Unit 1 Project – Scavenger Hunt


  1. Student will be able to recognize various geometric figures/relations in the real world. (Congruency – Parts)
  2. Students will be able to explain how two lines are parallel using angles relationships. (Congruency – Angles)
  3. Students will be able to explain when two angles are vertical. (Congruency – Angles)
  4. Students will be able to describe a rigid transformation and explain each the type and magnitude of all 3 rigid transformations. (Transformation)


As an investigator and a reporter, you are going to go out into the real world and look for evidence and explain your reasoning. You are going to create a packet gathering all of evidence and reasoning. For your evidence, you are going to print or draw your picture (drawing must be from the real world), create a PowerPoint/Prezi presentation or record your findings. Your explanation could be either printed or in black/blue ink. If you are recording your work, you can work in pairs as long as the work and explanation is divided evenly. Each task should be done in a page.

  1. Look for 3 examples of linear pair. Measure the angles to make sure that they form a linear pair. Rule: Angles cannot be 90 degrees. Draw or print the picture with its measurements.
  1. Look for 4 examples of parallel lines. Prove that the lines are parallel by using all 4 angle relationships (1 per example). Explain whether the lines are parallel for purpose or looks.Do not forget to attach ordraw a picture.
  1. Look for 2 sets of vertical angles. Prove that the angles are vertical by using the definition in the book and the measurement of the angles. Note: Only one set can be right angle. Do not forget to attach ordraw a picture.
  1. Give an example of a translation, rotation (about itself or a given point) and a reflection. Make sure to name, measure, and explain each translation. Measure all lengths and angles to prove that they are examples of a rigid transformation. Do not forget to label the pre image and the image.


  1. What are the characteristics of a linear pair?
  2. What are the characteristics of vertical angles?
  3. How can you tell whether two lines are parallel by only using a protractor?
  4. What are rigid transformations?


Write a one paragraph explaining your thoughts about this assignment. What challenges did you have and how you overcame it? What did you like about it? What would you do differently? What mathematical practices did you use and how?

What to turn in:

Option 1: Packet

-Cover page

-Table of content


  • Each task should be done in a different page
  • Multiple examples of the same task can be on the same page



Option 2: PowerPoint/Prezi

-Cover slide

-Table of content


  • Each task should be done in a different page
  • Multiple examples of the same task can be on the same page



Option 3: Video



-Tasks with examples and explanation



All options can be turned in during class or electronically.

Due Date: October 1st