United Square Dancers of America s1





Date: Friday, January 23, 2015

Time: 9:00 AM

Meeting Place: Best Western Plus Oceanfront

Presidents: Mike and Pat Matsko called the meeting to order and thanked everyone for coming.

Invocation: Jerry Robey Pledge of Allegiance: Bill Flick

In attendance: Presidents: Mike & Pat Matsko; Eastern Reg. VP, Rich Delgado; Central Region VP, Ed & Lynda Willis; Western Region VP, Information Officers LPaul & Sally Schmidt; Secretary, Facilities, After Party, Milene McCall; Treasurers Jim & Judy Taylor, Past Presidents Jim Maczko &Patty Wilcox; Parliamentarian, Prescription Cards Bill Flick; Showcase of Ideas, Ways & Means, Jerry & Donna Robey.

Not in attendance: Plains Region VP, Sound, Webmaster, Dress & Jacket, Jim & Edythe Weber; Handicapable, John & Alitia Becker; Insurance Chairman, Pat Inglis; Badges, USDA Traveler, Joy Vaccari, Youth, Bonnie Abramson; USDA News Editor, Larry Dunkel; Education Publications, Tony & Diana Rock.

President’s Comments: Mike talked on meeting attendance as there was about 60% which is a legal meeting, but this could cause a problem down the road.

Mike thanked Rich for thinking about going someplace new for this meeting, but it was outside our budget, that is why we are back here. Also thanks to our founding father for arranging the shuttle service for the “west coasters!” Jerry and Donna for being good “bird dogs” and finding Milene before she saw them, and getting everyone safely to the hotel!

And our Bill – arriving on 30,000 mile tires after driving through the cords!! And having to get to a service center right away!!

Sound System issues – understudy- 5 people now might be able to back up our sound man, but we are not up and running 100% but our sound man doesn’t know what is wrong either. We have enough to work with for the group we have.

Agenda changes:

Add under new business –

10 – Section A –Membership Applications

c. Central Ohio Dance Clubs

G - 35th Anniversary Event

Announcements: Rich Delgado, Rich thanked everyone for being here. For the help in picking everyone up, the Robey’s for getting Milene at the airport, Jim and Patty for getting LPaul and Sally and Jim and Judy all they way with them. Mike and Pat for arriving early and playing hostess and greeting and setting up the hospitality. We will be going to the Little Theater of Virginia Beach which is 6 very long blocks from here. I have thoughts on future winter meetings think we need to revise our guidelines. We will be going to Waterman’s for dinner this evening we some of you went 4 years ago.

Minutes from the previous meetings:

Pre-Annual Meeting Tuesday June 24 2014 – corrections made –

Approved with corrections

Annual Meeting Wednesday June 25, 2014 – corrections made - minutes were approved with corrections on Saturday morning with the changes noted then posted to the USDA website.

Post-Annual Meeting Saturday June 28, 2014 – accepted as corrected.

Treasurers Report: Jim Taylor commented on how well Milene kept her composer during all the corrections and under pressure. I would suggest everyone could write back any corrections they find so she could note them and save time. Milene commented this was her fault as she had no one to proof them, and work had been crazy.

Jim preceded with the Treasurers report information’s for this year books shows we had an income.

Pat has money to help move back and forth. Officers have been moved from individual accounts into one Officers category. I have one backdated check for a scholarship. The third page is the profit and loss and proposed budget. Bill F. inquired if all the accounts are drawing interest; Jim T. noted that we made $277.00 in credit card charge as income. Pat I. has to hold $6000.00 at any time in her account and at year end it is a higher amount. Jim M. asked about the $10.00 yearly fee for the Colorado Non Profit Annual Report Jim T., asked are we required to have this in any other state.

Jim T. Asked about possible moving some funds over to an 18 month CD? Which may draw 1% interest. Bill F. Do we need a motion? Donna R. Your recommendations?

