Atkinson, Mr. Rick Brownell, Mrs. Gwenda Brownell,
Ms. Rah Bryan, Mr. David Chegwidden, Mr. Doug Hewitt,
Rev. Dr. Steve Rowe, Rev. Dr. Rod Pattenden, Mr. Stewart Petrie,
Rev. Tom Stuart, Mr. Les Butchers, Mrs. Vivianne Butchers,
Mrs. Margaret. Barlow, Mrs. Vicki Sawyer, Rev. Stephen de Plater,
Mrs. Merle Butcher, Mr. Philip Mews, Mrs. Dianne Mews, Mrs. Jan Lewis Mrs. Judy Hicks, Rev. Warwick Cadenhead, Mr. Charles Pope,
Mrs. Beatie Esterbrook, Rev. Jennifer Burns, Mr. John Cardwell,
Rev. Dr. Kenneth Brown, Mrs. June Cameron, Rev. Peter Botha,
Rev. Lorna Martin, Pastor Richard Moors, Mr. Graeme Carter ,
Mrs. Margaret Hingley, Mrs. Helen Lowe, Mrs. Ruth Bowen,
Mr. Philip Wrightson, Rev. John Queripel, Rev. John Warham
Visitors :Mrs. Marion Cardwell, Mrs. Norma Morgan.
Apologies :Rev. Dr. Peter Oliver, Ms. Debbie Carstens, Mrs. Jan McGeachie,
Dr. Jennifer Barnes, Pastor Grahame Pricter, Rev. Hye-Ja Kim,
Mr. David Kim, Pastor Bill Hawkins ,Mrs. Joy Shelton, Rev. Mark Collins,
Mr. Alan Meredith, Mr. Ian Guy, Mrs. Jan Hudson, Mr. Malcolm Causley,
Ms. Eldrene March, Mr. Keith Hudson, Pastor Kim Baird, Mr. Brian Collard,
Rev. Ray McIlwraith , Mrs. Wendy Raine, Rev. Dr. Chris Budden.
1.Welcome :Rev. Haloti Kailahi (Chairperson) welcomed everyone to the meeting.
He welcomed Philip & Dianne Mews from Jesmond Park, and John
Cardwell as new representatives.
David Chegwidden welcomed everyone to Charlestown, and shared
The journey of their linked congregations of Charlestown, Whitebridge & Garden Suburb – how they sustain the missionof the congregations and develop their faith and life together.
2.Worship :Rev. Haloti Kailahi led worship , and it commenced with the singing of
Two hymns : What a Fellowship and Jesus Keep me near the Cross.
Haloti spoke about the Uniting Church and that we are all on a journey
together . He spoke about – where we came from – where we are now – where are we heading.
The singing of TIS 411 followed , and then the worship ended with a blessing.
3.Minutes :The minutes of the Presbytery meeting held on 19th May 2015 at East
Maitland were approved , and the minutes of the Standing Committee
Meetings held on 23rd June and 29th July 2015 were received.
4.Pastoral Concerns : Rev. Charles Bathgate, Rev. Lyn Collins
5.Follow – up from “Open Space” – “Re-imagining and planning – new ministry and
Congregational possibilities “ was presented by Rev. Rob Hanks.
This was a presentation with questions to challenge us and ideas for us to think about.
6.Weekend Out : Rev. Rob Hanks presented a visual promotion for the Presbytery
“Weekend Out” to be held at Morisset the next weekend.
7.Assembly :Rev. Rex Graham shared some reflections from the recent Assembly
held in Perth including a brief video.Rex and Grahame Pricter had attended Assembly as representatives of the Hunter Presbytery. Grahame had to send an apology to this meeting due to ill health.
8.Special Minutes :
i.Minute of Appreciation : Mr. Doug Hewitt : Ecumenical Involvement.
Jenny Mathieson (Presbytery Secretary) presented a minute of appreciation for Doug’s long involvement in Ecumenical work. Appendix 1.
ii.Minute of Appreciation : Mr. Stewart Davis – Meehan : Jenny Mathieson
presented a Minute of Appreciation, written by Rev. Nerida Drake , Chairperson of the Board Margaret Jurd College for Stewart’s long involvement in the work of Margaret Jurd College.
