Lesson I1: What temperature?

Starter activities

Problem solving

·  three bowls of water – one hot at 45°C, one cold at 10°C and one mystery one at 30°C

Main activities

I1a Making a thermometer

For each pair:

·  boiling tube

·  boiling tube rack

·  bung with 10 cm glass tube

·  access to water bath at 50 °C

·  beaker of iced water

·  two sticky labels

·  coloured water (food dye will do)

·  marker pen (waterproof)

Lesson I2: Temperature and energy

Starter activities

Capture interest (1)

·  two boiling tubes

·  crisps

·  two retort stands with two clamps on each (one for thermometer, one for boiling tube)

·  two thermometers, tongs

·  heatproof mats

·  one Bunsen burner to set fire to food

Capture interest (2)

·  two boiling tubes

·  two clamps, two thermometers

·  two Bunsen burners

Main activities

I2a Energy and temperature

For each group:

·  joulemeter

·  power supply

·  heating element

·  three leads

·  thermometer

·  two clamp stands with clamps and bosses

·  250 cm3 beaker

·  150 cm3 beaker

·  100 cm3 measuring cylinder

Lesson I3: Bigger and smaller

Starter activities

Capture interest

·  Bunsen burner

·  asbestos mat

·  bimetallic strip

·  tongs

Main activities

I3a Expansion in solids

For teacher demonstrations:

·  metal ball and ring

·  Bunsen burner

·  tongs or heatproof glove

·  heatproof mat

·  metal rod at least 30 cm long

·  stand and clamp

·  metal pin with paper flag attached

I3b Expansion in gases

For teacher demonstration:

·  round-bottomed flask

·  bung with 50 cm capillary tube

·  30 cm ruler

·  sticky tape

·  stand and clamp

·  large beaker

·  coloured water (food dye will do)

·  kettle

·  ice

·  thermometer

Lesson I4: All change

Starter activities

Capture interest (1)

·  beaker full of water and ice cubes, thermometer clamped in it

·  stirring rod, or datalogger with temperature probe and graph displayed

Main activities

I4a Changes of state

For each group (or teacher demonstration):

·  Bunsen burner

·  boiling tube of stearic acid (or wax)

·  clamp stand

·  tripod and gauze

·  beaker of water

·  datalogger

·  temperature probe

·  computer and interface

Plenary activities

Problem solving

·  kettle (if it has automatic cut-off you may have to hold the switch when it boils)

·  temperature probe and datalogger

·  retort stand and clamp

Lesson I5: Conduction

Starter activities

Problem solving

·  a selection of saucepans with wooden or plastic handles or photographs of them (e.g. from catalogues)

Capture interest (1)

·  Pyrex test tube

·  crushed ice (to fit in test tube)

·  gauze

·  Bunsen burner

·  test tube holder

Capture interest (2)

·  two beakers

·  kettle

·  plastic and metal teaspoons

·  small beaker of sugar

Main activities

I5a How quickly does heat travel?

For each group/demonstration

·  metal bar, e.g. vertical from retort stand

·  retort stand, boss and clamp

·  four drawing pins

·  vaseline or candle wax

·  Bunsen burner

·  stopclocks for whole class

Lesson I6: Convection

Starter activities

Capture interest (1)

·  box with glass front and two glass chimneys

·  candle

·  string (twine), or wax straws that will burn with a smoky flame

·  matches

Main activities

I6a Convection in a liquid

For each pair:

·  250 cm3 beaker

·  tripod

·  gauze

·  Bunsen burner

·  heatproof mat

·  wide plastic straw

·  tweezers

For the class:

·  four small labelled pots of potassium manganate(VII) crystals

Plenary activities

Looking ahead

·  surgical spirit or ethanol

·  electric fan

Lesson I7: Evaporation, radiation

Starter activities

Capture interest (1)

·  two containers of warm water (one in a conical flask, one in a wide, flat dish)

·  two temperature probes and datalogging equipment

Main activities

I7a Cooling by evaporation

For each group / teacher demonstration:

·  three temperature probes

·  three clamp stands, bosses and clamps

·  cotton wool to wrap around temperature probes

·  three elastic bands to secure cotton wool

·  interface

·  computer

·  software so that data from temperature probes can be displayed

For the class:

·  water in labelled wash bottle

·  ethanol in labelled wash bottle

I7b Radiation

For the teacher demonstration:

·  one aluminium pie dish

·  one aluminium pie dish painted matt black on underside

·  two coins (e.g. 1p)

·  candle so that coins can be fixed to dishes

·  Bunsen burner

·  two retort stands and clamps

Lesson I8: Explaining the results

Starter activities

Setting the context

·  metal block, heater

·  joulemeter

·  thermometer

·  heatproof mat

·  power supply for heater