



No. AG 75 of 1993


This Agreement shall be known as the United Construction Alcoa Kwinana Core Crew Enterprise Agreement 1993.




3.Incidence and Parties Bound

4.Date and Period of Operation and Review

5.Relationship to Parent Award

6.Aims and Objectives

7.Strategy for Achieving the Aims of the Agreement

8.Productivity Improvement Agenda

9.Dispute Resolution


11.No Extra Claims - Commitments

12.Wage Increase

13.Cessation of Provisions of Agreement

Appendix - Resolution of Disputes Requirements


(1)This Agreement shall apply to and be binding upon United Construction Pty Ltd in its operations at the Alcoa Kwinana Complex, employees of United Construction Pty Ltd at its Alcoa Kwinana Complex who are members or eligible for membership of the MEWU.

(2)For the purposes of this Agreement the Alcoa Kwinana Complex shall be deemed the enterprise.

(3)The single bargaining unit includes representatives from United Construction Management and employees as defined above.


(1)This Agreement shall operate on and from the date of registration by the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission for a period of one year.

(2)The parties shall review the Agreement one month prior to its cessation.

(3)The parties will assess achievements in productivity and efficiency during the term of this Agreement.

(4)Following the process of reviewing this Agreement it shall be renewed, replaced or cancelled as appropriate.


(1)The provisions of the Agreement shall be read and interpreted wholly in conjunction with the Metal Trades (General) Award 1966 and the Metal, Electrical and Building Trades (Pinjarra and Kwinana Alumina Refineries and the Huntley, Del Park and Jarrahdale Mine Sites) Construction Order No. 1310 of 1993.

(2)Where there is any inconsistency between this Agreement and the Metal Trades (General) Award 1966 or the Metal, Electrical and Building Trades (Pinjarra and Kwinana Alumina Refineries and the Huntley, Del Park and Jarrahdale Mine Sites) Construction Order No. 1310 of 1993, this Agreement shall prevail to the extent of any inconsistency.


(1)The shared aim of this Agreement is to allow United Construction to provide a service of total quality and total commitment to Alcoa Kwinana.

Alcoa Kwinana is a site in which United Construction strive to maintain a multi-skilled and loyal workforce. It is intended that this Agreement will allow all parties to it to further enhance the skills and attributes of the United Construction Alcoa Kwinana workforce.

(2)To support this aim, the following specific objectives have been agreed:

(a)To be the preferred contractor to Alcoa Kwinana.

(b)To maintain and enhance the multi-skilled aspects of the Alcoa Kwinana workforce that already exist.

(c)To have a highly motivated, dedicated and loyal workforce.

(d)To achieve a zero lost time injury level.

(e)To enhance the working relationship that already exists between the workforce and the management.


(1)To achieve the aims and objectives of Clause 6. - Aims and Objectives of this Agreement, the following strategy has been agreed:

(a)A monitoring committee has been established to monitor the progress of the productivity agenda items for employees under the Agreement.

(b)The monitoring committee comprises of two employee representatives and two employer representatives.

(2)(a)Ongoing discussions regarding productivity, work practices, management/employee relations and general proposals for improvement of any aspect of operations will take place on a monthly basis to allow the monitoring of productivity aims and objectives. It will allow the committee to utilise and acknowledge the intellectual resources, skills and experience available within the United Construction workforce to reach and maintain the aims and objectives of this Agreement.

(b)The parties will continue to address issues designed to increase productivity and flexibility at the United Construction Alcoa Kwinana Complex.


The following agenda items have been established with agreed targets to form the base to determine entitlement to wage increases specified in Clause 12. - Wage Increase of this Agreement.


(a)Employees will accrue a Rostered Day Off ("RDO") at a rate of one every 28 days.

(b)The RDO's shall be taken at a time mutually agreed between the employee and his/her supervisor. Employees shall request his/her RDO from their supervisor. Should the RDO requested not be suitable to the supervisor, a day and date shall be agreed within seven days of the request by the employee.

