

Culminating Activity & Assessment Tools

Student Handouts

Assignment Handout … page 2, 3

List of Processes Chart 1 … page 4

Methods of presentation Chart 2 …page 5

Student Project Checklist Chart 3 … page 6

Assessment Progress Chart 4 … page 7

Student Self Assessment Chart 5 ….page 8

Assignment Rubric Chart 6 … page 9

Teacher Project Checklist Chart 7….page 10

Teacher Notes … page 11

Accommodation …..Page 11

Resources …..page 12


Electrochemistry is the area of chemistry dealing with the interconversion of electrical energy and chemical energy and these processes involves Redox reactions.There are many applications of this in everyday life.Batteries, control of corrosion, metallurgy and electrolysis are just a few examples of the applications of electrochemistry.Redox reactions are used in a wide variety of ways by nature and man. In this assignment you willstudyone area in which they are widely used.


For this Culminating Activity you will be in groups of 4. Select one of the categories that uses electrochemistry (chart 1). Choose any one method of presentation (Chart 2) for group discussion. In addition to group discussion, each member of the group is responsible for a personal reflection (2-3 pages) describing

·  How and what Redox reactions are involved in that particular area.

·  Explain their potential impact on society and the environment.

·  Discuss your personal experience working in a group setting, noting strengths and weaknesses.


To ensure a balance of workload and group work success and, each person in the group is responsible for taking on a role:

·  Checklist MANAGER – reminds group about dates and makes sure that everything is ready on the due dates

·  Personal Reflection MANAGER – makes sure that everyone has completed their personal reflection

·  Questions MANAGER – makes sure that all essential questions are answered during the presentation

·  Production MANAGER – leads brainstorming of ideas, keeps group productive and on task

·  Presentation MANAGER – makes sure that each person is equally involved in the presentation and that the group practices their presentation

Use Project Checklist (Chart 3) to track your progress.


You will present your findings in a classroom in any format you choose. Your classmates in groups of 4-5 will visit your station for 10-15 minutes. You must ensure that your presentation answers the following questions:

1.  Name and describe the topic you choose briefly. Explain its importance in our society.

2.  Rationale why do you choose that particular process.

3.  Explain how electrochemistry works in that process.

4.  Write down the Redox reactions and/or equations behind the process.

5.  What health and safety issues are associated with the techniques used in the process i.e. waste generated, corrosion prevention techniques, toxic substances released to the environment?

6.  What are the potential social, environmental and economic impacts of this process?

7.  Discuss the controversial issues or problems surrounding this electrochemical application and indicate possible solutions.

8.  If your topic is “Metal Implants in Humans” then also reflect upon- Why do metal implants not corrode?

Chart 1: List of Processes

·  Photography.

·  Solid rocket Booster Engines in space shuttle.

·  Blast furnaces in the smelting of metals.

·  Bleaching processes for stain removal in clothing.

·  Use of chlorine and other bleaching agent for disinfectants.

·  Use of Redox chemistry to detect the amount of alcohol in the blood (Breathalyser).

·  Use of certain materials for statues and other structures to prevent corrosion ( i.e. chromium incar bumpersand copper in statues).

·  Nitrogen fixation in plants, including the production of fertilizer (Haber process) in industry and in the air with lightning.

·  Tarnishing of metals like silver and how the process can be reversed.

·  Forensic Blood detection using luminol.

·  Biological Redox reactions like theChemiluminescencein fireflies.

·  Cancer and sodium nitrate (nitrates added to meats to help preserve them).

·  Combustion of major fuels, like methane and propane.

·  Electroplating of materials on metals.

·  Batteries and their uses.

·  Metal implantation in humans.

