Fifth Grade Reading Street ( )

2014 Edition – Unit 5.1.1 Red Kayak Genre: Realistic Fiction
Vocabulary Words:
1. compressions – short applications of pressure
2. grumbled – complained in a bad-tempered way
3. insistently – in a persistent and urgent way
4. intentionally – on purpose
5. minute – a period of time equal to sixty seconds
6. neutral – a position of gears in which no motion goes from an engine to other working parts
7. normally – usually; in a normal way / Spelling Words:
1. distance
2. method
3. anger
4. problem
5. butter
6. petals
7. enjoy
8. perhaps
9. figure
10. channel
11. admire
12. comedy
13. husband
14. tissue
15. mustard
16. shuttle
17. advance
18. drummer
19. regular
20. denim
21. avalanche
22. monopoly
23. reluctant
24. adequate
25. tangerine
Amazing Words:
1. terrified – very afraid
2. treacherous – dangerous
3. bravery – courage or being brave
4. heroine – a woman admired for her brace deeds and noble acts
5. revive – to bring back to life or consciousness
6. expedition – a journey for some special purpose such as an exploration for scientific study
7. anticipate – to look forward to something
8. trepidation – an uncomfortable feeling that something bad might happen
9. ferocity – a great fierceness or intensity
10. audacity – a willingness to be bold and take risks
Comprehension: Literacy Elements: Character and Plot, Monitor and Clarify
Fluency: Appropriate Expression
Writing: Organization, Directions
Spelling: Short Vowels VCCV, VCV
Grammar: Four Kinds of Sentences
Vocabulary: Homographs, Context Clues
Listening and Speaking: Interview

Fifth Grade Reading Street ( )

2014 Edition - Unit 5.1.2 Thunder Rose Genre: Tall Tales
Vocabulary Words:
1.  branded – marked by burning the skin with a hot iron
2.  constructed – pull together; fitted together; built
3.  daintily – with delicate beauty; freshly and prettily
4.  devastation – the act of laying waste; destruction
5.  lullaby – song for singing to a child; soft song
6.  pitch – a thick, black sticky substance made from tar or turpentine
7.  resourceful – good at thinking of ways to do things; quick witted
8.  thieving – stealing
9.  veins – membranous tubes forming part of the system of vessels that carry blood to the heart / Spelling Words:
1. fever
2. broken
3. climate
4. hotel
5. basic
6. vocal
7. native
8. silent
9. labor
10. spider
11. label
12. icon
13. agent
14. motive
15. vital
16. acorn
17. item
18. aroma
19. ego
20. solo
21. society
22. rhinoceros
23. notation
24. idealistic
25. equation
Amazing Words:
1.  roaring – a loud or deep sound or noise
2.  stationed – to put a person in a certain place to do a job
3.  meteorologist – someone who studies weather
4.  twister – a whirlwind or a tornado
5.  stamina – strength or endurance
6.  precipice – a very steep cliff or mountainside
7.  agriculture – another word for farming
8.  disaster – a sudden event that causes great damage or suffering
9.  unpredictable – uncertain
10. wildfire – a fire that spreads quickly and is difficult to extinguish
Comprehension: Cause and Effect, Summarize
Fluency: Rate
Writing: Voice, Tall Tale
Spelling: Long Vowel VCV
Grammar: Subjects and Predicates
Vocabulary: Homonyms, Context Clues
Listening and Speaking: Storytelling

Fifth Grade Reading Street ( )