Appendix 2.
iii.Retirement Minute : Rev. John Warham : Jenny Mathieson presented
this minute on the occasion of John’s retirement from active ministry.
Appendix 3
iv.Memorial Minute : Rev. Henk Smit : This minute was approved as
circulated. Appendix 4
v.Memorial Minute : Rev. John Amery : This minute was approved as
circulated.Appendix 5
Mr. Doug Hewitt and Rev. John Warham responded.
Rev. Warwick Cadenhead led in prayer for John, Doug & Stewart, and gave thanks or the life and ministry of John Amery and Henk Smit.
9.Dinner :Grace was said by Rev. Tom Stuart, dinner was served and fellowship took
place around the meal tables.
10.Thank you :Thanks were expressed to Charlestown, for their hospitality in hosting the
Presbytery meeting, and particularly for the wonderful meal , and to all
those who prepared and served it.
11.Election of new Presbytery Chairperson : Due to the unexpected move from the Hunter
Presbytery to a placement in Georges River Presbytery by Rev. Haloti Kailahi , current chairperson, nominations had been previously called for.
Scrutineers were appointed and the election was held.
12. Declaration of the Ballot :Rev. Stephen de Plater was elected as the new Chairperson .
Stephen will be commissioned as Chairperson at the meeting of the Presbytery on 17th November 2015.
It was approved by consensus that Stephen de Plater be co-opted to the Standing Committee until he takes up this role and becomes a member.
Rev. Haloti Kailahi will remain as Chairperson until he finishes in the Presbytery on 11th October , and then the Deputy Chairperson (Mrs. Shirley Mitchell) will act as Chairperson until the commissioning of Rev. Stephen de Plater on 17th November.
13. Social Justice Committee membership :It was approved by consensus that
Rev. John Queripel, now residing in the Hunter Presbytery be elected as a member of the Social Justice Committee.
14.New Presbytery Officer :Jenny Mathieson (Presbytery Secretary) reported that
our Presbytery Officer position description had been approved by the Synod Placements Committee and has been advertised. Application close on 30th
September 2015. The Joint Nominating Committee will be : Rev. Dr. Chris
Budden, Rev. Jenny Burns, Rev. Warwick Cadenhead, Mrs. June Carmeron,
Mr. Doug Hewitt , Ms. Catherine Pepper. Rev. Carolyn Thornley has been
appointed as the Synod rep, and Chairperson of the JNC.
15.Nomination for new Moderator-elect : Synod have given opportunity for us to make
Nominations for Moderator-elect . This information had been circulated
but no nominations have been made.
16.Reports :The reports from Finance & Property Committee, PRC, YTMC,
Education Committee and Project Reconnect were approved
as circulated.
Ms. Rah Bryan spoke briefly to the YTMC report ; Rev. Lorna Martin
to the Education report and Mr. Chares Pope to the Project Reconnect
17.Table Groups :Discussion took place around each table . Working papers had previously
been circulated in relation to the Synod :
(i) General Secretary’s executive summary
(ii) Towards a sustainable budget.
It was agreed by consensus that the Hunter Presbytery expresses
Limited support to Narrative 1, and that we believe that the most
important factor in any implementation , is that all parts of the church affected know that they have been genuinely consulted.
18.Thank you :Rev. Haloti Kailahi was thanked for his leadership of the Presbytery
over the past five months , and assured of the prayers of the Presbytery
as he takes up his new placement at Oatley.
19.Closing prayer : Rev. Haloti Kailahi closed the meeting with prayer.
Jenny Mathieson
- Minute of appreciation - Doug Hewitt
- Minute of Appreciation : Mr. Stewart Davis – Meehan
- Retirement Minute : Rev. John Warham
- Memorial Minute : Rev. Henk Smit
- Memorial Minute : Rev. John Amery
Appendix 1
Meeting of the Hunter Presbytery – 18th August 2015
Minutes of Appreciation – Doug Hewitt
Doug’s Ecumenical Journey over 50 Years.