Chart 2: Methods of Presentation

Verbal/ Linguistic
·  Prepare a report (max. 1000 words)
·  Write a newspaper column (max. one page, column format)
·  Critique a video/ movie
·  Prepare a “Rant” / Musical/ Rhythmic
·  Create a song, rap
·  Write a commercial jingle
·  Create a power point/ SMART board presentation to music / Visual/ Spatial
·  Create a mural, poster or drawing
·  Design a graphic organizer
·  Create a comic strip
·  Illustrate an event
Logical/ Mathematical
·  Complete an audit/ balance sheet
·  Classify, rank and/ or compare (table format)
·  Design a game show
·  Describe a sequence or process / FREE
CHOICE / Bodily/ Kinesthetic
·  Construct a model or representation
·  Work through a simulation of an environmental situation
·  Create a tableau
·  Create a play
·  Adapt materials to a new use
·  Categorize material or ideas
·  Examine materials to make generalizations or make connections to nature / Interpersonal
·  Dialogue/ debate a topic
·  Survey/ interview others on issue (s) and report your findings
/ Intrapersonal

·  Write a journal entry in response to one of the issues (min. 250-300 words)

Chart 3: Student Project checklist

Use this checklist to stay on track. The teacher will want to see your progress

Task / YES / NO
Topic has been decided ______
Method has been decided ______
Each person has a role in the project
Checklist MANAGER: ______
Personal Reflection MANAGER: ______
Questions MANAGER: ______
Production MANAGER: ______
Presentation MANAGER: ______
Each group member has researched and contributed to the project
* Please provide proof to teacher
First Outline of presentation is ready to show teacher
Final Outline of presentation is complete
Essential Questions are answered in presentation
Presentation is planned, practised and includes all group members
Personal Reflection is completed

Chart 4: Assessment progress shows you what specific criteria you will be assessed on, and the lessons that will help you practice those criteria.

Summative Assessment / PRACTISE DATES / Formative Assessments
Knowledge and Understanding
·  Names, describes and explains the process
·  Identifies how electrochemistry works in the process
·  Understands the chemical basis for electrochemistry / ALL CLASSES / ·  Class discussions
·  Quizzes
·  In-class learning activities
·  Practice sheets and assignments
Thinking and Inquiry
·  Gathers relevant information from appropriate resources
·  Writes out the Redox reactions and /or equations. behind the process
·  Discusses investigation in terms of Redox chemistry
·  Analyses the health and safety implications / Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 9
Lesson 10
Lesson 11
Lesson 12 / ·  Cooperative Presentations
·  Think-Pair-Share
·  Whole Class Interactive Learning:
·  Identifies the potential social, environmental & economic impacts of this process
·  Discusses controversial issues / problems
·  Describes possible alternatives to minimize social, environmental
·  Personal Reflection / Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Lesson 10
Lesson 11
Lesson 15
Lesson 16 / ·  Class Discussion
·  Lab Measuring Cell Potential
·  Quiz, Whole Class Interactive Learning
·  Language used is appropriate for selected audience
·  Appropriate use of scientific conventions, vocabulary, and terminology in oral, visual, and/or written forms
·  Expression and organization of ideas and information in oral, visual, and/or written forms / ALL CLASSES / ·  Cooperative Presentations
·  Whole classroom discussions
·  Differentiated Presentations

Chart 5: Assessment as Learning (Self Assessment)

Relating Concepts / I can explain why this lesson/project was important.
I know how this lesson relates to social issues outside of science.
I understand how this lesson/project relates to other issues of importance to our society or community.
Experimental Research / I explained why I chose the topic and the questions I was trying to answer.
I gathered information that helped me better understand what I am investigating.
Cooperative Groups / I actively participated with other group members.
I showed respect and support for fellow team members.
I provided ideas that contributed to the success of the project.
I contributed both time and effort.
I did my fair share of the project.
I held myself accountable for high quality work.
I held others in the group accountable for high quality work.

