FOCUS: This unit will focus on learning and applying spelling strategies and rules to commonly misspelt words as well as new vocabulary. Students will access prior knowledge about spelling as well as investigate what makes a good speller. They will also learn and practise new spelling strategies and apply these to a variety of situations such as tests, editing peer writing tasks and finding errors in their own work. Teachers will vary the rules taught according to the needs of the class.

1. To apply prior knowledge of spelling strategies and rules to a spelling test. / Complete the Pat Spelling test to the best of their current ability.
2. To evaluate patterns of weakness in spelling. / Identify the words and rules you struggle with in the spelling test. Determine strategies to experiment with to learn these rules/words and how to access memory prompts.
3. To identify strategies to use for common misspellings. / Complete the Common Errors test and identify why people struggle with them. Determine strategies and practise using them to learn these words.
4. To define homophones and apply spelling strategies. / Write a definition of homophone and brainstorm examples. Complete the cloze activities correctly or write homophones in sentences and peer correct. List strategies to remember the meaning/spelling. Play Coffee Pot successfully.
5. To revise and apply spelling and editing strategies to our own writing. / Identify and correct spelling errors in a piece of student writing and set signs.
6. To define, classify and apply suffixes to improve spelling. / Complete the word sort correctly. Correctly complete Crossword or glossary.
7. To define, classify and apply prefixes to improve spelling. / Complete the word sort correctly.Correctly complete Crossword/ mix-match or writing sentences activity.
8. To define spelling rules and apply these to editing. / Remember the “ie” /”ei” rule and apply it to the activities-select the correct spelling.
9.To define spelling rules and apply these to editing. / Identify the rule applying to adding ‘s’ to words ending in y from the words provided. Correctly identify the correct spelling in the activity sheet.
10. To evaluate spelling progress and identify improvement strategies. / Complete the class spelling test and determine your progress. Identify strategies to improve your spelling.