Unit One Quiz: Ancient Civilizations and Religion Review

Your test on the Religion Unit will be in-class on ______. The test counts in the Conceptual Understanding part of your grade. You will receive one 4-point grade for each of the sections.

It is Honor Code Level Three. You are strongly urged to create a study guide prior to the test. If you turn in a study guide prior to the test then you will have the opportunity to do an alternate revision if you are dissatisfied with your score or not proficient. If you do not submit a study guide then you forfeit the opportunity for a revision. (Please note: a stack of handouts and notes does not constitute a study guide; creating something NEW that demonstrates evidence of thought and preparation is what constitutes a study guide.)

As per School Policy, cell phones and I-pods are not allowed to be used, or even visible, during the duration of your test-taking. Violations of this during the test result in the immediate confiscation until after the test. Please bring something to read or work on for when you finish.

Parts 1 & 2:You are expected to be familiar with the following concepts for Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Judaism. You will show what you know via true/false and multiple choice questions on this part of the test.

  • The foundations and beginnings of the religion
  • The founder and prominent figures
  • Whether the religion is monotheistic or polytheistic
  • The sacred text/texts
  • Examples of opposition the early religion faced
  • Why or how sects formed
  • Geographically, where it began
  • Examples of religious practices

Part 3: Consider Gilgamesh and Siddhartha and what their roles and actions suggest about the norms and values in the societies in which they live.

Parts 4 &5: You will do a short written response to two prompts. One of the prompts hinges on the three videos that we watched on September 6 & 7. Refer to if you need to watch the videos again (about 12 minutes total). The other prompt is a compare/contrast about a few of the world religions. It will be important to refer to specific readings and class discussions for each.

Advanced Proficient
4 / Proficient
3 / Partially Proficient
2 / Unsatisfactory
Constant references to texts and class discussions enhance the student responses to the writing prompts.
All content is historically accurate and founded on solid reasoning that shows a deep understanding of the religion and/or civilization.
Student offers sophisticated explanations and is able to apply knowledge of history to prompt. / Some references to the text and class discussions enhance the student responses to writing prompts.
Most content is historically accurate. Reasoning generally demonstrates understanding of the religion and/or civilization.
Student offers grade-level explanations and is usually able to apply knowledge of history to prompt. / Minimal references to the text and class discussions are used to respond to prompt.
Content’s accuracy varies throughout. Reasoning is hard to follow.
Student offers only basic explanations and is not usually able to apply knowledge of history to prompt. / No references to the text and class discussions are used to respond to prompt.
Content is inaccurate and illogical.
Student does not offer explanations and does not apply any knowledge of history to prompt.