(c)RDO's may be accrued to a maximum of six days and a maximum of two consecutive days (RDO's) shall be taken at any time.

(d)RDO's shall be taken in accordance with the above and will not be paid out in lieu.

(e)It is intended that the introduction of RDO's as part of this Agreement will assist employees to pursue personal/family activities (that require business operating hours).

(f)The same day off shall not be allowed for all or the majority of employees.

Target: To allow the United Construction Alcoa Kwinana Core Crew to operate as normal, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays. To allow United Construction to provide a service of continuous availability of labour at short notice. It is not intended that all or a majority of employees take the same day off therefore stopping or seriously inhibiting production.


Employees will (subject to Clause 35. - Training of the Metal Trades (General) Award 1966), when directed carry out all such duties that are within the limits of an employee's skills, competence and training. This will be further enhanced by training and certification of employees of United Construction Alcoa Kwinana Workforce. This is done in conjunction with Clause 10. - Training of this Agreement.

Target: To remove all demarcation, improve productivity, flexibility, and enhance the skills of the workforce within the Alcoa Kwinana Complex.


Engineering, commissioning and supervisory staff may use tools when carrying out inspections, testing equipment or instructing employees under agreed circumstances; provided this does not replace in any way the jobs of employees covered by this Agreement.

Target: To allow the orderly and timely completion of tasks and to increase the training, productivity and flexibility of the workforce within the United Construction Alcoa Kwinana Complex.


Meetings between the workforce representatives and the management of United Construction will continue to be held at times mutually convenient to both parties.

Local Issues: Meetings to report on local United Construction Pty Ltd issues will continue to be held at times convenient to the Company and employees. It has been practice to have these meetings in the meal break and the parties agree that this is the most convenient time. Discussions will take place if either party wish to change from the above.

Target: To allow United Construction Alcoa Kwinana Core Crew to operate productively and consistently.


The Monitoring Committee will be able to agree on behalf of the workforce as to the spread of hours (subject to the Metal Trades (General) Award 1966) for the working schedule.

Example: When working 12 hours shifts the following structure will come into operation:

Start: 7.00 am

Smoko:10.00 am - 10.10 am

Lunch: 1.00 pm - 1.30 pm

Smoko: 4.30 pm - 4.40 pm

Finish: 7.00 pm

Target: This will enhance flexibility and productivity by removing restrictions on work schedules and operating hours.


The Monitoring Committee will address work quality. The committee will put into place a system of assessing and evaluating the quality of work carried out within the enterprise.

The committee will establish a current level of defects. This level will be evaluated in regard to the current productivity. An action plan will then be established in regard to maintaining or reducing (if necessary) the quantity of rework. This figure will be reviewed at the six month review period.


The Monitoring Committee will address the area of consumables in the United Construction Alcoa Kwinana Stores. The committee will put into place a system of assessing and evaluating the level of consumables used from the United Construction Alcoa Kwinana Stores.

The committee will establish a current level of consumables. This level will be evaluated in regard to the current productivity. An action plan will then be established in regard to maintaining or reducing (if necessary) the quantity of consumables used. This figure will be reviewed at the six month review period.


Aim: All employees where possible will reduce absent/sick days taken.

Target: The target for this Agreement is that average sick leave taken should not be more than 50% of the Award entitlement.


(1)Where a grievance arises the matter shall initially be discussed between the employee concerned and if that employee so desires his/her workforce representative and the employee's immediate supervisor.

(2)If the grievance is still unresolved by the discussions referred to in subclause (1) hereof the workforce representative shall discuss and attempt to resolve the dispute with the Workshop Manager.

(3)Where the above discussions fail to resolve the matter of concern it shall be referred to a senior management representative and the appropriate full-time union official. The parties shall then initiate steps to resolve the grievance as soon as possible.