Many Christians today are still inspired by a commitment to ecumenical relationships originating from a 1952 Conference in a small Swedish town which gives it the name, the Lund Principle: “doing all things together except those which deep differences of conviction compel us to do separately.” This is a passion which still remains with us.
Doug Hewitt’s involvement in the ecumenical movement began in the early 1960’s with student campus activism, followed by participation in the NSW Christian Youth Council, best known for its Work Camps during the Christmas holidays, building houses for Aboriginal families in many country towns. He became the chairperson of CYC in 1964, and was then invited to be a Presbyterian representative on the national committee for the Christmas Bowl appeal, part of the Australian Council of Churches. This led to chairing that Commission for 12 years from 1976, when it was the country’s principal national organisation for aid and development, well before World Vision and other such appeals began. The Uniting Church has been a major force in this ecumenical work, sadly diminishing in recent years with the growth of denominational appeals in each church.
The NSW Ecumenical Council began in 1962, as a state offshoot of the Australian Council of Churches, and soon after she became its general secretary, Jean Skuse asked Doug to join its fund raising committee. That began a long involvement which eventually led to becoming a part time staff member in 1998, after retirement from university teaching. More recently there was a two year period from 2012, working from Newcastle, serving as the Council’s honorary general secretary, at a time when the Council was in danger of closing. It has now been revived with renewed commitment from its 17 member churches, has appointed a full time secretary, Father Shenouda Mansour, from the Coptic Orthodox Church, and the time has come to hand over the reins to others. At the Council’s annual meeting on 15 August Doug retired from the various committees of the Ecumenical Council.
There has always been a desire to enable Australians to better understand the partnership that exists between those who give to the Christmas Bowl, and the people in developing countries receiving those gifts. While on staff at the Ecumenical Council Doug was able to lead groups of church members to visit projects supported by Australian churches in Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Gaza and the West Bank, Armenia. Indonesia, China, and several East African countries. All members of these groups paid their own way, and accepted simple but generous hospitality from the partner churches. There was always the sense that we learned far more than we gave in such experiences. Walking in another’s shoes is the first step to better understanding.
The challenges continue to encourage Australians to give through Act for Peace which now organises the Christmas Bowl, particularly at a time of severe cuts to overseas aid. As our government becomes mean and isolationist in its international outlook the need grows for people to speak out in opposition to such policies and give more generously.
Doug, we give thanks to God for your tireless service on the NSW Ecumenical Council, and giving of your time and sharing your gifts over the past fifty three years.
What an amazing effort !
Doug’s journey on the national and state level may have finished but Doug remains involved through the Presbytery’s Social Justice Committee, and the new Hunter Ecumenical Justice Network. He also continues as Secretary of the Synod’s Faith & Unity Committee.
Thanks be to God !
Appendix 2
Uniting Church in Australia – NSW.ACT Synod – Hunter Presbytery
Meeting of the Hunter Presbytery held on 18th August 2015
Minute of Appreciation :Stuart Davis-Meehan
Over thirty years ago, Stuart began his working life as a youth worker with the Newcastle Youth Service , at that time associated with Hamilton Wesley congregation.
It was then that Stuart began his long association with the Margaret Jurd College.
Stuart has maintained a vital interest in the work of the College, its students and staff and its Board. During a transitional time , 2008 when the school was changing from emphasis as a welfare institution to an educational one, Stuart was employed as the Manager of the Service for twelve months and undertook significant changes in the life of the school.
We would like to thank him for his service to the Margaret Jurd College , as Chairperson of the Board , and many other roles he has undertaken at the Jurd.
His expertise and ability to network will be sorely missed. His leadership of the Board has been wise and enthusiastic.
We wish him well in his move to Canberra.
- Rev. Nerida Drake
Appendix 3
Retirement Minute – Rev. John Warham
Hunter Presbytery Meeting
August 2015
Rev. John Warham was ordained on 20th December 1992 at Grantham Heights Uniting Church.