Discussion was to have Jim T. look into this option and move forward if this was good option.

Officers Reports:

Presidents: Mike Matsko noted that organizations are only as strong their club leadership. Pat and I have traveled club leadership is not informed and some leadership is just burned out and not addressing as they should. A lot of leaders including callers that are saying doom and gloom out there. How do we get the leadership to get the delegates out there to attend the National Conventions and our meetings and leadership seminars? Need to start talking positive at club levels and getting word back to our affiliates. This may help promote changes. Take your new dancers out and help show them the way!!

Donna R. Stated people still do not know who USDA is but mention insurance “Oh Yes! I know that!”

Jim T. Part of the square dance reimage program was to develop a data base to talk to the clubs thought about good leadership. Ways to get down to the club level straight to the members when they don’t go to Nationals.

Jerry R. Communication is a big deal. Electronic is a big deal. USDA News is a good tool. Not sure who all this goes to, Larry Dunkel is always asking for articles.

Ed W. When I took lessons I was not told anything outside our club. As we are traveling we are asking can we give a "What is USDA" session at their conventions.

Eastern Region Vice President: Rich Delgado, Motivation is critical. Question is why people running the clubs do not want to recruit dancers until they are ready to fold?

It is very difficult to change the attitudes.

Central Region Vice President: Ed Willis noted we went to the WV State Convention, stayed at college stayed in dorms ate in the café. They had a very hard time to get callers. They are having a very hard time getting leaders.

Kentucky has division, Milene knows this better. Alabama and Mississippi pleaded with us to come and help them. Plan to attend Ohio and Florida.

Plains Region Vice Presidents: No additional report.

Western Region Vice Presidents: LPaul Schmidt, agreed some people aren’t fit for the office of president, spending money where they shouldn’t and they aren’t getting anything out of it. As Presidents of the California Council, we have state, regional. A re-merge might help the three units. Hawaii is not able to join USDA insurance as Markel is no filed in HI, so they may be able to sell joining USDA without getting anything back. Utah I the other not affiliated with USDA.

LPaul, Sally along with Jerry and Donna Robey will be attending the HI convention right after the winter meeting.

Jim T. Mentioned new Affiliate’s matched that up against the rebrand and tries to contact.

Jim M. advised everyone to read LPaul and Sally’s article in the USDA News.

Secretary: Milene McCall, reminded everyone to get their reports in on deadline as having to send reminders makes my job harder.

Past President: Jim Mackzo, noted that members of the missing six of seven of the elected people present, most of the appointed people had reasonable excuses for not making the meeting.

Rich D., asked since next year 2016 was the 35th Anniversary, and as Historian, do we want do anything special?

Jim & Jim T., Stated they remembered the two cakes from the 30th.

Patty W. stated the missing faces of the USDA book has been found in all the Historian stuff that Gilbert and Sharon passed on them.

Information Officer: Sally Schmidt, News releases will do better job on getting information and getting these out.

Dailies - $575.00 for the 3 ads – Sally asked if we wanted to proceed.

Motion: Move to purchase the 3 ads for the dailies @ $575.00 for the 64th NSDC.

By Jim Taylor – Second – Bill Flick

Motion Passed

Parliamentarian: Bill Flick, No activity since June through January so I have no report.

Committee Reports:

Insurance Coordinator: In reviewing Pat’s report, Markel has been slow printing certificates for this year. 2014 – 38,119 showed totaled enrolled.

Jim T. We audit our books – are Pat’s books audited?

Answer – Yes – CPA does it.

Discount Prescription Card: Bill Flick, for many years I received calls and comments since June no calls. Do we want to continue? We made $86.75 this past year. In May I order more cards to put in the packets and Showcase of the Ideas.

Question: How much does it cost us for the cards?

Bill answered – No cost to USDA so this is found money.

Handicapable Dancers: Mike Matsko filled in for Alitia Becker, no additional comments except for the panels to address on Saturday.

