Unit 8 Standard Routines 1


This routine copies an existing custom report into a new report name. The copied report will have to be translated prior to execution. Please note that standard MEDITECH reports cannot be copied using this routine (Please see the Initialize From Standard Routine).

From: Enter existing report name
To: Enter new report name

* This is a useful routine when you want to make an edit to an existing report. It is recommended to copy the existing report into a new report name and test out the edit with the new report.


This routine lists source code (and/or object code) for both custom and standard reports

Report DPM: Enter the specific DPM to list the report(s) from. In order to list all reports for a particular application use the through syntax: APP:APP, where APP is the application being worked in. For example, to get all reports written in Admissions, ADM:ADM would be entered in the REPORT DPM prompt. A <Lookup> is available.
Report Name: The default at this prompt will be BEGINNING:END, which would provide all reports written in the specified DPM’s. This will include all standard MEDITECH reports as well as zcus reports. A <Lookup> may be used to choose specific reports or the thru syntax can be used here as well. For example to get all zcus reports, zcus:zcus would be entered at the REPORT NAME prompt.

Print S(ource): The source code of the report prints a ‘hardcopy’ of the process reports routine. This report will list what is contained on the general, sort/select, picture, and footnotes tab as well as any macro code if it exists on the report.

Print O(bject): The object code will list the MAGIC code that was created when the report was translated. The Object code can only be listed for custom reports

Include Documentation? Enter Y to include any report documentation associated to the report.


This routine will permanently delete a custom report. The report must be inactive in order for it to be deleted.

NOTE: Once a report is deleted, you CANNOT recover the report. Please keep this in mind when using this routine.


This routine is used to rename an existing report to new report name:


To translate a report allows the system to convert source code into object code and to identify some potential errors with the report. This specific routine enables the user to translate multiple reports from one or more DPM. The translation can be run in either the foreground or the background. Once all prompts have been responded to, the system will prompt where to translate all of the reports specified. Enter either S or 0 to translate to the screen or enter BKG to translate in the background. If translated in the background a status report will be available from the BACKGROUND TRANSLATE INFO routine found in the MISCELLANEOUS section of the CUSTOMIZATION menu.

(The Background Information routine is used in conjunction with the Translate routine.)

Initialize Report From Standard

This routine allows users to bring a standard report over to a zcus format. Users must be aware that for other than the most basic of reports, the initialize routine does not provide a true copy of a standard report. The zcus report must first be edited before being used. This is due to the following points:

·  Due to an advanced Report Writer topic the report must sometimes be given a REPORT TITLE (on page one).

·  Depending on how the selection is done in the standard report, it is possible that the fields for Selection (page two) will not copy over to the zcus format of the report.

·  In the standard report, it is possible for different computed fields to have the same name. Because this is not possible in the Report Writer, only the first occurrence of the field will be copied to the zcus report.

·  The data type attribute, (DAT), of a computed field will not always copy over to the zcus format of the report.

·  The value attribute, (VAL), of a computed field will very rarely copy over to the zcus format of the report.

Due to the above points users should not expect to be able to initialize and quickly edit a standard report. To ensure report integrity the report must be inspected thoroughly and edited as needed. It then should be tested thoroughly before use. Please also note that not all standard reports can be initialized. If this is the case, the user will be notified with the following message: Cannot initialize from this report!

* It is important to also print off the source code of the standard report prior to using this routine.

For additional information on the Initialize Report From Standard Routine, please refer to the MEDITECH Magazine NPR Report Writer Article, “Initializing a NPR Report From a Standard Report", at the following link:

MT Magazine RW Articles: www.meditech.com/MIXMAGTactical/NPRReportWriter/0903NprRw.htm

Download Reports to PC

This routine is used to save custom reports into special format. Format can then be saved to disk, e-mailed, etc. ‘Upload Reports from PC’ should then be used to upload reports into target ring.

Upload Reports from PC

This routine is used to upload reports that have been saved using the ‘Download Reports to PC’ routine. This routine is also used to upload reports from the NPR Report Archive:


List DPMs

This routine will list all DPMs for the selected application.

Print Data Definitions

This routine will list the segment hierarchy for the selected DPM(s) along with the fields contained within each segment.

Note: Data definitions are also available online at: RW Product Page: www.meditech.com/prrw

View Data

Use this routine to view the data that exist in NPR data fields

Move Menus and Reports

This routine allows a user to move custom menus and reports from the Ring they are signed into to another Ring. This is typically done to transfer custom menus and reports from the TEST Ring to LIVE or from the LIVE Ring to TEST.

Segment: The user will enter the segment into which they want to move the menus and/or reports to.

Directory: The user will enter the directory into which they want to move the menus and/or reports to. The directory must reside in the selected segment and be an NPR directory.

Application: The user enters the application where report(s) exist. An application range can be entered here.

Menus: The user will enter the internal names of the menus that they wish to move. The format of a menu name will be zcus.menu.name. If the user would like to move all menus for the specified application the thru syntax can be used: zcus:zcus. For listing individual menus, a <Lookup> is available.

Reports: At this prompt the user enters the internal names of the reports that they wish to move. The format of a report name will be DPM.zcus.report.name. If the user would like to move all reports for the specified application the thru syntax may be utilized with the application mnemonic: APP:APP where APP is the application being worked in. At times the user may wish to move all reports associated with a particular DPM. To do this the thru syntax may be used with the DPM. For example: ADM.PAT:ADM.PAT will move all reports written in the ADM.PAT DPM. For listing individual reports a <Lookup> is available.

Print Report Audit Trail

This routine will list the last ten users that edited/copied the selected report. The date/time will also be listed. Note that since a report can be edited many times in a day, this report will show the last time on a given date the report was edited/copied.

Report Search and List

This routine will list reports that meet the specified selection criteria. User must enter Application and from/thru last edit date. This routine is useful to see which reports were edited during a specific date range.

List Report Usage

This routine will list last ten times that the selected reports were run.

Search Reports for Fields

This routine is useful to search custom reports for a specific string(s) of text. Routine will search any/all of the listed prompts: field names, field attributes, sort fields, footnotes, line attributes, selects, and macros.


Level One - NPR Report Writer Workshop