NAME ______

Unit Three Reflection Rubric

Advanced Proficient, 10-9 / Proficient, 9-8 / Partially Proficient, 7-6 / Needs More Evidence
Part 1: Free will journal / Student’s opinion is clearly stated and thoroughly supported by three detailed personal and/or secondary examples. Argument is clear, logical, and interconnected. / Student’s opinion is stated and supported by three personal and/or secondary examples. Argument is clear and logical. / Student’s opinion is somewhat stated. Personal and/or secondary examples may be incomplete or not explained in a relevant manner. / No evidence that student has an opinion on free will or has attempted to form one.
Part 2: Interview / Student’s questions are relevant, complex, and connected to sociology.
Summary of interview is detailed. Reflection is thoughtful, personalized, insightful, and interconnects a variety of issues. / Student’s questions are relevant and connected to sociology. Summary of interview is clear. Reflection is thoughtful and personalized. / Student’s questions are basic. Summary of interview may be unclear in parts. Reflection is minimal. / No evidence that student conducted an interview and/or wrote a summary and/or did a reflection.
Part 3: Visual / Student provides a complex explanation of how he/she is a product of biological factors (nature) and social factors (nurture) using two specific examples for each and providing depth about each example to explain to what extent each plays a role. / Student provides a solid explanation of how he/she is a product of biological factors (nature) and social factors (nurture) using two examples for each explains to what extent each plays a role. / Student provides a minimal explanation n of how he/she is a product of biological factors (nature) and social factors (nurture). Examples are minimal and extent is not addressed. / No evidence that student can explain how he/she is a product of biological and social factors.
Part 4: Education / Educational experiences are clearly explained and thoroughly analyzed from the sociological perspective using correct terminology and making complex connections to in-class topics and discussions. / Educational experiences are explained and analyzed from the sociological perspective using correct terminology and making connections to class. / Educational experiences are mentioned but not analyzed. Little connection to terminology and class are made. / No evidence that student can explain how education has contributed to who you are today.
Part 5: Speculate: a world without media or religion / Thorough evidence of “thinking like a sociologist” is present. Terms and concepts are used correctly, and complex connections to class are made. / Evidence of “thinking like a sociologist” is present. Terms and concepts are referred to and connections are made to class. / Evidence of “thinking like a sociologist” is very basic. Terms and concepts are mentioned but may be used at a minimal level. / No evidence that student is “thinking like a sociologist.”