United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) recently launched theIran Business Registry (IBR)- a running database of businesses operating in Iran. Click here to view the IBR.

  • The IBR compiles the names and key data of over 200 firms that are reported to work in Iran. Our goal is not to gratuitously hurt any legitimate business. Instead, the IBR is a clearinghouse of information that individuals in the U.S. and around the world can use in making business choices and to focus economic pressure on the Iranian regime.
  • Iran relies on those international companies that do business in Iran to support its fragile oil-based economy. Corporations that do business with the brutal Iranian regime for short term economic gain prop up the Iranian economy and facilitate the regimes diversion of funds to its illegal nuclear program. Short-term economic profits cannot be a justification to circumvent international sanctions designed to thwart Iran from developing nuclear weapons. These corporations should choose between doing business in the U.S. with the American people or with Iran.
  • Further economic pressure could push Iran's economy to collapse and inflame its already restive population. Effective economic measures to isolate the Iranian regime may make the difference between a diplomatic deal and a nuclear standoff.
  • Use the IBR to send messages to corporations on the IBR at the global, national and local level. The IBR also enables individuals to send messages to elected officials and local media.
  • UANI supporters and activists have already used the IBR to send messages to major corporations including Siemens, General Electric, Royal Dutch Shell, Huntsman Corporation, JP Morgan and others. The IBR was also instrumental in UANI’s successful effort to prevent New York City hotels and venues from hosting President Ahmadinejad and the Iranian delegation during the UN General Assembly in September 2009.
  • Corporations can voluntarily declare themselves ‘Iran-Free’ by signing UANI’s Iran Business Declaration (IBD). At the urging of UANI supporters, General Electric and the Huntsman Corporation have recently signed the IBD, affirming that they do not and will not conduct business in or with Iran.
  • The success of the IBD proves that the pressure generated by UANI and the IBR works. In the absence of new U.S. and international sanctions, the IBR is the best way to individuals to focus concentrated economic pressure on the Iranian regime and those corporations that irresponsibly do business with the regime.