UNIT: Look What’s Cooking!
This kit contains: pouring cup on flex mount, apron, 8-piece bakeware set, muffin tin, cookie sheet, PowerLink 3, duck soup, pretend soup, 3-D lunch puzzle, 3-D fruit puzzle, 3-D dinner puzzle, 3-D vegetable puzzle, interactive storybook, Cooking up Fun, magnetic words, red baking pan, blue baking pan, tri-fold literacy board, VA Foundation Blocks for Early Learning
Activity / Environmental Support / Material Adaptations / Simplify the Activity / Child Preferences / Special Equipment/AT / Peer Support / Adult SupportOral Expression: Introduce new vocabulary measuring spoon, measuring cup, mixing bowl, etc. / Objects to represent new vocabulary / Choose large handled utensils and wide-based bowls / Limit vocabulary to 1-2 new words / Children choose objects from mystery bag / Program voice output device with new vocabulary words and pictures / Buddy up with peer who chooses same object / Verbal prompting
Field trip to grocery store to see fruits and vegetables / *See your center’s policy for needed supports* / May need stools for smaller children or consider children with limited mobility / Have pretend grocery store at center / Children choose their groups (to be with) / Program voice output device to allow non-verbal children to ask questions/comment / Explore in groups / Safety monitoring, supervision, and prompting
Phonological Awareness:
Identify words that rhyme in “Pat a Cake” / Chart with rhyme / Highlight rhyming words and add pictures above most words / Choose only 2 lines to work with versus entire rhyme / Child chooses highlighter color / CD player with rhyme in song to reinforce / Child can ask a peer for help/clue / Gestural and verbal cues
Letter Knowledge:
Match words to PECS symbols / Cooking up fun with magnetic words, baking sheets / Place on baking sheets / Limit words to match to field of
3-4 / Child chooses favorite 3-4 to match / None / Pair up with another child with similar shoes (flip flops, laces, Velcro, etc.) / Gestural and verbal cues
Print/Book Awareness:
Display “Duck Soup” and discuss parts: cover, back, spine, etc. / Book and pointer / Use large handled pointer / Discuss only one part / Child holds pointer / Program voice output device with associated words / 1 child holds book and 1 child points / Gestural and verbal cues
Written Expression:
Place baking flour in baking tray and copy/”erase” letters (“erase” by gently shaking tray) / Red and blue baking pan, flour / Velcro pan to table for some security / Use alphabet cards or strip for cues / Child chooses letters they practice / None / Use peer buddies from older grades to assist / Monitor and cue for correct letter formation
Number and Number Sense:
Use numbers to represent the order ingredients/steps in a recipe (first, second, etc) / Recipe on laminated chart paper, dry erase marker / Use short, fat marker for easy grasping / Have numbers with adhesive backs available / Child chooses color of marker / Adhesive / Assign peers to be / Verbal and gesture prompts
Count number of ingredients as needed to recipe (change in groups) / Ingredients needed for recipe chosen / Wide base bowls, large handled utensils / Choose recipe with limited number of ingredients / Child chooses recipe / Picture cards to represent “cut”, “pour”, “stir”, etc / Neighbor holds bowl while child stirs, pours, etc / Safety monitoring and prompting
Choose recipe from “pretend soup and other real recipes” and make one as a class / Measuring tools, ingredients and pouring cup on flex mount and power link / Use measuring tools with large handles / Choose recipe with fewer ingredients / Children assist with each ingredient / Pouring cup on flex mount and power link / Neighbor holds bowl while child stirs / Monitor safety
Recognize most similar shape of fruits and vegetables / Fruit puzzle and vegetable puzzle / Textures could be added to pieces for sensory experience / Use only one food group / Child chooses puzzle to explore first / Picture cards of simple shapes / Child chooses who is next / Gesture and verbal cues
Data Collection:
