January 2005
Unit 2: Operation Integrity (All Youth)
Let’s Go to the Movies (Younger Youth)
Who Decides? (Older Youth)
January 2: Who decides what is right and what is wrong? God provides the unchanging standard for right and wrong. (Psalm 119:89-104)
January 9: How do I stay morally pure? We can remain pure as we make godly choices and depend on God’s guidance. (Psalm 101:1-7; Proverbs 2:6-8; 3:21-24)
January 16: On what should I base the value of a life? God values a life from conception until death and beyond. (Psalm 71:5-18)
January 23: Why is it important to be honest? Being honest is part of God’s standard for righteous living. (Proverbs 6:12-19; 16:11-13; 12:17-22)
January 30: What's wrong with drinking alcohol or using drugs? Substance abuse results in harming yourself and your relationship with God. (Proverbs 20:1; 23:19-21,29-35)
February 2005
Unit 3: A Picture of God’s Love (All Youth)
That Call-In Show (Younger Youth)
Mail Call (Older Youth)
February 6: Does God discipline us? If so, why? God disciplines His children to bring them back into relationship with Him. (Hosea 1:2-3; 2:6-10,16-17,19-23)
February 13: Why can’t I just do what I want to do? God will not tolerate sinful living. (Hosea 4:1-3,10; 5:4-7,12-15)
February 20: I’ve done some pretty bad things; is there any hope for me? God’s compassion and grace provides hope for sinners. (Hosea 6:1-3; 11:1-4,8-11)
February 27: How can I maintain a right relationship with God? Repentance of sin restores a right relationship with God. (Hosea 13:2-6; 14:1-5,9)
March 2005
Unit 1: Jesus Under the Microscope (All Youth)
Jesus Is . . . the True Alias (Younger Youth)
Investigative Reports (Older Youth)
March 6: What can Jesus tell me about God? Jesus is the ultimate revelation and word on who God is, because He is God. Because He is superior to all other prophets and messengers, we need to listen and obey what He reveals to us. (Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:1-4; 3:1-8)
March 13: Why is Jesus better than the angels? Jesus is the Son of God who rules as the righteous King over everything. (Hebrews 1:5-14; 2:5-8)
March 20: How is Jesus able to meet my needs? As our High Priest, Jesus intercedes for us before God and offers the perfect sacrifice—Himself—on our behalf. (Hebrews 5:1-10; 7:23-28)
March 27: What does Jesus’ death and resurrection mean for me? Jesus died so that we would not have to, and He rose again to give us a new and eternal life with Him. (Luke 24:1-8; Hebrews 9:11-15)
April 2005
Unit 2: Surround Sound (All Youth)
Beneath the Surface (Younger Youth)
Got Game? (Older Youth)
April 3: If God loves me, then why is this happening to me? The difficulties in life can help us grow spiritually as we trust God. (James 1:1-8,12-18)
April 10: How do I show others what I believe? Our words and actions show what we believe. (James 1:22-27; 2:14-24)
April 17: How can I keep my mouth from getting me in trouble? Because our words are powerful, we are to be wise in how we speak to others. (James 3:1-6,13-18)
April 24: Why should I to submit to God’s plan? Submission to God allows us to experience the abundance and goodness that comes from His grace at work in our lives. (James 4:1-17)
May 2005
Unit 3: Picture This (All Youth)
Surf’s Up (Younger Youth)
Victory in the Making (Older Youth)
May 1: How do I develop godly character? Faith in God is the foundation for godly character. (Genesis 12:1-4,10-13,17-20)
May 8: How can God help me handle conflicts? Godly character includes being peace-loving and generous in our relationships with others. (Genesis 13:1-2,5-12,14-18)
May 15: Why do I have to wait on God? Godly character is developed as we patiently trust God to work. (Genesis 16:1-6; 17:1-2,19; 18:10-15)
May 22: What can I learn from my mistakes? Godly character includes understanding God’s mercy and seeking to exhibit that same mercy. (Genesis 18:22-25,32; 19:1-2a,4-8,12-16)
May 29 What am I willing to surrender in my obedience to God? Godly character is demonstrated by our complete surrender and obedience. Genesis 22:1-3,6-14
Abraham: The Visitors and the Promise (Genesis 18:1-15):
Drama: Ha! Ha! Ha! A Skit based on Genesis 18 v. 1-15
Lesson and activity: Answer. This is a complete Bible course for 4th grade through junior high in pdf format (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader). Pages 17-19 are on Abraham.