Jim M. Special Olympics Los Angeles wants to add Square Dancing into this, and we need to make sure Alitia is aware of this.

Youth: Comments on Bonnie’s Report –

Sally S. Full page ad in the USDA News was very eye catching. She had one youth who wanted to know where to send her application.

Patty W. I would like Bonnie to include in Showcase so people can see who actually gets the awards.

Centennial Award:

Jim M. Larry Dunkel is very gun ho about this, and I was very happy to see we had one in our own backyard that Sally and LPaul were able to give out.

Bill F. Stated that Rich D. had made a presentation at the PA State Convention.

Patty W. Stated we need to add the medallion to the trifold.

Education / Publication:

Discussion on the Centennial Award Trifold:

Jim M. Thought three years ago in KC, we did away with the fonts and also the dancers, also we need to adopt the new “Live Lively Square Dance” logo if we are using it as filler.

Jerry R. Suggested to add phone & email under President in the first Column.

Rich D. I think the introduction can be shortened – add health benefits – be careful how far we push it.

We believe SD will help people get 100 years old and in many case give people better quality life in your last years.

Add where we present these awards – NSDC, State Conventions. Rich also requested that it be a USDA Affiliated Club, and have a way to verified by a club president or caller. Also – notice before you have to be present to.

Sally S. Stated she didn’t agree with all the qualifications.

Rich D. Amended about a signature by dancer or family member.

Bill F. Agrees with Sally that this a good way to get our name out.

Rich D. Agrees with Sally’s thinking.

Mike M. Appointed Jim M. and Jerry R, as committee on the trifold.

Sally S. Brought up new educational material

·  Creating Club Association by laws or standing rules

·  Using Social Media to promote Square Dancing

·  Using Facebook

·  Using Meetup.com

Rich D. Suggests we need to review our publications to make sure they are up to date.

Judy T. Nominated Rich to review, Mike M. stated that we thought Connie had assigned all to us review.

USDA News: Group all stated Larry Dunkel puts out “Positive stories”.

Bill F. Stated Prescription Card Report was not in the latest edition.

Jerry R. What can we do to increase distribution of the USDA News?

Bill F. Need to have addresses to get distribution out. That can be part of the problem when officers change and not passing on information.

Jim T. I have the PDF forms of the officer’s dues / Presidents / Delegate / Treasures. This opened up discussion on how the information is not getting down to everyone. As Larry Dunkel is the keeper of the database.

Milene M. explained what she did when she received a delegate form – by sending these on to Larry to add to database.

Jim M. Asked the list be forwarded to the USDAALL email address.

Our publication is great. Looking at it in color is great!! Checking to see how much it would cost to print in color. Reading on web in color is beautiful.

Jim T. Can we get a hold of Larry and see who all the distribution goes to?

Jim M. Printing is done in KS – who gets the bill?

Mike M. Milene will contact Larry and we will bring up Saturday.

Webmaster: Jim Maczko, Discussed a marketing study by San Diego State University Business MBA Program Marketing Square Dance Program and the study showing Web sites are out of date. Not modern looking, technology is beyond any of us in this room. We need to look for someone to work with Jim Weber to help update our site.

Badges: No additional report

USDA Traveler: No additional report

Question: Item 5 – what does 6 states have not been visited mean?

Possibly – since June? (does this mean no one has turned any in?)

Facilities: Milene McCall, Springfield

Marriott had advised the Ballroom A was only going to hold 100 people, I informed the lady that I am working with that will not work, we need room for at least 250 people. We are working this out with Len and Connie and Marriott.

Des Moines: Still have not heard back from the GC’s on the room rates or the meeting rooms. I kept sending emails; I will continue to send emails

Sound: LPaul Schmidt may need to have the sound repaired or repaired after the discussion last night.

Jerry R. Suggest written directions added to the sound box so incase this happens again we can set this up without difficultly.