Unit 1 Week 6 Day 1: Animal Park

Animals Tame and Wild

High Frequency: home, into, many, them

Comprehension: Cause and Effect

Grammar: Questions

Vocabulary (Amazing Words): desert, forest, world, surf, beneath, snug, native, reserve

(Selection Words): park, elephants, zebras, hippos

Background Knowledge / Review
We’ve been talking all about animals. This week we are going to read and talk about animals that live around the world.
ELL Poster #6
(Read the poster talk-through to introduce the poster. Then assess prior knowledge about the poster by describing animal homes and having children point to the correct animal. Ask the children to name the animals’ homes. Give help as needed.)
Video: Animal Faces, Animal Places—video shows several short clips of animals from around the wordl
(Amazing Words
desert, forest, world, surf) / ELL Poster #6
Look at the picture of the rabbit. This rabbit lives in the desert.
A desert is a very dry place, usually covered with sand. (definition)
Say it with me. Get ready.. . A desert is a very dry place, usually covered with sand.
What is a very dry place, usually covered with sand? A desert.
What is a desert? A desert is a very dry place, usually covered with sand.
A snake might live in a desert. You might see a cactus in a desert.
What else do you think might live in a desert?
Look at the fox sleeping by the tree. These fox lives in the forest.
A forest is a place with many trees. (definition)
Say it with be. Get ready…A forest is a place with many trees.
What is a place with many trees called? A forest.
Many animals live in the forest.
Which animals do you think might live in the forest?
Look at the big circle picture in the middle of the picture. That is a picture of the world. We live in the world.
The world is all of Earth. (definition)
Say it with me. Get ready… The world is all of Earth.
What is the world? The world is all of Earth.
The world is a very big place.
Many people live around the world.
Look at the white seals. Seals live by the ocean. Seals like to surf the ocean waves.
Surf means to ride. (definition)
Say it with be. Get ready…Surf means to ride.
What is surf? Surf means to ride.
When you are surfing you are moving from place to place.
High Frequency
home, into, many, them / (Help children to respond to questions using complete sentences when appropriate.)
Here are this week’s high frequency words.
This word is home. What word? home
Everyone, spell home. h-o-m-e
What word did you spell? home
Home is the where you live.
After school we will go home.
Where is your home?
This word is into. What word? into
Everyone, spell into. i-n-t-o
What word did you spell? into
The word into tells where someone or something is going.
Go into the school.
Put your foot into your shoe.
This word is many. What word? many
Everyone, spell many. m-a-n-y
What word did you spell? many
The word many means a lot.
There are many children in our school.
There are many books in the library.
This word is them. What word? them
Everyone, spell them. t-h-e-m
What word did you spell? your
Them, means other people or animals.
The kittens are playing. Look at them!
Those people are dancing. Let’s watch them.
Second Time
When I touch under the word, say the word in your head.
When I tap under the word, everyone will say the word aloud.
Practice the word list until they read the list without errors.
Unpredictable individual turns (Not everyone will have an individual turn.)