Milan, march 2 2015 - After a one-year interruption in 2015, Expodental – traditionally the most important international dental show in Italy - , is getting ready to come back as the new EXPODENTAL MEETING, from 19th to 21st May 2016 in Rimini.

The ambition is to launch the one international reference event in Italy, by merging Expodental’s role as main international exhibition for the Italian dental sector and the well-known city of Rimini, as traditional location of one of the dental sector’s most attended national events.

Innovation and tradition will join up in Expodental Meeting, with a strong push towards future and internationalization. A large number of international companies is expected to attend the new exhibition, even though the event will be promoted during the most important international dental exhibitions as the major showcase for Made in Italy products and businesses, sponsored and organized by UNIDI, the Italian Dental Industries Association.

Many changes have been applied to Expodental, starting form the name: not just Expodental, but EXPODENTAL MEETING, which has been chosen to highlight the scientific and international nature of the event.

The location will change as well, from Milan to Rimini. A strong organization and a logistics suitable to receive an international audience will simplify this change. With this in mind, the new pavilions in 2016 will be located at the South entrance, where the high-speed trains from Milan and other major Italian cities stop. Furthermore, the incoming initiatives promoted by UNIDI through the selection, invitation and reception of buyers’ delegations interested in Made in Italy’s dental product will be moved in Rimini’s event from 2015.

“We are very happy – Lorenzo Cagnoni, Rimini Fiera’s president, comments – that our fairgorunds will h9ost the main event of the dental sector where the most excellent and innovative national dental companies will exhibit. We are very familiar with this sector because of the ultra-decennial presence of the national congress Amici di Brugg in Rimini Fiera. We make ourselves available to UNIDI to share development trajectories, with the absolute certainty that together we will be able to plan a great future for Expodental Meeting


Rimini Fiera Group closed 2014 respecting its three-years business planwith a preliminary balance sheet of 67,1 million (63,2 million in 2013), an EBITDA up to 11,5 million, and a consolidated net income of 2,7 million. In 2014 Rimini Fiera, that is permanently one of the first four Italian fairgrounds,had 7.531 exhibitors (7.284 in 2013), 1.848.785 visitors (1.725.187 in 2013) and 880.460square meters sold (720.268 in 2013). Rimini Fiera’s media visibility on radio, tv, newspapers, magazines and social is due only to the media relation’s activity, and in 2014 it reached almost 806 million gross contacts (640 million in 2013).

ABOUT UNIDI (Italian Dental Industries Association)

UNIDI associates more than 100 Italian high-calibre manufacturers of equipment and consumables for dentists and dental technicians. The Italian Dental Industry employs about 3.300 people and achieves an annula revenue of more than € 720 million, of which more than 60% is represented by export. This sector confirms its position in the forefront of international markets on the strength of the excellent Made in Italy’s reputation for its reliability, technological innovation and pleasing design.

UNIDI promotes Made in Italy by organizing important trade shows in Italy and all around the world.

For further information, please contact the Organizing Committee:

Promunidi Srl

V.le E. Forlanini, 23, Milano

tel. 02/70061222; fax 02/70006546