(You are to provide an honest and accurate assessment of your experience and contributions towards assisting your group’s completion of the assignment)


Chart 6: Culminating Assignment Rubric

Overall Expectations: F1, F3
Specific Expectations: F3.5, F3.6 / ·  Names, describes and explains the process
·  Identifies how electrochemistry works in the process
·  Understands the chemical basis for electrochemistry / Exemplary / Considerable / Some / Little
Overall Expectations: F1, F2
Specific Expectations F1.2, F2.3 / ·  Gathers relevant information from appropriate resources
·  Writes out the Redox reactions and /or equations. behind the process
·  Discusses investigation in terms of Redox chemistry
·  Analyses the health and safety implications / Exemplary / Considerable / Some / Little
Overall Expectations: F1
Specific Expectations: F1.1, F1.2 / ·  Identifies the potential social, environmental & economic impacts of this process
·  Discusses controversial issues / problems
·  Describes possible alternatives to minimize social, environmental
·  Personal Reflection / Exemplary / Considerable / Some / Little
Communication (Presentations)
Overall Expectations: F2
Specific Expectations: F2.1 / ·  Language used is appropriate for selected audience
·  Appropriate use of scientific conventions, vocabulary, and terminology
·  Expression and organization of ideas and information / Exemplary / Considerable / Some / Little


Chart 7: Teacher Project Checklist

Task / YES / NO
Topic has been decided ______
Method has been decided ______
Each person has a role in the project
Checklist MANAGER: ______
Personal Reflection MANAGER: ______
Questions MANAGER: ______
Production MANAGER: ______
Presentation MANAGER: ______
Each group member has researched and contributed to the project
* Please provide proof to teacher
First Outline of presentation is ready to show teacher
Final Outline of presentation is complete
Essential Questions are answered in presentation
Presentation is planned, practised and includes all group members
Personal Reflection is completed

Teacher Notes

This culminating activity involves a combination of cognitive and affective skills resulting in a motivating and enjoyable learning experience. It fosters self-awareness, appreciation and recognition of one's own individual talent or interest, and those of others, while using speaking, listening, acting and viewing, as well as writing. Since students select a topic in which they are already knowledgeable, or have experienced success, the interest level is intrinsic. Positive self-concept and confidence occur as students prepare their speeches and share them with the class, thus working to be effective communicators.

As a teacher, you will need access to computers and S&T notebooks or paper for recording. Teacher should explain each component of Culminating Activity and the Assessment Tools. The Culminating Assignment addresses expectations 1.1, 1.2, 3.5, and 3.6 of the Electrochemistry strand.

A brief introduction of the Culminating Activity and all the concerned safety rules should be discussed the very first day of the unit. The Assessment Progress, Chart 4, shows students the criteria they will be assessed on, and the lessons that allow them to practice those criteria. Teacher should share the culminating assignment rubric with the students which empowered them to take more responsibility for their own learning.

Students are given a Self Assessment Checklist (Chart 5) so that they, as active engaged and critical assessors can make sense of information and masters the skills involved. The teachers should also use the same checklist for each group and follow up with their progress (Chart 6).


·  Students will have a choice regarding what media they want to use, keeping in mind what their individual strengths are.

·  Students with IEP`s will be accommodated on a situation to situation basis.

·  Students will be placed in groups, keeping in mind their strengths and weaknesses.

·  Simplifying the language of procedural writing and handouts.


·  http://myt4l.com/index.php

·  http://www.mcgrawhill.ca

·  http://www.saskschools.ca

·  http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CFIQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fpplazekgrade11physics.wikispaces.com%2Ffile%2Fview%2FSCH4U%2B-%2BElectrochemistry%2B-%2BCulminating%2BTask%2Band%2BAssessment%2BTools.docx&ei=f_sJUJj_MY656AHUidiZCg&usg=AFQjCNGocN5V2_qRBqayhpBRya_E9Xe8Tg

·  http://msmichael-grade11bio.wikispaces.com/file/detail/Electrochemistry+-+Culminating+Activity+and+Assessment+Tools.doc

·  Nelson Chemistry 12 University Preparation textbook (Unit 5, Chapter9, Year 2003)

·  http://group.chem.iastate.edu/Greenbowe/sections/projectfolder/flashfiles/redox/home.html

·  http://pblchecklist.4teachers.org/index.shtml