Invite “visitors” to question how a recipe was made “what ingredients did you use?, etc” / Pre-determined visitors / None / Offer picture cues / N/A / Picture cards of ingredients or utensils used / N/A / Gesture and verbal cues
Patterns & Relationships:
Sort fruits and vegetables by color (green or red) / Fruit puzzle and vegetable puzzle / None / Sort only one food group / Children choose next food to sort / Program voice output device to state color / Children do activity in pairs / Monitor and cue as needed
Scientific Investigation:
Explore an orange using the 5 senses /
Fruit puzzle and vegetable puzzle / None / Discuss activity to draw on prior knowledge but don’t have actual orange / Child chooses to taste or not / Program voice output device to allow children with limited language to share their preferences / Children choose child to go next / Safety monitoring and cuing
Force, Motion, Energy:
Consider motion by having fruit races (discuss why it rolls) / Lemons, apples, oranges, grapefruits, blueberries and a ramp / Raise ramp to a level suitable for a child using a wheel chair / Limit to 2 fruits / Child chooses item they will race / None / Partners race 1-1 / Monitoring and verbal explanations
Juice fruits and consider three forms (solid, liquid, gas) / Oranges, grapefruits, etc, freezer, ice trays, juicer / Use ice trays with broad grasping handle / Read story about process instead of doing experiment / Child puts fruit in juicer / Power link for children with motor needs / Children with like fruit sit together / Safety monitoring and verbal explanation
Life Processes:
Plant a garden using clear-view window device / Carrot seeds, radish seeds, onion seeds, clear-view window device / Hang window box at eye level for all students or offer stool / Plant only 1 vegetable / Child of the day chooses seeds to plant first / Program voice output device allowing child with limited language to comment / Children pair up to comment on growth and draw pictures to represent it / Safety monitoring and verbal prompting
Space Systems:
Create vegetable shadows on SMART Board using the light from the projector with lens cap on / Celery stalk, carrot with stalk, onion without tops, broccoli floret / None / Use less vegetables / Child picks their vegetable and has option to switch / SMART Board and projector / Pair up to tell shadow vegetable “stories” / Monitor activity and cue children as needed encouraging language
Earth Patterns, Cycles, and Change:
Take pictures throughout life processes activity and use them to make a class book about the stages within plant growth / Digital camera, printer, paper and word processor / Use tag board for pages for easy turning / Use polaroids / Children choose color of pages / See Environmental Supports / Children re-read book in pairs / Cuing and creating finished product
Recognize objects that can be recycled after completing “Measurement Activity” / See “Measurement Activity” and have recycling bin / Use bin with large opening for easy dumping / See “Measurement Activity” / Children assist in creating order for clean up / Record “It’s Recyclable” and “It’s Trash” on voice output device / Children clean table in pairs / Gestural, verbal cues, safety monitoring
History Similarities and Differences:
Introduce students to food from various cultures (tacos, wontons, etc) / Various foods / None / Use pictures of foods instead of actual food / Children bring food from their home / None / Taste test buddies / Safety monitoring and verbal cues
History Change over Time:
Describe past times based on making cookies with homemade dough versus store bought dough / Black and white pictures of people making homemade dough, store bought dough / None / Show picture of store bought dough / Children taste test and vote for favorite / None / Line leader gets to taste first / Verbal explanations
Using pictures, match jobs to their work place (chef/kitchen, lifeguard/pool, etc) / Pictures / Print pictures on tag board for children with fine motor needs / Only discuss 2-3 jobs / Child shares what they “want to be” / None / Children who choose same job, pair up at center time using map / .