Following on from Grantham Heights were five years in the Charlestown , Whitebridge & Garden Suburb congregations. During this time , the new Church was built at Garden Suburb and John was very actively involved in this building project. This was then followed by five years as the part time Uniting Church Chaplain at John Hunter Hospital. John was the first Uniting Church Chaplain the Hunter Presbytery appointed at John Hunter Hospital and his ministry set a firm foundation for this Chaplaincy role which is still being undertaken today.
This was followed by ten years as the Minister in the Merewether Central & Park Street congregations. During this ministry John gave leadership in the coming together of Park Street and Central congregations to become a new congregation of
Merewether Uniting Church.
During the whole of his ten years at Merewether , John served as the Newcastle Heads of Churches Clergy nominee to the Hunter New England Health Research Ethics Committee .
After his ten years at Merewether, the Hunter Presbytery gave John approval to take two years study leave.
John retired from active ministry on 31st July 2015
Thank you, John for your ministry in a wide variety of ways over the past twenty three years when you have served God and the Church faithfully using your many gifts and skills.
May God bless you and Margo and your family , as you begin this next phase of your journey through life.
Well done good and faithful servant !
Appendix 4
Hunter Presbytery Meeting – 18th August 2015
Memorial Minute : Rev. Henk Smit
Henk Smit was born on 4th March 1928 in Leewarden – Holland.
Rev. Henk Smit was ordained in the Methodist Church on 13th October 1963.
Henk has always had a strong pastoral and preaching ministry and has been much loved by the members of his congregations wherever he has ministered.
He first served at Robertson from 1960 - 1963 , and then at Coolamon from 1964 – 1967, Corrimal 1968 – 1971 , Crookwell 1972 – 1975, Cessnock from 1976 – 1980, Casino from 1981 - 1986, Nambucca River from January 1987 – June 1991.
During his active ministry Henk has always been a faithful servant , and always attending , first of all meetings of the Methodist District , and then Presbytery meetings in the Uniting Church, as well as the annual Methodist Conference and later Synod.
While in Coolamon, Henk served as Chairperson of the Methodist District, and also started Meals on Wheels at Ganmain , one of the towns in that area.
In Cessnock, he was instrumental in the commencement of a School for Seniors.
Henk retired in June 1991. Firstly to Nambucca Heads for several years before moving to Newcastle where he was a member of the Shortland congregation.
After many happy years at Shortland, Henk and Fay moved to live at Narla Village Retirement Facility at Belmont, firstly into the Self Care Units, and then later into the Hostel. For the whole of his time at Narla, Henk was actively involved in the life of the St. Luke’s – Belmont congregation.
Henk passed away on 9th April 2015 , and a Service of Thanksgiving was held at St. Luke’s Uniting Church - Belmont on 13th April 2015.
He is survived by his wife Fay, now residing in Narla Nursing Home, and his
daughters – Janine, Anne, Gwenda ,Pamela and their families.
Well done good and faithful servant .
Appendix 5
Hunter Presbytery Meeting – 18th August 2015
Memorial Minute – Rev. John Amery
Rev. John Amery was born at Narrandera on 6th December 1927.
John served for 12 months at Tweed Heads prior to entering Leigh Theological College at Enfield and was Ordained at Wesley Chapel on 7th March 1957.
On 12th March 1955 , John married Lexie Hotchkiss who has faithfully served in ministry with John throughout the whole of his active ministry.
Following on from college John served in Cooma/Bombala for five years , then at
Kurri Kurri for four years , then moved to Alstonville in 1964 where he also served as Financial Secretary for the Far North Coast Methodist District and was Secretary for the Caroona Methodist Homes for the Aged. He then moved on to Inverell (the then Northern Inland Mission) in 1969 for the next five years.
From Inverell John then moved into the joint Methodist and Congregational Parish of New Lambton, Lambton and Jesmond in 1974. While in this Parish, Church Union commenced and John stayed on at New Lambton working with Rev. Lach McInnes. During 1974 he went with a group of volunteers to Darwin to help re- build the Uniting Church property that had been destroyed by the cyclone. For the last six months of his time at New Lambton he worked half time in the parish and half time for the Methodist Homes for the Aged and then in 1979 became the first full time