Demonstration: 52 Faith Building Activities. Select the Star Projector Craft on the left.
Snack and Activities: Desert Dweller's Tea Time. Has a recipe for tea, which it uses to discuss nomadic life and hospitality. Also good for a lesson on African missions.
Coloring Page: Three Angels Visit Abraham.
Isaac Is Born (Genesis 19:1-8):
Multiple resources: Isaac
Complete lesson: Isaac Is Born.
The Offering of Isaac (Genesis 22:1-24):
Drama: Bargaining with God? based on Genesis 22 v. 1-14
Coloring page: Abraham and Isaac. (See #5 below for the user policy.)
Coloring Page: Abraham With His Son Isaac.
Coloring Page: Abraham Praying.
Later, another man showed that he would obey God. Abraham trusted God enough that he would even sacrifice his own son, Isaac. God provided a ram as a substitute sacrifice. This was a picture of the substitute who would be sacrificed for our sins 2,000 years later.
June 2005
Unit 1: Walking the Walk (All Youth)
Follow the Right Path (Younger Youth)
Road Trip (Older Youth)
June 5: Why do I need salvation? We are all sinners, yet we have hope because salvation is available to us through Jesus Christ. (Romans 1:18-21; 2:2-5; 3:21-25)
June 12: What do I get out of salvation? God meets all my needs through His plan of salvation. (Romans 4:6-8,20-25; 5:6-11)
June 19: What does freedom mean to me? Salvation frees us from the slavery of sin. (Romans 6:11-14,17-23; 7:4-6)
June 26: What does God’s grace mean to me? God extends His grace to all who come to Him through faith in His Son Jesus Christ. (Romans 9:30-33; 10:8b-17)
July 2005
Unit 2: Dynamic Messages for Christians (All Youth)
Get Fit (Younger Youth)
A Sweet Ride (Older Youth)
July 3: Why should I be concerned about my lifestyle? Christians are to be witnesses and examples to others of the change Christ makes in a person’s life. (1 Corinthians 8:9-13; 9:19-27)
July 10: How can I win spiritual battles? Christians are to prepare themselves for spiritual battle by making use of the armor and weapons God provides. (2 Corinthians 10:3-5; Ephesians 6:10-20)
July 17: Where can I find joy in my life? Christians should reflect joy in the Lord even in the midst of the trials and difficulties of life. (Philippians 3:1-9; 4:4-8)
July 24: How can I know what I believe? Christians are to guard themselves against the persuasive influence of false teachings and doctrines. (Colossians 2:1-10,18-23)
July 31 Why should I have to work? God desires that Christians be productive in work and ministry. (Colossians 3:22-24; 1 Thessalonians 2:8-12; 2 Thessalonians 3:7-13)
August 2005
Unit 3: He’s Coming Back! (All Youth)
The Return: By the Book (Younger Youth)
Unsolved Mysteries (Older Youth)
August 7: When will Jesus return? The exact time of Jesus’ return is not known, but it will reflect God’s patience with the lost. (Matthew 24:3-8,37-41; 2 Peter 3:3-4,8-9)
August 14: What will Jesus’ return be like? Jesus’ second coming will be different in nature from His first. (Matthew 24:23-31; Revelation 19:11-16)
August 21: What will heaven be like? In the eternal place prepared for the redeemed, all the effects of sin will be reversed. (Revelation 21:1-7; 22:1-5)
August 28: How do I get ready for Jesus’ return? We should live alert and godly lives as we look forward to Jesus’ return. (1 Thessalonians 5:1-11; 2 Peter 3:11-12,14-15)