UNIT:Management Practices (Term 1)

UNIT:Management Practices (Term 1)


UNIT:Management Practices (Term 1)

UNIT OVERVIEW:This unit covers business structures, relevant stakeholders, the macro and operating environments, management structures and the roles of business managers, and business ethics.

ASSESSMENT:Short response test 60-90 mins (50-250 word responses). All three criteria are tested – Knowing and understanding business management, applying and analysing management strategies, and evaluating and communicating management strategies.


No / Learning Goal / Success Criteria/Activities
(I know I’ve got it when I can …)
1 / List and describe the three different business environments. / Refer to Graphic organizer, showing the 3 environments: internal, operating and macro environments.
Describe the distinguishing features of each environment.
2 / Analyse the factors in the macro environment, operating environment and internal environment. / Consider the degree of impact the various factors can have on business performance and also the influence a business has over the development of these factors.
Macro: PEST (political, economic, social, technological)
Operating: customers, suppliers, competitors, interest groups
Internal: policies, structure, planning, staff
3 / Define terms on glossaries / Write accurate definitionsfor these terms.
4 / Examine case studies (egLogica, Telstra, First Group) and discuss how factors within the macro and operating environments impact on these businesses. / Apply knowledge of macro environmental factors to answer case study questions. Consider how the environmental factors are impacting both negatively and positively on this business.
5 / Analysekey performance indicators in relation to performance areas. / List at least 3 KPIs for each performance area.
6 / List the stakeholders found in both the internal and external business environments. / Consider which people/organisations are affected or impacted by a business’ operations.
7 / Outline the views or interests the various stakeholders would have in a business’s operations. / Complete the activity on slide 27. State the interest each stakeholder has in the business’ operations and what they hope to gain.
8 / Examine various management structures.
Interpret organizational structures and view roles and responsibilities within business organisations. / Note the differences in structures (vertical and horizontal), and the ways staff are organized into departments.
9 / List management roles and classify situations according to POLC. / P,O,L,C (planning, organising, leading, communicating) – see slides 31,32
Group situations according to their similarities.
10 / Describe the three levels of planning. / Classify actions as either: front-line, operational or strategic.
11 / Analyse a SWOT analysis. / Classify activities as either S,W,O,T.
12 / Define corporate culture. Examine the corporate culture of various organisationseg. Bendigo Bank. / Explain the factors that contribute to the culture of an organisation.
13 / Analyse the three business ownership structures. / Describe the main features of each structure. Note the ways the structures are both different and similar.
14 / Compare and contrast various business structures, with a view to making recommendations for the most suitable structure applicable to each situation. Justify response. / Apply knowledge of structures to respond to business scenarios. Note similarities and differences. Decide on the best structure. Use evidence from scenario as justification for ideas.