Unit Assessment Document R/601/9889 ©MPQC July 2010
Unit number / R/601/9889Title: / Deal with Mine Surface Incidents
Level / 4
Credit value / 6
Learning Outcomes
The Learner will, or will be able to:- / Assessment Criteria
Learner can:-
1. Respond promptly to request for attendance at incident / 1.1. Outline types of surface incidents that may require assistance from Mines Rescue Service
1.2. Explain the hazards / risks associated with each type of surface incident
1.3. Explain organisational procedures in place for informing them of mine surface incident
1.4. Interpret information from mine surface incident notification
1.5. Outline organisational procedures in place to deal with mine surface incidents
1.6. Implement organisational procedures for dealing with surface incidents
1.7. Explain the resource requirements for dealing with a surface incident
1.8. Identify the personal protective equipment which may be needed when responding to a mine surface incident
1.9. Carry out examinations of personal protective equipment correctly
1.10. Explain legislative requirements relevant to mine surface incidents
1.11. Explain the communication methods available for use during a mine surface incident
1.12. Demonstrate correct use of communication methods
1.13. Explain the Importance of communication during surface mine incidents
2. Locate the incident site / 2.1. Explain the job roles / responsibilities of Individuals / groups who may assist in site location
2.2. Explain the Information sources available for locating site of surface incident
2.3. Liaise with main stakeholders
2.4. Explain the equipment available to assist in navigation to surface incident site
2.5. Navigate to site of surface incident
2.6. Explain the factors which need to be considered when selecting a vehicle
2.7. Explain the operation of four wheel drive vehicles
2.8. Explain the organisation’s ‘lone working procedure’
2.9. Demonstrate compliance with ‘lone working procedure’
3. Set up an incident control centre / 3.1. Explain the meaning of the term "Incident control centre" in conjunction with mine surface incidents
3.2. State when may it be necessary to set up an "incident control centre"
3.3. Explain what factors would need to be considered when establishing / maintaining an incident control centre
3.4. Explain how to establish and maintain an effective incident control centre where multiple emergency organisations are involved
3.5. Demonstrate how to set up an 'emergency control centre'
3.6. Explain the roles of other emergency organisations which maybe involved in a surface incident
3.7. Liaise with other emergency organisations at the site
4. Carry out an assessment of the incident site and situation / 4.1. Explain legislative requirements relating to risk assessments
4.2. Explain meaning of term “Dynamic risk assessment”
4.3. Describe how to carry out a dynamic risk assessment
4.4. Carry out a dynamic risk assessment
4.5. Demonstrate the recording of risk assessments to organisational requirements
5. Ensure the incident site is made safe / 5.1. Explain the need for an initial safety perimeter
5.2. Implement an initial safety perimeter at the site of the anomaly
5.3. Explain the purpose of exclusion zones
5.4. Explain factors to consider when selecting materials for / establishing an exclusion zone
5.5. Supervise the erection of an exclusion zone barrier
5.6. Demonstrate effective working practice when working alone
5.7. Demonstrate effective working relationships
5.8. Explain the range of warning notices that may be used at a mine surface incident
5.9. Select and have posted relevant 'Warning Notices'
6. Confirm that team and equipment are operational / 6.1. Outline own role in relation to those involved in making the area safe
6.2. Explain personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements when working in vicinity / at surface hazard site
6.3. Ensure correct PPE is worn by all staff they have responsibility for
6.4. Ensure organisational 'Risk Assessment' is completed and signed by staff, prior to commencement of work
6.5. Continually observe work being undertaken with emphasis on safety
6.6. Check the completed work to ensure compliance with organisational requirements
6.7. Explain how to protect other personnel
6.8. Demonstrate how to establish and maintain effective working relationships with all personnel involved in mine surface incident
6.9. Establish and maintain effective communication with all personnel involved in the operation
6.10. Explain how to differentiate between information that is sensitive and also for general usage
6.11. Explain how external requests for information are referred to organisational spokesperson
7. Request any additional resources to deal with incident / 7.1. Explain what resources for personal use may be needed when dealing with mine surface incidents
7.2. Explain what additional resources may be needed for dealing with mine surface incidents
7.3. Confirm that all resources are fit for purpose / operational
7.4. Explain what welfare resources may be needed if the surface incident may cover an extended time period
8. Take measurements and photographs of the incident and area / 8.1. Explain what measurements may need to be taken at the mine surface incident
8.2. Demonstrate how to take and record the GPS co-ordinates in accordance with recognised procedures
8.3. Measure the size of the anomaly
8.4. Take relevant photographs before and after erection of ‘exclusion zone’ barriers
8.5. Ensure correct date and time indicators are present on photograph
9. Monitor the incident/area environment / 9.1. State where information relating to use of environmental monitoring equipment can be obtained
9.2. Explain the advantages / limitations of equipment available for carrying out environmental monitoring / tests
9.3. Explain what ancillary equipment may be needed when using environmental monitoring equipment
9.4. Name the units of measurement displayed on environmental monitoring equipment explaining the meaning and significance of each
9.5. Justify selection of equipment to be used to carry out environmental monitoring
9.6. Confirm that equipment is within any required test / calibration date
9.7. Demonstrate the pre-use examinations and checks on relevant items of environmental monitoring equipment
9.8. Demonstrate how to operate relevant items of environmental monitoring equipment
9.9. Explain how to interpret and record environmental monitoring readings
9.10. Explain the relevance of statutory / company pre-set action levels when interpreting environmental readings
9.11. Determine the likelihood of the hazard affecting a larger area than originally identified
9.12. Liaise with stakeholders to identify other outlets/inlets to the anomaly
9.13. Explain potential hazards when the anomaly is open to the elements
9.14. Explain what perishables may need to be sampled
9.15. Demonstrate how to take and record samples
10. Complete records of the incident / 10.1. State what reports and records need to be completed to comply with legislative requirements
10.2. State what reports and records need to be completed to comply with organisational requirements
10.3. Explain main points to be included in reports / records
10.4. Produce records / reports on activities carried out
10.5. Complete relevant reports / records
10.6. Deposit reports and records in designated area
10.7. Explain the reason(s) for records and reports having retention periods
10.8. Assist with completion of reports for other stakeholders
11. Report to the authorised authority with responsibility for the incident / 11.1. Identify to whom reports should be made
11.2. Explain the types of report to be made and the importance of effective communication
11.3. Compile reports utilising the following methods:-
· Written
· Verbal
· Electronic
· Photographic
12. Liaise with other incident stakeholders as appropriate / 12.1. Explain own responsibilities / limitations when dealing with other stakeholders / emergency organisations
12.2. Implement proceedings to safeguard the public from danger
12.3. Explain responsibilities / limitations of other stakeholders / emergency organisations when dealing with a mine surface incident
12.4. Explain the responsibilities and limitations of personnel who govern the management of a mine surface incident
13. Hand over responsibility for the incident/site to the relevant authority / 13.1. Explain the procedure to be adopted following the site being made safe
13.2. Implement procedure to be adopted following the site being made safe
13.3. Liaise with stakeholders on site and inform of 'completion of work'
13.4. Contact the responsible authority and give verbal feedback
13.5. Complete hazard report with final information
13.6. Leave site in a safe condition
13.7. Inform own control centre of time of leaving site
14. Take practical steps to deal with the incident / 14.1. Explain own obligations as an operative for a ‘responsible authority’
14.2. Carry out the instructions of the 'responsible authority'
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