Unit 4 Political Parties Study Guide

1. A multiparty system often represents different beliefs or

2. Voting districts are called

3. Adjoining precincts form

4. Authoritarian governments and theocracies are examples of a

5. In this type of election, only members of a political party can vote.

6. Which of the following countries has a political system with multiple parties competing for power?

Vietnam / France
Cuba / United States

7. Knowing that beginning in 1968 the Republicans controlled 6 of the 9 next presidential terms, which of the following presidents was not a Republican?

Ronald Reagan / Richard Nixon
Jimmy Carter / George Bush

8. Who was president of the United States when the Democratic-Republicans were splitting into two different parties?

George Washington / Thomas Jefferson
Andrew Jackson / John Adams

9. Over a division about slavery, what political party did many of the Whigs join?

Northern faction of the Democratic party
Democratic-Republican party
Republican party
Southern faction of the Democratic party

10. Which of the following is not an obstacle faced by Third Parties?

Nearly all elected officials are selected by single-member districts
Candidates of Third Parties are not automatically on the ballot.
Financing a Third Party candidate can be difficult.
Third Parties have mass appeal to all regions of the United States.

11. During the primary election process, what type of primary allows members of both political parties to narrow the candidate choice?

runoff primary / closed primary
open primary / direct primary

12. The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November is

Thanksgiving. / Election Day.
Presidents Day. / Veterans Day.

13. The Founders believed the voters should be

politicians. / all U.S. citizens.
the same religion. / white, male property owners.

14. Voters who are in the middle of the political spectrum are called

15. These voters are considered weak party voters.

liberals / independents
conservatives / moderates

16. This term refers to ideas, information, or rumors that are used to influence opinion.

17. This is equal to the number of representatives and senators from the states, plus three votes from Washington, D.C.

poll tax / soft money
cross-pressure vote / electoral vote

18. This gave women the right to vote.

19. This gave African Americans the right to vote.

20. This is vital to the success of United States democracy.

poll tax / voting
political parties / PACs

21. Party loyalists vote a

cross-pressured ticket. / landslide.
straight-party ticket. / political ticket.

22. Which of the following examples best describes transfer?

Candidate A refers to Candidate B as unpatriotic.
A pundit on a cable news show interprets Candidate A’s point of view.
Candidate B holds a fundraiser attended by many celebrities.
A series of campaign ads feature Candidate B in front of an American flag.

23 How were these methods of intimidation and discrimination used against voters?

a. / Northern states used these methods to prohibit women from voting.
b. / Southern states used these methods to keep African Americans from voting.
c. / Northern states used these methods to keep immigrants from voting.
d. / Southern states used these methods to keep women from voting.

Short Answer

Critical Thinking

31.Understanding Cause and EffectIn what ways would strong third parties make the American political system more democratic?

Understanding Concepts

32.Civic Responsibility How and why do education, income, and attitudes about government influence who will vote and who will not?