2014 Edition - Unit 5.1.3 Island of the Blue Dolphins Genre: Novel
Vocabulary Words:
1.  gnawed – bitten at or worn away
2.  headland – narrow ridge of high land jutting out into the water
3.  kelp - large, tough, brown seaweeds
4.  lair – den or resting place of a wild animal
5.  ravine – long, deep, narrow, valley eroded by running water
6.  shellfish – water animal with a shell
1.  sinew – tendon / Spelling Words:
1. coast
2. feast
3. speech
4. wheat
5. Spain
6. paint
7. arrow
8. needle
9. charcoal
10. praise
11. faint
12. maintain
13. crease
14. grain
15. breeze
16. willow
17. appeal
18. bowling
19. complain
20. sneeze
21. dungarees
22. bungalow
23. campaign
24. speedometer
25. referee
Amazing Words:
1.  gutted – the inside of something has been removed or destroyed
2.  prey – an animal that is hunted and killed for food by other animals
3.  quartz – a hard, glossy rock that is useful for starting fires
4.  shipwreck – when a ship is destroyed or sunk at sea
5.  flint – a very hard stone that makes a spark when struck against steel and is used to start fires
6.  famished – very hungry or starving
7.  blazing – to burn with a bright flame
8.  wilderness – a wild, uncultivated region with few people living in it
9.  pursuit – the act of pursuing or chasing
10. resourceful – able to find clever ways of doing things
Comprehension: Literary Elements: Theme and Setting, Inferring
Fluency: Appropriate Expression
Writing: Focus/Ideas, Invitation
Spelling: Long Vowel Digraphs
Grammar: Independent and Dependent Clauses
Vocabulary: Unknown Words, Dictionary/Glossary
Listening and Speaking: How-To Demonstration

Fifth Grade Reading Street ( )

2014 Edition - Unit 5.1.4 Satchel Paige Genre: Biography
Vocabulary Words:
1.  confidence – firm belief in yourself
2.  fastball – a pitch thrown at high speed with very little curve
3.  mocking – laughing at; making fun of
4.  outfield – the three players in the outfield
5.  unique – having no like or equal
6.  weakness – a weak point; slight fault
7.  windup – swinging movement of the arms while twisting the body just before pitching the ball / Spelling Words:
1. supplied
2. supplying
3. denied
4. denying
5. decided
6. deciding
7. included
8. including
9. admitted
10. admitting
11. occurred
12. occurring
13. qualified
14. qualifying
15. identified
16. identifying
17. delayed
18. delaying
19. satisfied
20. satisfying
21. occupied
22. occupying
23. criticized
24. criticizing
25. omitted
26. omitting
Amazing Words:
1. barrier – a structure that obstructs a passage, an obstacle
2. strive – to work hard
3. hardships – things that make life difficult
4. vigor – have lots of physical and mental energy
5. hostility – unfriendliness, dislike, or hatred
6. devotion – a strong feeling of loyalty and affection
7. endured – tolerated or suffered through
8. resist – to act against or try to prevent
9. ambition – a strong desire to succeed
10. discipline – self-control
Comprehension: Fact and Opinion, Questioning
Fluency: Appropriate Phrasing
Writing: Word Choice, Newsletter
Spelling: Adding –ed, -ing
Grammar: Compound and Complex Sentences
Vocabulary: Antonyms, Context Clues
Media Literacy: Sportscast

Fifth Grade Reading Street ( )

2014 Edition - Unit 5.1.5 Ten Mile Day Genre: Expository Text
Vocabulary Words:
1.  barren – unable to produce much or any plant life
2.  deafening – stunningly loud
3.  lurched – leaned or rolled suddenly
4.  previous – coming or being before
5.  prying – moving or forcing open; searching too curiously
6.  surveying – looking over or viewing / Spelling Words:
1. they’re
2. you’ve
3. weren’t
4. needn’t
5. there’d
6. they’ve
7. mustn’t
8. what’ll
9. doesn’t
10. hadn’t
11. could’ve
12. would’ve
13. should’ve
14. might’ve
15. wouldn’t
16. who’ve
17. shouldn’t
18. who’d
19. this’ll
20. couldn’t
21. there’ve
22. mightn’t
23. what’ve
24. must’ve
25. there’ll
Amazing Words:
1. immigration – moving from one country to another
2. Ellis Island – a small island in the harbor of New York. IN the past, it was an entry point for immigrants to the United States.
3. belongings – the things that someone owns, his or her possessions
4. anxiously – having fears about what might happen
5. allegiance – loyalty or faithfulness
6. emblem – a visual representation of an idea, place, or person
7. sustenance – food or nourishment; a source of strength or life
8. adversity – great difficulty or hardship
9. established – set up on a lasting basis
10. homeland – the country that is your home or native land
Comprehension: Cause and Effect, Text Structure
Fluency: Accuracy
Writing: Organization, Expository Composition
Spelling: Contractions
Grammar: Common, Proper, and Collective Nouns
Vocabulary: Contractions
Listening and Speaking: Job Advertisement