Unit: How do some young Christians worship today? (I’m coming back to the heart of worship).

About this unit: KS3: This unit looks at the experience of Christian teenagers in worship. It will be important that the teachers emphasises the importance of respecting the faith of others (as would be the case if this unit focused on expressions of worship in faiths other than Christianity). Students should be encouraged to critically analyse not analyse critically.

This unit of work should take approximately 6@ 1 hour lessons

Background: In much of the rural West Country teenagers that attend church tend not to go to the local village church but will travel into larger churches in market towns. This unit is trying to reflect this experience. The intention is to help students explore the Christianity as it is experienced by teenagers today in this part of the country.

Prior learning / Technical Vocabulary / Resources
It would be helpful if
There is no particular required prior learning but it would be helpful if students had some grasp of the different denominations of Christianity, some understanding of the concept of the centrality of worship in religion and had done some work on music with meaning / In this unit children will have an opportunity to use words and phrases related to:-
Gregorian chants
Soul Survivor /
  • Odd one out worksheet
  • Pyramid sort activity
  • Soul Survivor PowerPoint
  • Song When the Music fades by Matt Redman
  • Isaiah 58 Worksheet
  • Vision TV newsclip on Slum Survivor in Salisbury
  • True Worship worksheet
  • Slum Survivor at School dilemma assessment task
We have made extensive reference to You tube clips and realise that not all teachers will have access to interactive whiteboards
As with all internet resources these links should be checked prior to use.
At the end of this unit
Most children will:5 / Recognise diversity in forms of religious and spiritual expression within Christianity?
Express their own views on the challenges of being a Christian teenager (belonging to a religion) +
some children will not have made so much progress and will:4 / Suggest meanings to a range of forms of religious expression +
They can apply their own ideas to their own and other peoples lives +
Some children will have progressed further and will:6 / They consider the challenges of belonging to a religion in the contemporary world, focusing on values and commitments. +
Learning Objectives / Possible Teaching Activities / Learning outcomes / Contribution to other Curriculum Areas
Explore different examples of music used in Christian worship,
Reflect on the effectiveness of different musical styles used in Christian worship / Lesson 1
How do Christians worship? What are their ideas?
Starter: Odd one out worksheet
Using suggested websites and music tracks
Listen to a range of denominational traditions. Write down the mood the music makes you think off, What are the main religious themes in each piece of music, What century do you think this music comes from ?
Give some textual background to the piece of music.
Traditional Gospel:In the upper Room.
Modern Gospel: Mary Mary: Shackles
For discussion this is the same song being done on American Idol is worship music suitable for prime time tv?

Wesley Hymns: And Can It be
Celtic worship: Be thou my vision.
Taize: O lord hear my prayer
Gregorian Chants:
Handel; Messiah (Hallelujah Chorus)
Pick two of these pieces of music and say why it might be meaningful for Christians today?
In you opinion are some styles of music more effective than others in creating a worshipful atmosphere?
Plenary: Discuss student choices
What would worship be like without music?
Amazing Grace: Google/you tube this song. Find out a bit of background to the song and explain why it has been so important to Christians during the years. Find your favourite version. Here is one to get you started / Will be able to explain/describe the variety of different musical styles used in Christian worship
Will be able to express their own ideas on a diverse range of Christian worship styles.
Reflect on their own views of Christian worship. / ICT
Expressive arts
Research skills
Discussion skills
Presentation skills
Recognise diversity in forms of religious and spiritual expression within Christianity
Suggest meanings to a range of forms of religious expression
apply their own ideas to their own and other peoples lives / Lesson 2
Starter: What is the purpose of Worship? Using cards on ……. Do a pyramid sort activity on purpose of worship
Discussion on their hierarchy.
What does worship mean to some Christians teenagers today?
Refer back to music in previous lesson how much of the music we listened to be relevant to Christian teenagers?
Is this more relevant? What do you think a teenager will gain during this worship experience?
Use PowerPoint on Souls Survivor
What happens at Soul Survivor? How do young people attending Souls Survivor gain from their experience?

Plenary; Evaluate does Soul Survivor fulfil the purpose of worship. / Students will be able to suggest meanings/interpret the significance of contermpory forms of expressions of worship.
Students will be able to apply/express/ Critically analyse the experience of others. / Thinking skills
Consider the challenges of belonging to a religion in the contemporary world, focusing on values and commitments. / Lesson 3
What impact does worship make on Christian lifestyle?
(The teacher will need to help draw out the concept that worship is not just about songs on Sunday but about how people live their lives; A comparison could be drawn with the Langer if Sikhism has been studied)
Play the song When the music fades by Matt Redman. In its original version this song can be found on ‘intimacy’ by Matt Redman or ‘Blessed be your name’ by Matt Redman
Explain that this is a popular contermpory song used in worship in many churches. Highlight with markers pens what they think are two or three key lines that are emphasising the meaning of worship. Discuss the lyrics.
Read the passage from Isaiah 58 V 5 onwards
Watch news clip of Slum Survivor in Salisbury. Add that this event raised over £500 for homeless charities. scroll down till you find slum survivor at SalisburyBaptistChurch
On the worksheet Worship So What answer questions about the song, the Isaiah passage, and the video on slum survivor.
Reaction: Produce a piece of visual/written/art work
What is the Heart of your worship? / Students will be able to express/consider/apply their own ideas to the challenges of belonging to a religion in contemporary society / PSHE
Assessment task.
Slum survivor at school dilemma: The purpose of this task is to explore some of the issues and dilemmas posed by faith in today’s society both for those off faith and those of no faith.
The first part of the task should be done as a group activity, its aim is to encourage discussion and issue clarification.
The second part is the written assessment and the students should be encouraged to give their reasoned, supported opinion on some of the issues that they have identified as the key ones.