(4)While the steps in subclauses (1), (2) and (3) hereof are being followed no industrial action shall be taken. A minimum of seven days is allowed for steps (1), (2) and (3) hereof to solve any dispute.

(5)If after seven days the grievance is still not resolved, either party may refer the matter to the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission provided that any party reserves the right to refer an issue to the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission at any time.

(6)Either party will give the earliest possible advice to the other party of any issue or problem which may give rise to a grievance or dispute. All relevant facts shall be clearly identified and recorded throughout. At least seven days shall be allowed for all stages of the discussions to be finalised.

(7)No bans or limitations will be placed on the performance of work while the dispute procedure is being followed.


A Training Assessment Committee will be established for United Construction Pty Ltd Alcoa Kwinana. This will comprise the Project Engineer and the Foreman. This committee will assess training needs for the site. They will then forward formal proposals to the United Construction Pty Ltd Training Department. This committee will operate within Clause 35. - Training of the Metal Trades (General) Award 1966.


(1)Pursuant to the terms of the January 1992 State Wage Case decision there shall be no further claims for the life of this Agreement except where consistent with a State Wage decision.

(2)The parties to the Agreement shall be bound by the terms of the Agreement for its duration.

(3)The parties to the Agreement shall oppose any applications by other parties to be joined to this Enterprise Agreement.

(4)The terms of this Agreement will not be used to progress or obtain similar arrangements or benefits in any other enterprise.


As acknowledgement of efficiencies targeted through this Agreement wage rates at 16 December 1993 of employees will be increased by 4.5 per cent upon ratification of this Agreement.


Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 4. - Date and Period of Operation and Review of this Agreement, the provisions of Clause 6. - Aims and Objectives, Clause 7. - Strategy for Achieving the Aims of the Agreement, Clause 8. - Productivity Improvement Agenda, Clause 10. - Training and Clause 12. - Wage Increase of this Agreement shall cease to operate on 16 December 1994.


(1)This Appendix is inserted into the award/industrial agreement as a result of legislation which came into effect on 16January 1996 (Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment and Repeal Act 1995) and further varied by legislation which came into effect on 23May 1997 (Labour Relations Legislation Amendment Act 1997).

(2)Any dispute or grievance procedure in this award/industrial agreement shall also apply to any questions, disputes or difficulties which may arise under it.

(3)With effect from 22 November 1997 the dispute or grievance procedures in this award/industrial agreement is hereby varied to include the requirement that persons involved in the question, dispute or difficulty will confer among themselves and make reasonable attempts to resolve questions, disputes or difficulties before taking those matters to the Commission.



Signed for and on behalf of United Construction Pty Ltd (ACN: ):

(SignedbyM.S.Smith)M.S.Smith Date:22/10/93

Name of person authorised

to sign (print)

Signed by Representative for and on behalf of employees:

(SignedbyP.Degabriele)PeterDegabriele Date:18/10/93

Name of person authorised

to sign (print)


Metal and Engineering Workers' Union)

Western Australia)

was hereunto affixed in the presence)


(SignedbyJ.Sharp-Collett)Secretary Date:12/10/93

Title (print)

(SignedbyJ.Craig) ActingOrganiser Date:12/10/93

Title (print)




NO. AG 75 OF 1993

Delivered 25/01/94 at 74 WAIG 249

Consolidated at



1. Title

2. Arrangement

Ins. Appendix - Resolution...693/9616/07/9676 WAIG 2768

3. Incidence and Parties Bound

4. Date and Period of Operation and Review

5. Relationship to Parent Award

6. Aims and Objectives

7. Strategy for Achieving the Aims of the Agreement

8. Productivity Improvement Agenda

9. Dispute Resolution

10. Training

11. No Extra Claims - Commitments

12. Wage Increase

13. Cessation of Provisions of Agreement

Appendix - Resolution of Disputes Requirements

Ins. Appendix693/9616/07/9676 WAIG 2768

App2053/9722/11/9777 WAIG 3079