Verbal cues
Geography Descriptive Words:
Help children create directions (map) to the school/center cafeteria / Overhead projector and transparency / Once complete, copy on tag board / Draw on paper with small group / Children choose color of marker to be used / None / Children “find cafeteria” in pairs / Safety monitoring and verbal cues
Include apron and bakeware set in kitchen center / Apron and bakeware set / None / Limit number of pans accessible / Child chooses food recipe they wish to prepare / Add picture cards to sequence making food recipes / Peer helps child dress in apron / Gesture and verbal prompting
Economics Making Choices:
Create class grocery list of favorite foods and discuss that today we can only “buy” healthy foods / Chart paper / Use pictures along with food word / Have pre-determined list / Children choose foods for list / Pictures to represent food / Order to pick equals shortest to tallest / Verbal prompting and explanations
Civics / Citizenship:
Create a class list of “Rules for Safety in the Kitchen” using PowerPoint and SMART Board / SMART Board and projector, PowerPoint / None / Create on chart paper / Each child chooses rule / SMART Board and projector and PowerPoint program / Make up rules in small groups / Typing onto PowerPoint slide and verbal cues
Skilled Movement (manipulative skills):
Toss “chocolate chips” (bean bags) onto “cookies” (hula hoops) / Bean bags and hula hoops / Use large hula hoops and textured bean bags / Allow child to be “chocolate chip” and sit in “cookie” / Child chooses color of bean bag and hoop / Program voice output device “I made it!” and “Oops, I missed!” / Pair up with children wearing same color clothing / Monitor safety and offer praise and assistance
Movement Principles and Concepts:
Expand movement vocabulary by acting out and reciting “Pat-a-cake” (Pitch ‘em in a pan) / Rhyme on chart paper / None / None / Child picks whose pan he/she “pitches” his/her cake in / None / Table cleaner picks first (child preferences) / Modeling
Personal Fitness:
Have crab walk races while carrying a fruit/vegetable on belly / Fruits or vegetables from kitchen center / May need belt to fasten food items onto child / Use scooters instead / Child chooses fruit/vegetable they carry / None / Pair up with peer carrying same color fruit/vegetable / Safety monitoring and offer praise and support
Responsible Behaviors:
Follow simple directions for returning puzzles to shelf / Lunch puzzle and dinner puzzle / Label shelves with picture and word / Hand-over-hand / Child chooses total minutes of play (4-8) / None / Peers can assist if asked / Positive reminders of time left and cuing
Physically Active Lifestyle:
Identify places within the school in which children can be physically active / Map of school, projector, computer, wall space / Scan map in PowerPoint for display through projector / Use less-detailed map of school / Children circle location on map / Computer, PowerPoint program and projector / Children with same hair color buddy up and follow map / Safety monitoring and cue as needed
Self Concept:
While eating recipe from Measurement Activity, split kids up at tables of 2-3 / Multiple tables / Predetermine groups / Use dividers at larger table / Children choose their seat / None / Allow kids to give each other stickers, tokens, etc. / Facilitate conversation between children
Self Control:
Have child size cleaning materials in kitchen center and teach children how to use them / Dust pan and dust broom, bucket, sponge, broom, etc. / Use large handled objects for easy grasping / Read story about cleaning up prior to teaching how / Child chooses object for spill / Label objects with PECS symbols and words / One child holds dust pan, one holds dust broom, etc. / Monitor and prompt as needed
Approaches to Learning:
At the close of the unit encourage children to draw picture about an event during unit / Paper and crayons / Use short, fat crayons / Provide pictures and simply encourage coloring / Child chooses color paper they use / Adapted coloring tools / Share picture with a peer upon completion / Prompt as needed and offer praise and label parts in picture
Interaction with Others:
Interact appropriately with another child by completing the “Lets Go Shopping” book together / Let’s Go Shopping Interactive Storybook / Velcro pieces / Adult: child completion / Children determine who goes first / Story book with pieces / Children pair with another child born in same month / Monitor, offer praise, and cue as needed
Social Problem Solving:
Role play kitchen situation: go to the oven to find burned bread / Play oven, bread, pan, hot mit / None / Use pretend items instead of kitchen objects / Children vote on who will be the new chef / None / New chefs might help / Monitor and verbal cuing