UNIT 1 Test: Welcome to Spanish Class
Spanish I – Ms. Reilly
Version A
UNIT ASSESSMENT ALIGNMENT GUIDELearning Goal # / Learning Goal / Aligned Item #’s / Points Correct / Points Possible / Grade
1 / 1.1,1.3 Exchange names and present basic introductions. / 21-25 / 5
2 / 1.1, 1.2 Recognize and use the Spanish alphabet to spell Spanish words. / 1-5 / 5
3 / 1.2 Recognize useful classroom expressions, objects, dates, and telling time. / 26-35 / 10
4 / 1.2 Recognize spoken numbers. / 6-10 / 5
5 / 1.3 Use numbers to exchange telephone numbers. / Speaking / 5
6 / 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Exchange greetings and present and respond to introductory conversations. / 16-20 / 5
7 / 1.2 Recognize and use basic classroom commands and questions. / 41-45 / 5
8 / 1.2, 1.3 Interpret and present seasons and weather conditions. / 36-40 / 5
9 / 2.1 Describe the origin of the Spanish language and where it is spoken in
the world. / 46-50 / 5
10 / 2.1 Recognize appropriate salutations (formal vs. informal) and gestures. / 11-15 / 5
11 / 2.2 Identify the benefits of studying another language and culture. / 51-55 / 5
Reading Comprehension / 56-60 / 10
Writing / 24
TOTAL: / 94
SECTION I – LISTENING 10 points (1 pt. each)
Learning Goal 2
Listen carefully as each letter is read in Spanish. Each letter will be read twice. Write the correct letter (a, b or c) in the blank provided.
1. ____ a. Xb. Zc. U
2. ____ a. Wb. Cc. V
3. ____ a. CHb. Ñ c. S
Listen carefully to the words that I spell in Spanish. Copy down each letter as I call it out. The letters will form a Spanish word. (4 points, 2 points each)
4. ______(5 letters)
5. ______(7 letters)
Learning Goal 4
Listen carefully as each number is read in Spanish. Each number will be read twice. Write the correct letter (a, b or c) in the blank provided.
6. ____a. 9b. 19c. 4
7. ____a. 11b. 1c. 20
8. ____a. 6 b. 16c. 14
9. Write the classroom number as you hear it: ______
10. Write the phone number as you hear it: ______
Learning Goal 10
Write whether you would use TU or USTED to address the following people.
- your best friend
12. your principal
13. your boss at work
14. your sister
15. your grandmother
Learning Goal 6
Match the expressions you would use with the following people in these situations.
_____ 16. to greet the principal in the morning
_____ 17. to tell a new student it is nice to meet her too
_____ 18. to tell a friend you will see him later
_____ 19. to greet your teacher in the afternoon
_____ 20. to tell a classmate good-bye
Learning Goal 1
DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions in complete sentences in Spanish.
21. ¿Cómo te llamas? ______
22. ¿Cómo estás?______
23. ¿De dónde eres? ______
24. ¿Qué pasa? ______
25. How do you ask the principal how she is doing? ______
Learning Goal 3
- 3:15 ¿Qué hora es?
- Son las tres y media.
- Son las tres y cuarto.
- Son las cuatro menos quince.
- 2:30 ¿Qué hora es?
- Son las dos y media.
- Son las tres menos treinta.
- Son las dos y cuarto.
- 11:26 ¿Qué hora es?
- Es la once y veintiseite
- Son las once y veintiseis.
- Son las once menos treintaseis.
- 1:00 ¿Qué hora es?
- Es la una.
- Son la una.
- Son las unas.
- 6:16 ¿Qué hora es?
- Es la seis y diecisiete
- Son las seis y dieciséis.
- Son las siete menos treintaseis.
- Hoy es domingo, el trece de diciembre.
- Saturday, Dec. 3
- Sunday, Dec. 3
- Saturday, Dec. 13
- Sunday, Dec. 13
- Hoy es martes, el veinte y siete de junio.
- Thursday, June 26
- Wednesday, July 17
- Tuesday, June 27
- Monday, July 23
- Mañana es viernes, el treinta y uno de octubre.
- Friday, October 31
- Thursday, October 21
- Tuesday, October 30
- Saturday, October 20
- Write the date in Spanish: 7/5
- Es el seis de abril.
- Es el siete de mayo.
- Es el cuatro de julio.
- Es el cinco de junio.
- Write the date in Spanish: 30/8
- Es el treinta de septiembre.
- Son los treinta de julio.
- Es el treinta y uno de agosto.
- Es el treinta de agosto.
Learning Goal 8
- In January what season is it?
- El verano
- La primavera
- El invierno
- El otoño
- In April what season is it?
- El verano
- La primavera
- El invierno
- El otoño
- (picture) ¿Qué tiempo hace?
- Llueve.
- Hace sol.
- Nieva.
- (picture) ¿Qué tiempo hace?
- Hace calor.
- Hace frío.
- Hace viento.
- ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? ______
Learning Goal 7
Match the picture to the correct classroom command.
- Abre el libro ______
- Sientate ______
- Levanta la mano ______
- Silencio, por favor ______
- Levantate ______
Learning Goal 9
List 5 countries where Spanish is spoken.
46. ______
47. ______
48. ______
49. ______
50. ______
Learning Goal 11
51-55. In a MEAL paragraph, explain why learning Spanish is important. Give three reasons.
Section 3: Read the following dialogue and answer the following questions IN ENGLISH.
10 points total, 2 pts. each
- What is Persona A’s name? ______
- Where is Persona A from? ______
- How is Persona A doing? ______
- What time of day is it? ______
- When will they next see each other? ______
Section 4: Writing.
In Spanish, write 25 words to introduce yourself and describe the day, Duch as date, time and weather.