Unit 10 Study Guide

Which president was responsible for the reopening of China? / Richard Nixon
What was the name of the political scandal that involved Richard Nixon and led to a distrust in the US gov’t by the American people? / Watergate Scandal
Who became president following the resignation of Richard Nixon and pardoned Nixon of his charges? / Gerald Ford
What was the name of the law that granted the President the power to send armed forces to other countries without consent of Congress? / The War Powers Act
What is the name of the federal organization designed to protect the environment and was founded under the Nixon administration? / Environmental Protection Agency
This agreement was negotiated in 1978 between Pres. Jimmy Carter and Egypt’s Anwar Sadat and Israel’s Menachem Begin. It led to peace between Egypt and Israel. It is known as… / Camp David Accords
Which event caused Pres. Jimmy Carter’s popularity to drop to an all-time low? / The Iranian Hostage Crisis
What is Reaganomics? / A policy to raise productivity in order to lower prices of products as well as lowering unemployment rates.
Who was the head of the Soviet Union from 1985-1991 and worked with Reagan to bring about the collapse of the Soviet Union? / Mikail Gorbachev
He was the 1988 Republican president who increased welfare and unemployment during a recession. He also was president during the Persian Gulf War. / George H.W. Bush
Which president is being described by the following: former governor of Arkansas, 3rd youngest president elected, and 2nd president to be impeached? / Bill Clinton
As part of the his foreign policy in 1993, he urged Congress to pass the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which eliminated trade barriers between Mexico, the US, and… / Canada
Which election is being described: George W. Bush (Rep) vs VP Al Gore (Dem), Bush won electoral vote and Gore won popular vote, the controversial final vote count in FL had to bet settled by the Supreme Court, and Bush was made president. / Election of 2000
The Islamic terrorist organization that launched the 9/11 attacks was… / Al Qaeda
Who was the leader of Al Qaeda? / Osama Bin Laden
Sept 11, 2001 was a turning point in American history because… / It created a new focus on world terrorism.
What was the purpose of the US interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq in the early 2000s? / Counter the threat of terrorism
Which Cabinet dept was created following the 9/11 attacks? / Department of Homeland Security
How would you describe technology and media in the 21st century? / Information and politics became more accessible, terrorist organizations used technology to recruit and spread ideology, there was increased surveillance due to the creation of NSA through the Patriot Act.
What was significant about the Election of Barack Obama in 2008? / He was the first African American president.