You will work in groups of 3 to create 6 Reformation Era “trading/baseball cards” to “trade” in class. You will choose from a list of reformers and religions that either originated in Europe or impacted Europe to complete this task.

● Day 1: In class, you will spend time to create your “stats” using computers or textbooks. Everyone will research and create 2 trading cards. You may choose how your group wants to divide up the research.

● Day 2: Finish stats and make sure each person in your group has completed all of their baseball cards. Discuss each card with your group members. Have a preliminary ranking in mind before we trade.

● Day 3: You will pair up with another group that was assigned different cards than your group.

- You each share your cards, including the role of the group, reformer or religion in the overall course of the Reformation. In the end, remember what we’re looking for: the overall impact of the Reformation on Europe—socially and/or politically, as well as in matters of faith. When we are finished, you need to have an answer to the following: To what extent are these ideas/movements still present in our world today? (15 minutes per side = 30 minutes)

- When both sides have shared, you will determine the order of significance from all events presented. As a group, you will rank your combined cards in each category in order from most important to least important, and be able to defend your group’s position. (15 minutes)

-Final share—remainder of class.

HTS: Causation, Periodization, Historical Argumentation

*Thinkers/Leaders* (pick 1 per person) from the grouping below

● Thomas Cranmer

● Desiderius Erasmus

● John Wycliffe

*Thinkers/Leaders* (pick 1 per person) from the grouping below

● Henry VIII (England and Ireland)

● Mary I (England and Ireland)

● Elizabeth I (England and Ireland)

*Clergy/Movements/Other Religions* (pick 1 per person) from the grouping below

● John Knox

● Huldreich (Huldrych, Ulrich) Zwingli

● The Anabaptists

*Clergy/Movements/Other Religions* (pick 1 per person) from the grouping below

● John Calvin

● Ignatius of Loyola

● The Reconquista

Formatting of your cards:

● You can either word process and then physically cut (with scissors) and paste (with glue stick) your information on a 4x6 index card, or handwrite your information on the card.

● All cards MUST have a picture.

● Be sure to note WHO said the quote you use.

Front of CardBack of Card


Front of CardBack of Card

Thinker/Leader: Pope Paul III