Unit 5 Test Review – Causes of the Civil War

Name: ______Test is Thursday, December 3.

Directions: Select the best answer for each of the terms from the numbered definitions. Put the number of the correct definition in the space in the magic square box that matches the letter of the term you are defining. If the totals of the numbers are the same both across and down, you have found the magic number!

A / B / C / D
E / F / G / H
I / J / K / L
M / N / O / P

Unit 5 Test Review – Causes of the Civil War

  1. Invention by Eli Whitney that increase the production of cotton.
  2. This was a U.S. philanthropist who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin.
  3. This term describes the movement to end the slave trade and emancipate American slaves during the 1800s
  4. This was the withdrawal of eleven Southern states from the Union in 1860 that precipitated the American Civil War.
  5. This was a U.S. abolitionist who founded the North Star. He was an escaped slave.
  6. He was an American inventor of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. His cotton gin revolutionized southern agriculture
  7. This was an agreement that California would be admitted to the Union, the slave trade in the District of Columbia would be restricted, and the Fugitive Slave Law would be enforced.
  8. This was a U.S. Journalist who founded the radical newspaper The Liberator, and fought to abolish slavery.
  9. Period used to describe Pre-Civil War in the United States.
  10. This was a system of secret "safe-houses" and hiding places to aid runaway slaves escape.
  11. This was the Act that mandated the return of runaway slaves, regardless of where in the Union they might be situated at the time of their discovery or capture.
  12. In 1854 Stephen A. Douglas introduced this to the Senate, to allow states to enter the Union with or without slavery.
  13. This was a 1857 Supreme Court decision that a slave, because he was not a citizen, could not sue for his freedom.
  14. First major compromise in 1820 between slave and free states.
  15. Loyalty to one’s own region of the country over the entire country
  16. This abolitionist was executed in 1859 after leading a failed attempt at armed slave insurrection at Harper's Ferry, Virginia.

Unit 4 Test Review – Growing the United States

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the following questions using the resources in your notebook.

  1. How did Eli Whitney’s cotton gin greatly expand slavery in the American South?

Increased the need for labor in the South which increased demand for slaves

  1. What role did cotton play in both the Southern and Northern economy?

Cotton was the South’s chief export; It helped to support textile mills in the North

  1. List three jobs that slaves performed in Southern society.

Refer to the list in the notes.

  1. What happens to the cost of slaves in the South after 1807? Why?

The price of slaves greatly increased because the Constitution restricted the importation of slaves after 1807

  1. What was the major goal of the abolition movement? List three names associated with this movement.

Immediate emancipation or freedom for the slaves. John Brown, Harriet Beecher Stowe, William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglas

  1. Who was Dred Scott and why was he significant?

He was the most famous escaped slave. He is significant because he sued in the Supreme Court for his freedom and lost.

  1. What did the Missouri Compromise do?

Added Missouri as a slave state, Maine as a free, restricted slavery in most of the Louisiana Territory

  1. What did the Compromise of 1850 do?

California admitted as a free state; New Mexico and Utah decide slavery for themselves; increased penalty for fugitive slave laws, no slave sales in Washington D.C.

  1. What did the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 do?

Ended Missouri Compromise; Allowed states to decide slavery for themselves (popular sovereignty)

  1. Why does war break out in Kansas? Why do you think this conflict is called “Bleeding Kansas”?

Conflict between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces. It was called “Bleeding Kansas” because it was a very violent conflict

  1. What is the first state to secede from the United States in 1860?

South Carolina

  1. What states will eventually form the Confederate States of America?

Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, Florida, Arkansas, Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina,

  1. List the four main causes of the American Civil War and describe how they were causes?

See chart in notes.0